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Surround Sound Gaming Rocks!


Shompola said:
Ohh I thought that you didn't notice any surround sound. And I agree with you, DPL II is kinda weak compared to the "real" thing, but still it's pretty neat for what it is I guess.
Yeah, PLII is basically made for old formats..old gaming, mp3s, cable TV, VHS tapes etc...but nothing will replace true 5.1.



isamu said:
Greetings Dragona. Hope you're doing well. I'm glad you are enjoying your receiver. Nothing like a good surround sound system!

Y'know, being that you are Japanese, I can understand why you don't like FPS and Stealth games. I don't really like them either. Are you into racing games? If so, you might want to pick up an Xbox along with OutRun 2 this November. Are you living in Japan? If so, you might be able to pick up the game earlier. From what I've heard OR2 is gunna have excellent 5.1 support.


Hi Dragona Akehi, I know its already been posted but I just wanted to echo the fact that your initial post is totally arse backwards.

The XBox is THE home theater console, true in-game Dolby Digital 5.1 in nearly every game beats any kind of PLII no matter how well implemented.

Initially PS2 only had a bunch of 4 channel only DTS games and some games that only supported 5.1 in the cut-scenes but afaik there are now more and more games supporting true in-game 5.1.

Still nowhere near as many as the Xbox though, and Halo is just amazing in 5.1. I was fighting a hunter with my back against the cliff-face. His plasma blast just missed my head (the shot panned beautifully the from front left speaker to back left speaker) and then hit the cliff wall behind my head, but the rubble it dislodged then rolled down the slope in front of me, and the crumbling rubble panned from the back left to the front left right under where the blast hit.

Simply f@#king amazing it was.
Like I said, I've not really been paying attention to the Xbox much other in a "I'll get it when it's cheap" sort of way. It's good to see that it has alot of support in terms of surround sound gaming. I'm pretty disappointed that PS2 games don't even support PLII, other than in cutscenes. Specially my favourite games like BoFV:DQ, Disgaea and Space Channel 5: Special Edition.

As I said, I'll get an Xbox eventually but with only four games I'm wanting to play right now (Otogi 1 and 2 might be another couple of possibilities), it's not exactly high on my priorities. Though it would be a nice media centre when I get one that's modded with a nice big HDD, since I can't hook my laptop up to the receiver to play Mp3s from CDs that I don't want to get wrecked.

So yeah, eventually. :p

But I'm surprised at just how good the GameCube's PLII really is. Especially after the incessent bitching from a certain number of members here. Comparing it to a 5.1 movie in digital, it isn't as good, but it's sure as hell alot better than what's offered on PS2. (Cutscene 5.1 does not count, sorry kids.)

And speaking of which bank I er, "borrowed from": Shhhhhhh. :p


I'm pretty sure R&C2 has in-game DPLII support. Onimusha 3 has that option, although I'm not sure what the hell "Dolby Digital Pro Logic II" is supposed to be (which is another option).


Miburou said:
I'm not sure what the hell "Dolby Digital Pro Logic II" is supposed to be (which is another option).
Probably the same as Super Duper Newer....another words...nothing...

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