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T-shirt that Liberals will hate....

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What does wearing a beret have to do with being a pansy? You know who wears berets? The Green Berets, one of the US Armies elite special forces units.


I really don't see why Iron Knuckle (or as he's registered this time, The Promised One) hasn't been banned again.


*drowns in jizz*
Keep fighting Iron knuckle. Whatever it is you want to accomplish.. maybe some day you'll be closer to it. But I doubt it.
firex said:
I really don't see why Iron Knuckle (or as he's registered this time, The Promised One) hasn't been banned again.

That is the second time I've been accused of being this guy. Who the hell is he? Just some annoying Troll?
The Promised One said:
That is the second time I've been accused of being this guy. Who the hell is he? Just some annoying Troll?


Wow, you may have just owned yourself!

Folks, tell him what he has won!
I like how people think hating the French (and the French hating America) started with the Iraq war. It's a long-standing, proud tradition! We Americans speak the inferior gutter language known as English that is has replaced the beautiful, romantic French language on the world stage. French youth are being tainted by vile, base Anglo-American culture. It's a travesty!

And the French! Those cheese-eating surrender monkeys, whose only major achievement over the past hundred years or so has been giving the boots of German soldiers a mirror-like finish. The snobby bastards whose superior attitude isn't hampered by the fact that they smell of a combination of moldy cheese, cigarettes, and body odor that can't be conquered (the only thing French thing that can't be conquered, heh) by their once a week bathing.

We can't allow our feelings on the politics of the day to get in the way of our mutual loathing! It's just not American. Or French, for that matter.

(tongue in cheek, so please save your moral indignation for something more productive)


xsarien said:

LOL, this is actually pretty funny.


First tragedy, then farce.
here is the thing:

the french fought for us in the American revolution, the french lost more troups in WWI than america has lost in all wars combined, and the french were the only people who stood up to German agression in WWI and were the first major country to stand up to them in WWII. And somehow they became cowards because they were occupied because no one else would step up to bat and help them until after that fact.

The French were also involved in many wars during the cold war...

however, the reason that we like to call the french cowards is because they arent our bitches. The French dont roll over and do exactly what we tell them so our leadership attacks them by changing the name of shit to freedom fries and the like, and the people of this country decide that the French are somehow chickenshits. Last time I checked the French (and Germans) are putting their foot down and standing up to the most powerfull nation in the history of the world, not a move that a 'pussy' country would do.

You know who I consider a cowardly government? England. They send their soldiers to die in wars that have next to NO support by their people because they will do whatever the fuck one of their old colonies tells them to.
StoOgE said:
here is the thing:

the french fought for us in the American revolution, the french lost more troups in WWI than america has lost in all wars combined, and the french were the only people who stood up to German agression in WWI and were the first major country to stand up to them in WWII. And somehow they became cowards because they were occupied because no one else would step up to bat and help them until after that fact.

The French were also involved in many wars during the cold war...

however, the reason that we like to call the french cowards is because they arent our bitches. The French dont roll over and do exactly what we tell them so our leadership attacks them by changing the name of shit to freedom fries and the like, and the people of this country decide that the French are somehow chickenshits. Last time I checked the French (and Germans) are putting their foot down and standing up to the most powerfull nation in the history of the world, not a move that a 'pussy' country would do.

You know who I consider a cowardly government? England. They send their soldiers to die in wars that have next to NO support by their people because they will do whatever the fuck one of their old colonies tells them to.

a winner is you
StoOgE said:
here is the thing:

the french fought for us in the American revolution, the french lost more troups in WWI than america has lost in all wars combined, and the french were the only people who stood up to German agression in WWI and were the first major country to stand up to them in WWII. And somehow they became cowards because they were occupied because no one else would step up to bat and help them until after that fact.

The French were also involved in many wars during the cold war...

however, the reason that we like to call the french cowards is because they arent our bitches. The French dont roll over and do exactly what we tell them so our leadership attacks them by changing the name of shit to freedom fries and the like, and the people of this country decide that the French are somehow chickenshits. Last time I checked the French (and Germans) are putting their foot down and standing up to the most powerfull nation in the history of the world, not a move that a 'pussy' country would do.

You know who I consider a cowardly government? England. They send their soldiers to die in wars that have next to NO support by their people because they will do whatever the fuck one of their old colonies tells them to.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
StoOgE said:
here is the thing:

the french fought for us in the American revolution, the french lost more troups in WWI than america has lost in all wars combined, and the french were the only people who stood up to German agression in WWI and were the first major country to stand up to them in WWII. And somehow they became cowards because they were occupied because no one else would step up to bat and help them until after that fact.

The French were also involved in many wars during the cold war...

however, the reason that we like to call the french cowards is because they arent our bitches. The French dont roll over and do exactly what we tell them so our leadership attacks them by changing the name of shit to freedom fries and the like, and the people of this country decide that the French are somehow chickenshits. Last time I checked the French (and Germans) are putting their foot down and standing up to the most powerfull nation in the history of the world, not a move that a 'pussy' country would do.

You know who I consider a cowardly government? England. They send their soldiers to die in wars that have next to NO support by their people because they will do whatever the fuck one of their old colonies tells them to.

