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T-U-R-T-L-E Power!

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T-U-R-T-L-E Power!
T-U-R-T-L-E Power!
T-U-R-T-L-E Power!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

In a half shell, they're the heroes four.
In this day and age who could ask for more?
The crime wave is high with muggings mysterious.
Our police and detectives are furious,
'Cause they can't find the source,
Of this lethally evil force.
This is serious so give me a quarter.
I was a witness, get me a reporter!
Call April O'Neil in on this case, and
You'd better hurry up, there's no time to waste!
We need help, like quick, on the double.
Have pity on the city, man it's in trouble!
We need heroes like the Lone Ranger
When Tonto came pronto, when there was danger.
They didn't say they'd be there in half an hour,
'Cause they displayed...Turtle Power!


Now our Miss Reporter was hot on the trail.
Determined to put these crooks in jail.
She spied the bad guys and saw what happened,
But before she knew it, she fell in a trap and caught!
Yeah, she was all alone.
With no friends, and no phone.
Now this was beyond her worst dreams,
'Cause she was cornered by some wayward teens.
Headed by Shredder they were anything but good.
Misguided, unloved, they called them The Foot.
They could terrorize and be angry youths, and
They mugged the people. Who needed proof?
Then from out of the dark came an awesome sound!
Shouted "Cowabunga!" as they hit the ground.
From the field of weeds the heroes rescued the flower
'Cause they possessed...Turtle Power!

Do you stand for what you believe in?
And find the strength to do what's right?

Heroes in half shell, they're on a mission.
When there's a battle got the enemy wishin'
That they stayed at home, instead of fightin'
These ninja masters with moves like lightnin'.
They were once normal, but now they're mutants.
Splinter's the teacher so they are the students.
Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Donatello,
Make up this group with one other fellow
Raphael. He's the leader of the group
Transformed from the norm by the nuclear goop.
Pizza's the food that's sure to please,
These ninjas are into pepperoni and cheese.
Back to the story, it's not hard to find.
Ninjas not just of the body but of the mind.
These are the words that their master instructed,
But a letter from Shredder has Splinter abducted.
That was the last straw, spring into action.
Step on The Foot, now they're gonna lose traction.
Now this is for real, so you fight for justice,
Your shell is hard so you shout, "They can't bust us four!
Like some old coffee table."
Since you were young you've been willing and able
To defeat the snake, protect the weak,
Fight for rights and the freedom to speak.
Now the villian is showin' so you take a stand.
Back to the wall, put your sword in you hand.
Remember the words of your teacher, your master:
"Evil moves fast, but good moves faster!"
Then light, shining for your illumination:
Good versus Evil equal Confrontation.
So when you're in trouble to give in and go sour,
Try to rely on YOUR...Turtle Power!

Don't know, listening to the song now....

Better than the Ninja Rap in my opinion.
I remember begging my dad to order from Pizza Hut (which we never ate from) which meant we could get some TMNT rock tape for free. They sang, they rapped, and even Splinter and April O'Neal had their own tunes. And I actually listened to that piece of crap more than once. Not my finest hour by any means.


Junior Ace
Fort, that was from their musical. Turtle Power is from the movie soundtrack. Listened to that soundtrack so damn much.
Me and my friend used to ride around aimlessly blasting this out of his mom's Ford Taurus always paired with Snap! - "The Power". It was a power-themed mixtape of crap.
I ate at Pizza Hut on the night that they said the turtles were coming. I was disappointed to find out that it was just a CD available for purchase as I expected something cooler.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Diomedeskun said:
I ate at Pizza Hut on the night that they said the turtles were coming. I was disappointed to find out that it was just a CD available for purchase as I expected something cooler.

yeah really, if this was 12 years ago that would mean dudes in flimsy Raph costumes would be making personal appearances, signing pizza boxes and shit.
HAHA! I remember this tape. Pizza Power! That song can actually be heard in midi during the credits of Turtles in Time. Dont hate yerself, you we're a kid. Besides, old Ninja Turtle cartoons are pretty gay compared to the rad one now.
In regards to T-U-R-T-L-E Power:

AWESOME song. I memorised it shortly after seeing the movie and it was the very first MP3 I downloaded EVER. To this day I'll randomly get the song stuck in my head - especially the part about evil moving fast, but good moving faster than light. :)

In regards to Pizza Hut and the tour:

Pizza Hut had a drawing contest where the winner would get free tickets to the concert. The catch was that it was only one entrance per store, so I forced my dad to take me to every Pizza Hut in the city to submit my entries. First prize was like this big backstage pass deal, with 5 second place prizes with just 2 free tickets. I ended up winning 2 of the second place prizes (2 of my images were selected), but when they found out that I'd been picked twice, they threw out one of my entries and only gave me 2 tix.

Anyways, it was an awesome concert as far as I can remember, but of course I remember it through 11 yr old eyes. :)



Just for comparison sake..

