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Swatter Gets 20 Years for Fatal Shooting


AP News
A California man was sentenced Friday to 20 years in prison for making bogus emergency calls to authorities across the U.S., including one that led police to fatally shoot a Kansas man following a dispute between two online players over $1.50 bet in the “Call of Duty: WWII” video game.

U.S. District Judge Eric Melgren sentenced Tyler R. Barriss, 26, under a deal in which he pleaded guiltyin November to a total of 51 federal charges related to fake calls and threats.

The 2017 death of 28-year-old Andrew Finch drew national attention to the practice of “swatting,” a form of retaliation in which someone reports a false emergency to get authorities, particularly a SWAT team, to descend on an address. Authorities say an Ohio gamer recruited Barriss to “swat” a Wichita gamer, but that the address they used was old, leading police to Finch, who was not involved in the video game or the dispute.
I thought he had already been sentenced.

Fuck this guy and his complete lack of empathy afterward. I hope this serves as a lesson. Shit like this needs to stop.


But wait a minute, does SWAT actually go all-in in each of these calls? I mean, sure people shouldnt mess with pranks calls, its just stupid, but if you are the police and start seeing a prank pattern, maybe you should also procede with more caution?

Im not trying to be soft on the guy, nothing like that, I just find I little odd the whole SWAT going in for each call.
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But wait a minute, does SWAT actually go all-in in each of these calls? I mean, sure people shouldnt mess with pranks calls, its just stupid, but if you are the police and start seeing a prank pattern, maybe you should also procede with more caution?

Im not trying to be soft on the guy, nothing like that, I just find I little odd the whole SWAT going in for each call.

It's usually reported as a hostage situation and that's when the big guns come out.

Crew 511A

But wait a minute, does SWAT actually go all-in in each of these calls? I mean, sure people shouldnt mess with pranks calls, its just stupid, but if you are the police and start seeing a prank pattern, maybe you should also procede with more caution?

Im not trying to be soft on the guy, nothing like that, I just find I little odd the whole SWAT going in for each call.

I've been a cop since 2001. 5.5 of those were on our SWAT team. This whole thing mystifies me. We would never go in to a house like this without something more tangible than an anonymous 9-1-1 call.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
But wait a minute, does SWAT actually go all-in in each of these calls? I mean, sure people shouldnt mess with pranks calls, its just stupid, but if you are the police and start seeing a prank pattern, maybe you should also procede with more caution?

Im not trying to be soft on the guy, nothing like that, I just find I little odd the whole SWAT going in for each call.
Did you watch the video? They tell the dude to put his hands up and then shoot him when he does.
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Good, let this scums sentence serve as a warning to other people who would try the same thing.

It is truly a sad day when a $1.50 bet sees an innocent person gunned down from a bunch of officers simply doing their job.

It's the gaming equivalent of pointing at someone in public and shouting "he has a gun", your goal is to humiliate them, but it can often end in tragedy for those who were saying it's just a prank

By the way gaming journalists, if you want to focus on actual toxic gaming practices then why not focus on jackasses like this and Despicable acts such as these as opposed to so-called misogyny, sexism and other things for clickbait.
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I've been a cop since 2001. 5.5 of those were on our SWAT team. This whole thing mystifies me. We would never go in to a house like this without something more tangible than an anonymous 9-1-1 call.

Exactly, I just find it odd, that's all, even more when I read that the dude who made the call has a huge track record doing this shit.

Did you watch the video? They tell the dude to put his hands up and then shoot him when he does.

No, I did not. But if they did that, what's the logic behind that? From what I just read the one who made the call said he (the one who got shot) had just killed his father, and was holding his mother and brother hostages. If you thermal scan the house before barging in perhaps you see you had the wrong house?

The only thing I can think of is if he did a way to aggressive move, but if you have no idea what's going on and a SWAT just raids through your door, the last thing I would do would be aggressive moves.

Honestly, this whole situation doesn't make much sense to me, but the swatter got what he deserved, that's for sure.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Exactly, I just find it odd, that's all, even more when I read that the dude who made the call has a huge track record doing this shit.

No, I did not. But if they did that, what's the logic behind that? From what I just read the one who made the call said he (the one who got shot) had just killed his father, and was holding his mother and brother hostages. If you thermal scan the house before barging in perhaps you see you had the wrong house?

The only thing I can think of is if he did a way to aggressive move, but if you have no idea what's going on and a SWAT just raids through your door, the last thing I would do would be aggressive moves.

Honestly, this whole situation doesn't make much sense to me, but the swatter got what he deserved, that's for sure.
They didn't even go in the house. He came out on his front porch to a bunch of cops yelling at him and got shot for pretty much no reason.
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They didn't even go in the house. He came out on his front porch to a bunch of cops yelling at him and got shot for pretty much no reason.

Oh well, that changes the picture. The cops got a free pass on this one? Only the swatter got prosecuted?


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Oh well, that changes the picture. The cops got a free pass on this one? Only the swatter got prosecuted?
Yup, no charges against the police. Kind of feels like the prank portion of this gave the cops an easy out.


