What makes you think that the people who preferred to vote for Clinton would settle for Sanders to begin with?
What makes you think that Sanders was properly vetted during the campaign that nothing would bring his numbers down?
From what we've seen from the primary last year, Sanders's campaign was even more ineffectual than Clinton so why should we expect his campaign to not do similar or worse mistakes than Clinton's campaign?
Because it is historically accurate, just like most Hillary voters voted Obama and Bernie voters voted Hillary when their candidate lost. Most Democrats isn't going to suddenly vote Republican or not vote at all just because their candidate lost.
Because a primary campaign and a general isn't the same and we knew Clinton's baggage was potential death of her campaign. They had an email scandal, benghazi, and her being for the upper-class establishment politician running against her.
Granted Bernie, did have issues as well, but not very recent ones that stuck fresh in the memory of most Americans due to the issues being high profile. He was much better to gain independent votes
Racism is a major reason we lost especially since it is also tied to economics for said racist people, Hillary's issues was the icing on the cake for why we lost. That is all I am saying in this thread.
Trump didn't need Clinton to give her attention.
You misunderstand the appeal of Trump if you think that he would deflated like a balloon without Clinton to go against.
Most of the problems Trump had as because of something Trump did, he's literally his own worst enemy and his own biggest promoter.
Nothing negative (but maybe that Hollywood tape) stuck to him, everyone was ready to excuse his fault all the time (and that's STILL not over, all the excuses thrown for him even when it kills people).
That wouldn't have changed with Sanders.
What I find insulting is assuming that a candidate's supporters would be somehow stupider because they support a candidate over another one.
On top of that Clinton DID win the popular vote so quite a lot of people actually thought she could do it.
You a mistaking what I am saying, I am faulting the media for giving him so much attention, along with any and everyone who did. It was clear he was a threat when he was clinching the Republican nomination, they should of taken it seriously at that point.
Only a person who wants to be insulted will assume that I am calling them stupid. I defend Jill Stein voters from others, why would I be calling those who vote Hillary in the primary, stupid?
Popular vote isn't how we determine our president unfortunately and 2 of 3 most populated states are auto-democrat votes, so unless the Democrat candidate sucks, they are likely to get popular vote.