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SYSTEM... SHOCK... THREE!!!!!!!!!


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Retrospective on System Shock 2 posted on Gamespot


The quote that is making me leap out of my skin with hopeful joy...

Looking Glass Entertainment decided to leave their employer to form their own company, which would go on to develop a game called System Shock 2--a game we'll take a retrospective look at in anticipation of Irrational's next project, which we'll reveal to you exclusively tomorrow. (Here's a hint: it will likely please fans of System Shock 2.)

Interesting, but I'd still wait for the actual words, "We're making SS3".

They could just be making a SS2-ish game. I've learned not to get my hopes up when it comes to stuff like this. :(


Haven't they said they were doing a Shock sequel for ages? It's not like Shock 2 doesn't end with a gigantic hook for a sequel.

That was the deal. Ion Storm picks up Thief, Irrational picks up System Shock. Maybe it's just the voices in my head, I dunno.

I dunno if they can call it System Shock exactly, though, 'cuz EA probably still owns that name.


Buggy Loop

Gold Member

My most insane wish has come true!! maybe.. if not, then im sending a bomb to gamespot offices!
WarPig said:
I dunno if they can call it System Shock exactly, though, 'cuz EA probably still owns that name.

That's what I'm thinking. I thought ownership was all muddy or something. I'd like to believe this but for me, it's too early to flip out about this IMO.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
WarPig said:
Haven't they said they were doing a Shock sequel for ages? It's not like Shock 2 doesn't end with a gigantic hook for a sequel.

They never said anything of the sort, nada, not even a rumor

That was the deal. Ion Storm picks up Thief, Irrational picks up System Shock.

Not sure where you heard that
Coop said:
I need a new pair of pants. I wonder what engine this will be on..doom 3? :D

The Doom 3 engine would be nice. Seems ideal for that type of game, particularly the interface with in-game displays and such.


Huh. The good old USPTO database doesn't have an entry for System Shock. Irrational just has The Lost and Freedom Force registered, though.

In re: an engine, Irrational's using Unreal technology for Tribes and SWAT 4. Unreal 3?



Official GAF Bottom Feeder
WarPig said:
I dunno if they can call it System Shock exactly, though, 'cuz EA probably still owns that name.

EA published Freedom Force as well, but they gave the franchise to Irrational who are self publishing it now. Its not outside the realm of believability that they did the same with the System Shock name (which EA did own, NOT Eidos) since I doubt EA has any plans of their own for the franchise.

Of course, EA could also be funding and publishing the sequel with irrational developing as well, but I don't see EA doing that.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The Shadow said:
The Doom 3 engine would be nice. Seems ideal for that type of game, particularly the interface with in-game displays and such.

They are using the UT2K4 engine for both Tribes and SWAT 4, so I assume that if they are going to license an engine, they will license the one they are familiar with.


I don't care if they use the Build engine so long as I get SS3.

But for some reason I'm not getting my hopes up. :(


I really know nothing about with Irrational is doing.

I'd love to see SS3. But Irrational has been using the Unreal Engine. If they move to UE3, I'd flip out. But if they stay with UE2.5, then I'll be disappointed.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
element said:
I really know nothing about with Irrational is doing.

I'd love to see SS3. But Irrational has been using the Unreal Engine. If they move to UE3, I'd flip out. But if they stay with UE2.5, then I'll be disappointed.

The current unreal engine is still quite versatile, it can make cool scary/moody environments, see Splinter Cell for example.


Schafer said:
The current unreal engine is still quite versatile, it can make cool scary/moody environments, see Splinter Cell for example.
Well it can. But I'm thinking more along the lines of if they are doing SS3, it probably won't be out until Xmas 2005 at the earliest, and by that point there will be highly modified Doom 3 engine games, and the first gen of UE3.0 titles.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
The Doom 3 engine would be nice. Seems ideal for that type of game, particularly the interface with in-game displays and such.

I agree. Good lighting and a creepy atmosphere would be a given, and the GUI system Doom III had was excellent. Now maybe we can a see game running on it that provides worthwhile gameplay.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, I think the D3 engine would be PERFECT for the game...

Unreal 2.5 engine? Not so much...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Whatever happened to that game about the nine circles of Hell that Irrational was working on - did that ever come out?


Is Irrational tied to a publisher as of right now? Maybe EA is going to be publishing it and therefore is letting the name be used?

