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Supreme Court Nominee - Neil M. Gorsuch |OT|

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I still can't believe that nobody paid any political cost for that horseshit. Garland would have been an outstanding justice. We basically have Scalia 2.0, but I guess it could have been worse.

It's infuriating that NOTHING happened. Obama gave the most polite tongue-lashings (and that's coloring it as harshly as I can) once or twice but that's about it. Instead he should have fucking roasted everyone he could for blocking his nomination. Over 300 days of no movement... and a number of senators didn't even bother to meet Garland. Fucking double insult.

Democrats will roll over.

I know the threat to nuking the filibuster should the republicans choose to do that but is there any perceivable benefit for the democrats should that happen and should they take back either house in 2018 or 2020? Could we go Carte Blanche?

The House isn't involved in providing advice and consent on SCOTUS nominations. On the Senate side, in 2018, 33 of 100 seats are up for grabs: 23 Democrats, 2 Independents (Bernie, Angus King in Maine) who caucus with the Democrats, and only eight Republican seats are in play.

Right now, it's 52-48.

You can see that math doesn't immediately favor Team Blue.

Now, is there any perceivable benefit to the nuclear option of lowering the vote threshold to 50? Not until 2020, because Trump is the one putting forward names. For every Jim Mattis, who's a competent and bipartisan pick, there are seemingly 100 Betsy DeVoses.


I get the feeling this pick is moderate* (heh) enough for some of the Dems to go for it. Honestly, in a situation like this, if he doesn't get thru, what if they pick an even more conservative nominee next and that guy/lady gets thru? Might not be worth the risk.
This pick is going to be hard for Democrats to obstruct. Gorsuch is basically the best progressives could get out of the conservative pool of candidates. Trump is not going to nominate a moderate.

It sucks what Republicans did to Obama and Garland. But there are simply too many battles to fight. I think Democrats are better off focusing on the Muslim Ban and Russian investigations than wasting oxygen over this Supreme Court pick.
Dems won't force the filibuster issue.
They'll roll over. And then Kennedy will step down and we'll get Pryor. And they won't force it there, either.

This is the most likely outcome and also the saddest. You can also add "RBG, who is an elderly, frail woman..." and come up with more nightmarish scenarios.

Getting 51 seats in 2018 should be the absolute top priority - more than the 2020 Presidential election, even. The fate of the country is literally battling against Father Time.
The House isn't involved in providing advice and consent on SCOTUS nominations. On the Senate side, in 2018, 33 of 100 seats are up for grabs: 23 Democrats, 2 Independents (Bernie, Angus King in Maine) who caucus with the Democrats, and only eight Republican seats are in play.

Right now, it's 52-48.

You can see that math doesn't immediately favor Team Blue.

Now, is there any perceivable benefit to the nuclear option of lowering the vote threshold to 50? Not until 2020, because Trump is the one putting forward names. For every Jim Mattis, who's a competent and bipartisan pick, there are seemingly 100 Betsy DeVoses.

Even if they lose '18, they can still filibuster down the road.

They literally have nothing to lose

Ted Cruz is on Trump's side

You don't say
This pick is going to be hard for Democrats to obstruct. Gorsuch is basically the best progressives could get out of the conservative pool of candidates. Trump is not going to nominate a moderate.

It sucks what Republicans did to Obama and Garland. But there are simply too many battles to fight. I think Democrats are better off focusing on the Muslim Ban and Russian investigations than waisting oxygen over this Supreme Court pick.

Exactly. Trump will never nominate a moderate and there's really nothing we can do. The dream of a liberal court died with Clinton's campaign, it's time for us to figure out where to go from here instead of doing things that doesn't help the cause.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Even if they lose '18, they can still filibuster down the road.

They literally have nothing to lose

You don't say

If they don't filibuster now, I see people really losing faith in the party even more. I really don't think now is the time for inaction and hedging bets.
Even if they lose '18, they can still filibuster down the road.

They literally have nothing to lose

No, the point is being able to shape Senate procedures and maintain the 60-vote threshold so that they can filibuster. If 2018 goes south in a bad way, the Republicans have nothing to lose in scrapping the 60-vote requirement, thus ending the filibuster, and stacking the Court with Trump's next 2 picks.


Ted Cruz is standing in that room talking about "unprecedented partisan obstruction". Go fuck yourself, sir. The irony of this fucking occasion that you're saying that is lost on no one...

Keep eating and shitting and eating the same lies, Cruz. Fuck you.
Don's first choice was


Until he was told he's been dead for 24 years


Yeah. No reason to use what little political capital we have so early. It's not like you can filibuster this guy for 4 years and him getting in doesn't really move the court in any direction. If you try to delay here at all, the filibuster will be instantly killed and you no longer have this tool if a more liberal judge retires later. If you delay a SC nominee later in a term, McConnell may very likely see enough value in the tool and not throw it out.

'Rolling over' now is not a loss.

'Lets not filibuster him so that they dont take away our filibuster rights.'
What prevents the republicans from removing it anyway.

The GOP benefits from the filibuster as much if not more then the Dems do. They know this well. If they kill it now, it's gone forever and they can't use it if they get back into a pre-2016 state.
There's honestly a pretty good chance that Roe v. Wade will be overturned in the not too distant future. That's what people abstaining from this election cost us.


If they don't filibuster now, I see people really losing faith in the party even more. I really don't think now is the time for inaction and hedging bets.
It's not the time but that's exactly what they will do. Because they're spineless and have no teeth and I doubt even the threat of Bernie's Justice Democrats will make them magically grow a backbone.


