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SW Battlefront lockups? Or is my Thompson drive dying?


Gold Member
Has anyone esle had SW Battlefront XB lock up on them? Or could my launch Thompson drive be dying?


It happened to me once online. The game occasionally crashes on LIVE, but very rarely in my experience (and I've played it a good amount).


Gold Member
Teddman said:
It happened to me once online. The game occasionally crashes on LIVE, but very rarely in my experience (and I've played it a good amount).

Ok cool. Mine's a launch Xbox and I haven't had any other problems that people complain about with the launch systems.


And even i am moderately surprised
had it lock up once in the menu system and once on the Hoth stage.

Annoying as the game is too much fun! :)


Gold Member
DCharlie said:
had it lock up once in the menu system and once on the Hoth stage.

Annoying as the game is too much fun! :)

Yeah, the haters are idiots. Best XBL game until Halo 2.


And even i am moderately surprised
i picked up the JPN version (which has to be the least trumpetted release to date) and was surprised how kick ass it was.

and damned good looking to boot.

Even the GF (who hates Star Wars) loves it.


Spoke too soon, the game locked up on me again yesterday. I think I caused it too, by throwing a grenade right underneath a landspeeder vehicle. When the grenade detonated and sent the thing flying, the game couldn't handle it (and the crowd of players around it).


DCharlie said:
i picked up the JPN version (which has to be the least trumpetted release to date) and was surprised how kick ass it was.

and damned good looking to boot.

Even the GF (who hates Star Wars) loves it.

DC, we gotta play this weekend!


The only console I've taken in and traded in on another of the same console was my Xbox. Fixed the lockups I was having in Halo and KOTOR.
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