Thank God for people like you.. I sometimes feel sad when people don't even care about history....
Disco Stu said:
One of my favorite lines about the French came from former Next Generation editor Aaron "John" Loeb. I'm not sure if he was directly quoting someone, paraphrasing, or using a description of his own creation:

Cheese-eating surrender monkeys, he called the French. Boy! Did he get some angry letters about that in Next Generation.

But I love that line.
It's from the Simpsons... Groundskeeper Willy was teaching French (and perpetuating stereotypes that have only now, thanks to the help of Stooge, are being corrected).


Junior Member
Without discrediting any of what Stooge has said, I have to add a fucking duh and that what he said is just the TIP of the iceberg.

Give me just 5 minutes with an American who calls the French cowards, and I guarantee he will come out of the conversation with both his feet in his mouth, his American flag in the trash, and a French flag in his ass.
Blah blah blah, I'm more than aware of their history guys. I love how the majority of you just repeated the same thing over and over again. ("back in the revolutionary war, blah blah blah")

Besides, it's just a shirt; I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies in my life. You’d think I had posted a shirt making fun of your mothers or something. It's just a freaking shirt, it's not really meant to be taken seriously. Try growing a pair, will ya.

For the record, while I certainly think that currently the maority of the French are naut but complaining, America hating Euro-snobs. I certainly don't think they all are, and am well aware of their role in America's history, but all the French that I've met (who were living in the US at the time) fit the French sterotype all too well.

Btw, I hate the French language, and I don't view English as guttural in comparison. German on the other hand....

Oh, and thanks for proving my thread title. And I think the whole "Freedom Fries" thing was stupid.

Hitokage said:
For the one posting the crybaby image, you seem to be the one doing much of the pouting. :p

Wow, how long did it take you to come up with that one? Did your mommy help? :rolleyes:

Considering the amount of posts I've made in this thread comparred to others, your grand theory doesn't fly.

Now excuse me while I let this thread die.



The Promised One said:
Wow, how long did it take you to come up with that one? Did your mommy help? :rolleyes:

Considering the amount of posts I've made in this thread comparred to others, your grand theory doesn't fly.

Now excuse me while I let this thread die.


What the...?!

Dude, I've agreed with your views in threads in the past, but are you TRYING to get yourself banned? =\


Setec Astronomer
Certainly longer than it took for you to go "LOL THOSE DERN LIBRULS ARE GONNA HATE THIS", predictably equating anyone who doesn't carry an irrational groupthink hatred for France as being a liberal, and definitely longer than it took for the author to refrence his elementary then AM Talk Radio education in thinking up the shirt.

We didn't like the shirt because it was stupid, and you still seem to think we're all just a bunch of limp wristed liberals because it didn't tickle our fancy like it did yours. Actually, it wasn't just stupid, but laughably stupid.. which is why this thread has gone on for so long... although I can't say the same for your account's activity.
That's just dumb. I guess since most conservatives have failed to convince the public that China is a worthy target of our anger since the fall of the USSR then France will have to do....

the french fought for us in the American revolution, the french lost more troups in WWI than america has lost in all wars combined, and the french were the only people who stood up to German agression in WWI and were the first major country to stand up to them in WWII. And somehow they became cowards because they were occupied because no one else would step up to bat and help them until after that fact.

I agree with what you're saying but in WWI the French government was acting as much out of a quest for revenge against the German's than they were rightously trying to protect little Serbia. Of course after WWI they, along with the British, thought it was great time to try and "put Germany in its place." That helped create an environment that allowed Hitler to gain power and eventually unleash his horrors upon the world.

Just my 2 cents.


First tragedy, then farce.
KilledByBill said:
I agree with what you're saying but in WWI the French government was acting as much out of a quest for revenge against the German's than they were rightously trying to protect little Serbia. Of course after WWI they, along with the British, thought it was great time to try and "put Germany in its place." That helped create an environment that allowed Hitler to gain power and eventually unleash his horrors upon the world.

Just my 2 cents.

Dont get me wrong, Im not defending French Foreign policy :p WWI was a terrible war, and their motivation for getting into it was not altogether altruistic.. was mearly stating an example where the French were the first to start some sabre rattling. As far as post WWI? Yeah, pretty much everyone screwed that one up... and outside of our president, most americans were on board the 'lets make the germans pay for the war' boat as well.

To be clear: I am not jumping completely to the French's defense here. I think France is responsible for a good chunk of the worlds modern problems, especially where Africa is concerned (throw equal blame to the British and Germans on that one). I was mearly debunking the very very wrong myth that France is a push over that jumps to surrender at the drop of a hat, especially where WWII is concerned.

It just bothers me to no end when someone starts belittling a people and/or culture for political reasons without regard to historical truth.


For the record, while I certainly think that currently the maority of the French are naut but complaining, America hating Euro-snobs. I certainly don't think they all are, and am well aware of their role in America's history, but all the French that I've met (who were living in the US at the time) fit the French sterotype all too well.

Speaking of people falling into form-fitting, skin-tight stereotypes...
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