If the dems do try to filibuster this, and McConnell listens to Trump and gets rid of the filibuster, then we're officially on a 2 year "old ass justices please don't die" watch.

Because if one of them dies, we'll get an absolutely insane person next when Trump knows there can be no opposition.

Not sure it's worth the risk.
No, the point is being able to shape Senate procedures and maintain the 60-vote threshold so that they can filibuster. If 2018 goes south in a bad way, the Republicans have nothing to lose in scrapping the 60-vote requirement, thus ending the filibuster, and stacking the Court with Trump's next 2 picks.

Filibustering had to die. Better for it to die at GOP hands


You guys are advocating for depressing the base. This should be fought. The next one should be fought. The threat of them nuking the fillibuster shouldn't stop them from fighting.
Yeah. No reason to use what little political capital we have so early. It's not like you can filibuster this guy for 4 years and him getting in doesn't really move the court in any direction. If you try to delay here at all, the filibuster will be instantly killed and you no longer have this tool if a more liberal judge retires later. If you delay a SC nominee later in a term, McConnell may very likely see enough value in the tool and not throw it out.

'Rolling over' now is not a loss.

Yep. People are delusional as shit if they think this seat is going to be empty for four years. You guys trying to make sure Republicans stay in power for 2018, do this, go right ahead.
If they don't filibuster now, I see people really losing faith in the party even more. I really don't think now is the time for inaction and hedging bets.

Like I said, they should do it.

It won't "work" in the sense that the nominee will absolutely be appointed.

It may "work" in the sense that it inspires the base and educates people on the importance of 2018.

(The fact that Gorsuch himself isn't a Nazi -- low bar, I know -- and is a qualified, brilliant jurist doesn't matter: this is really about Kennedy and RBG's seats.)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
If the dems do try to filibuster this, and McConnell listens to Trump and gets rid of the filibuster, then we're officially on a 2 year "old ass justices please don't die" watch.

Because if one of them dies, we'll get an absolutely insane person next when Trump knows there can be no opposition.

Not sure it's worth the risk.

Why would they not get rid of it later?

Your reasoning does not make sense.

Make them pull the trigger.

Yep. People are delusional as shit if they think this seat is going to be empty for four years. You guys trying to make sure Republicans stay in power for 2018, do this, go right ahead.

It made zero difference last election, what makes you think anything but emails matter?
It makes me throw up in my mouth a little to think of the fact the republicans literally stole this nomination and because our fucking country voted this dumb motherfucker instead of Hillary we're going to be living with his decision for possibly 4 fucking DECADES. Fuck it makes me angry.
Not to mention the people who failed to realize what was stake this election and decided to stay home. Hope they're proud of themselves.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
How do I quell this rage inside of me that is just growing by the day? I feel like conservatives staged a coup in 2010 that secured half of the legislature through land (rather than through the people). Meanwhile they destroy our freedoms, take away our health care, our social safety nets, and discriminate against our must vulnerable demographics. And I feel like they're stealing the courts until I'm a frail old man. I'm fucking 28. I shouldn't be feeling like it's all over.

And they keep on putting the worst people in power simply because of their political affiliation, rather than their ability.

Like... what the fuck can I do? They shut down their phone lines. They turn away protestors. They just ignore us all. How can I reach a peaceful state of mind in a world filled with terrible people who just won't stop hurting me?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
No, the point is being able to shape Senate procedures and maintain the 60-vote threshold so that they can filibuster. If 2018 goes south in a bad way, the Republicans have nothing to lose in scrapping the 60-vote requirement, thus ending the filibuster, and stacking the Court with Trump's next 2 picks.

I don't see how that helps them. If they are betting on the idea that they will gain seats in 2018 *and* that the next justice nomination will take place after that election, then having a lower filibuster threshold would only benefit them, no?

If the next nomination does come before 2018 somehow, the nuclear option would simply be employed then.

I'm confused how not taking action now benefits the Democrats in any way.


Did you even read? There are 2 possible justices retiring/getting sick/w/e in the next 4 years. There are possible bigger battles.

If the sides were reversed, they would fight every one and not save it for bigger battles. It geek terms it's like saving that cure potion for that impossible battle that never happens and then you never use it


This pick is going to be hard for Democrats to obstruct. Gorsuch is basically the best progressives could get out of the conservative pool of candidates. Trump is not going to nominate a moderate.

It sucks what Republicans did to Obama and Garland. But there are simply too many battles to fight. I think Democrats are better off focusing on the Muslim Ban and Russian investigations than wasting oxygen over this Supreme Court pick.

He seems anti executive order which could work in Democrats favor down the line. He's way better than what we could have gotten.


Man i really want to see pics of the other judge upset that he had to go all the way to DC for this shit and not get the nomination
Why would they not get rid of it later?

Your reasoning does not make sense.

Make them pull the trigger.

It made zero difference last election, what makes you think anything but emails matter?

Yeah, that's what I don't understand. The Republicans control the Senate. They control Senate procedures. Moreover, what people are missing is this:

Congressional institutional norms no longer matter. Politics is a team sport. Republicans ending the filibuster will not cost them political capital if it enables them to "win."

And they can do it at any time.

There is no such thing as political capital anymore. Everything is results-driven.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
He seems anti executive order which could work in Democrats favor down the line. He's way better than what we could have gotten.

He is to the right of scalia. Why the fuck should I be happy? Because Satan himself wasn't appointed?
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