YO! It’s the green machine
Gonna rock the town without bein’ seen
Have you ever seen a turtle Get Down?
Slammin’ Jammin’ to the new swing sound
Yeah, everybody let’s move
Vanilla is here with the new Jack Groove
Gonna rock, and roll this place
With the power of the ninja turtle bass
Iceman, ya know I’m not playin’
Devistate the show while the turtles are sayin

Ninja, Ninja, RAP! Ninja, Ninja, RAP!
Ninja, Ninja, Rap!
Go Ninja, Go Ninja, GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO!
Go Ninja, Go Ninja. GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO!

Lyrics, fill in the gap
Drop that bass and get the NINJA RAP
Feel it, if you know what I mean
Give it up for those heroes in green
Just flowin, smooth with the power
Kickin’ it up, hour after hour
Cause in this life there’s only one winner
You better aim good so you can hit the center
In it to win it, with a team of four
Ninja Turtles that you gotta adore it’s the


Villians, you better run and hide
Because one day you might not slide
Choose your weapon but don’t slip
Vanilla’s in control with the flex of the mic grip
Rockin’ the crowd the way it should be rocked With the Miami drop that you like alot
Hittin like a Ninja Turtle when the bass kicks in
You better check your level
The power of the Ninja is strong
Fightin’ all the crooks until they’re all out cold


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Penguin said:
Just for comparison sake..

YO! It’s the green machine
Gonna rock the town without bein’ seen
Have you ever seen a turtle Get Down?
Slammin’ Jammin’ to the new swing sound
Yeah, everybody let’s move
Vanilla is here with the new Jack Groove
Gonna rock, and roll this place
With the power of the ninja turtle bass
Iceman, ya know I’m not playin’
Devistate the show while the turtles are sayin

Ninja, Ninja, RAP! Ninja, Ninja, RAP!
Ninja, Ninja, Rap!
Go Ninja, Go Ninja, GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO!
Go Ninja, Go Ninja. GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO!

Lyrics, fill in the gap
Drop that bass and get the NINJA RAP
Feel it, if you know what I mean
Give it up for those heroes in green
Just flowin, smooth with the power
Kickin’ it up, hour after hour
Cause in this life there’s only one winner
You better aim good so you can hit the center
In it to win it, with a team of four
Ninja Turtles that you gotta adore it’s the


Villians, you better run and hide
Because one day you might not slide
Choose your weapon but don’t slip
Vanilla’s in control with the flex of the mic grip
Rockin’ the crowd the way it should be rocked With the Miami drop that you like alot
Hittin like a Ninja Turtle when the bass kicks in
You better check your level
The power of the Ninja is strong
Fightin’ all the crooks until they’re all out cold

Isn't that the Ice man? BTW I have two turtles now and they rock!
Shit, I must seek out CDs of the first two soundtracks on eBay, so that I may replace my rapidly aging and deteriorating cassettes.
In the Uk the cartoon was Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles. Somebody thought it was too violent, thankfully we've progressed since then. The movies were all Ninja


cubanb said:
haha, other people went to the coming out of our shells tour....
i cant believe i went:)

I didn't go to the Turtles tour, but I did go to this


I still have the "program" from the thing.

God it sucked.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Infinitemadness said:
HAHA! I remember this tape. Pizza Power! That song can actually be heard in midi during the credits of Turtles in Time. Dont hate yerself, you we're a kid. Besides, old Ninja Turtle cartoons are pretty gay compared to the rad one now.

The Pizza Power song can also be heard in the Turtles In Time arcade version's opening, complete with LYRICS. It's hilarious. :)


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Matlock said:
I remember the Coming out of their Shells tour...

I remember going when I was kid. I also remember being really disappointed over their costumes. For some reason, I was expecting them to perform in the gear they wore for the movie. How exactly they would be able to move around and sing in such attire is beyond me but, hey, I was like 8.


Did the 3rd movie not have a catchy song at all?

And one thing I never got about the second movie's song is, how the hell did Vanilla Ice come up with all of that "on the spot" in the club?

I mean what does he figure all giant Turtles are Ninjas?

Four green Turtles
Heard the news?
Changed to Mutants by an ooze
Found on a floor
Raised by a rat
Now they're Ninjas How 'bout that?

Check it out
A fifth one found
Coming with news in Chinatown
Sent away, but now she's live
With the rest yeah
That makes five

Na na na na Ninja, Ninja Turtles
Na na na na Ninja, Ninja Turtles


Don't look now, a real bad dude
Painted rude with an attitude
Dragonlord - yeah that's his name
Things are never gonna be the same

Ninja Turtles are on the scene
You mess with green and it's gonna get mean
Ninja Turtles are on the scene
You mess with green and it's gonna get mean

Na na na na Ninja, Ninja Turtles
Na na na na Ninja, Ninja Turtles
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