Yup, no charges against the police. Kind of feels like the prank portion of this gave the cops an easy out.




Oh well, that changes the picture. The cops got a free pass on this one? Only the swatter got prosecuted?

The family of Finch did file a civil lawsuit against the city of Witchita for its negligence, but the DA threw it out, defending the SWAT actions.


They also to this day have not publicly identified the officer who fired the shot. Typical "Code of Silence" among officers that usually keeps them from being held accountable.


It's not something that can be easily stopped I guess. That could have easily been his first prank.

Involving authorities in any sort of prank just baffles me. They've got jobs to do and the last thing they need is to respond to some idiots joking around.

Codes 208



If some random kid can call up to police say bunch of stupid stuff and you get swat team killing random guy for literally nothing.

Then kid isn't the problem, there is much bigger problem at hand than that kid.


Where's the justice for the innocent man that was killed? A swat team can come to your home guns blazing without any investigation to ascertain the facts. How's that even legal. No officer's life was in immediate danger.
I honestly don't understand how dumb, and rage filled, you have to be to not realize the potential consequences. You're sending armed individuals to a location, that they believe a life threatening crisis is taking place. I would like to believe this would put an end to this kind of behavior, but sadly i don't think it will.


Yes, the kid is just as much the problem for instigating a high risk situation in the first place.

You don't play with the lives of other people. EVER.

Doesn't mean that the SWAT team shouldn't face consequences / should improve related protocols.
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Yes, the kid is just as much the problem for instigating a high risk situation in the first place.

You don't play with the lives of other people. EVER.

Doesn't mean that the SWAT team shouldn't face consequences / should improve related protocols.
Thank you. I was starting to worry if that 26 years old man (not a kid) shouldn't be punished for anything at all because of bigger problems. I take that conviction as a small victory. I know that the swat team situation will be another battle in order to hold them accountable for being likely trigger happy to kill a innocent man over a false information.


Yes, the kid is just as much the problem for instigating a high risk situation in the first place.
You don't play with the lives of other people. EVER.
Doesn't mean that the SWAT team shouldn't face consequences / should improve related protocols.

Kid/dude was dumb but i somehow doubt dude wanted to kill that guy over 1.5$
The real problem here is that you have SWAT team that behaves like outright executioners instead of police.

Nothing like this will EVER happen in Europe.


Writes a lot, says very little
But wait a minute, does SWAT actually go all-in in each of these calls? I mean, sure people shouldnt mess with pranks calls, its just stupid, but if you are the police and start seeing a prank pattern, maybe you should also procede with more caution?

Im not trying to be soft on the guy, nothing like that, I just find I little odd the whole SWAT going in for each call.


I get the guy must serve time as he is at fault, but we still need to question why any police department decided to take a call a simply believe any caller regardless of logic.

Basically they are personal hit men. Take call, ask no questions, no brains etc. If thats the case, my ex-wife is a terrorist, don't ask her any questions please, just shoot her..ON SIGHT! SHE DANGEROUS BRO /s


Kid/dude was dumb but i somehow doubt dude wanted to kill that guy over 1.5$
The real problem here is that you have SWAT team that behaves like outright executioners instead of police.

Nothing like this will EVER happen in Europe.

It... does and it did? I mean similiar stuff even happened in my country (Switzerland) and we're pretty good about that.
Now you can argue about consistency and details, but stuff like that always has the chance to happen if you provoke a high risk situation. DON'T PLAY WITH LIVES EVER.

I get the guy must serve time as he is at fault, but we still need to question why any police department decided to take a call a simply believe any caller regardless of logic.

Though, the process regarding what happens between the call and the SWAT team storming in is more at fault than simply questioning the believability of the caller. They HAVE to go anyways, on the offchance it is true. Can't do anything about that. However upon arrival the situation should absolutly be checked more throughly. If nothing is happening the caller should be billed (and I assume thats going to be a huge bill) and serve time.
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I'm honestly more angry at the cops.
Yep. Don't they undergo a training?

I'm happy he got punished for that bullshit, but what about the cops? Also, 20 years kinda seem a little excessive since it was unintentional and basically something never happened before. Don't get me wrong, fuck that guy. But I'm never been crazy to mob rule and lynchings.

He's being judged has he fired the shot himself and got all the blame, while
The family of Finch did file a civil lawsuit against the city of Witchita for its negligence, but the DA threw it out, defending the SWAT actions.


They also to this day have not publicly identified the officer who fired the shot. Typical "Code of Silence" among officers that usually keeps them from being held accountable.
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He got off easy. He should be in jail for life, being responsible for triggering the events that led to the death of another person.

Dude absolutely knew what SWATting entailed. He knew that these units were militant and would breach with guns drawn. He just thought it was funny— until it wasn’t and he got someone killed.

We can debate all we want about the actions of the SWAT team that night, but none of this would’ve happen if Gamer McDouche here didn’t start the process in the first place. Dude should rot in jail.
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