Or maybe EA suddenly decided to stop being dicks with all the amazing classic PC franchises they've killed and locked away in that tomb of theirs.

Nah, probably the first one. ;P

White Man

My fingers are crossed. SS2 is likely the game I enjoyed the most while playing through it the first time.

Well it can. But I'm thinking more along the lines of if they are doing SS3, it probably won't be out until Xmas 2005 at the earliest, and by that point there will be highly modified Doom 3 engine games, and the first gen of UE3.0 titles.

I dunno. . .I think the SS games have shown themselves to be about a lot more than graphics. Both previous games have used engines way behind the curve of their day. Even without the model improvement pack, I think SS2 still looks excellent today, just because the design is that tight. It totally captures the hospital-sterility I'd expect on a spaceship, and I think the very limitations of the engine may have something to do with that.

And I think one of the worst things that could happen with this game would be for Irrational to use an engine that may make them provide a design concept that doesn't make much sense for the series (See: Thief 3's teensy levels and third person mode). When all is said and done, I'd much rather Irrational use something much closer to the back-end of the technology curve (as it seems Looking Glass/Irrational has done in the past) so they could provide the ultimate SS experience -- Big levels, big atmosphere, big RPG elements.

(Also, please don't rush this one. While 2 is excellence beyond excellent, those Rickenbacker levels on the back end of the game felt sort of rushed.)


EDIT: Also, didn't Warren Spector leave/get fired from Ion Storm after Thief 3? Well, as long as I'm wishing for something that will inevitably disappoint me on several levels, I may as well say that I hope (a more humbled) Warren Spector helps out on the design of this one. That would be a start to making up to his nerdy fanbase (*cough*) for the fiasco that was DX2. And as long as I'm aimlessly wishing for improbable things, I'd like a pony. I would name it Princess Starshine.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
FoneBone said:
Um, unless I missed something, they never said System Shock 3... it may well just be a spiritual sequel.

I'm totally down with that. If it has that awesome open ended gameplay of SS2/Deus Ex, I will totally lose it (in a good way).


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Drek said:
Is Irrational tied to a publisher as of right now?

They seem to have a good relationship with Vivendi/Universal right now, having just finished developing Tribes Vengeance for them and taking up the reins of the SWAT franchise and working on SWAT 4. That being said, they have worked with EA in the past on both SS2 and Freedom Force.

White Man

The more I think about it, the whole spiritual sequel thing sounds much more likely. I mean, unless EA would sell Irrational the license, I don't really see it having the SS name. I don't think EA releases games that aren't guaranteed blockbusters anymore.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
White Man said:
The more I think about it, the whole spiritual sequel thing sounds much more likely. I mean, unless EA would sell Irrational the license, I don't really see it having the SS name. I don't think EA releases games that aren't guaranteed blockbusters anymore.

They sold Irrational the Freedom Force license, I could see them doing likewise with SS.


White Man said:
I dunno. . .I think the SS games have shown themselves to be about a lot more than graphics. Both previous games have used engines way behind the curve of their day.
Actually SS1's engine was pretty far ahead of the curve. Feature for feature, it was mostly superior to the Doom engine it competed with in 1994. Sloped surfaces, six degrees of freedom, basic physics simulation, partial floor over floor, 3D objects, vertex lighting, high-res 640x480 mode (CD only) ... about the only major thing it lacked was non-orthogonal (diagonal) walls.

White Man

Actually SS1's engine was pretty far ahead of the curve. Feature for feature, it was mostly superior to the Doom engine it competed with in 1994. Sloped surfaces, six degrees of freedom, basic physics simulation, partial floor over floor, 3D objects, vertex lighting, high-res 640x480 mode (CD only) ... about the only major thing it lacked was non-orthogonal (diagonal) walls.

Really? I can't say I've looked at it lately, but I always remember it looking ugly and primitive compared to Doom.

Heh, funny story: As of the time SS2 came out, my PC at the time, which was a pretty decent gaming rig, couldn't run that hi-rez mode of SS1.


This is great news. I've been playing through the original System Shock lately, and it's awesome. Half the challenge is getting it to run on a current PC though, since it was originally a DOS game (CD version is best).

That's about the only time I've been happy to have Windows ME, which runs it quite well after you make a few tweaks.


I have System Shock somewhere (the first one). Think it still works on the old computer too. Should boot it up sometime. Never played it.
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