Gonna fuck around and have a triple double
Gonna fuck around and have a triple double
How am i going to stress eat this on the drive home from work?
I'll have chalupa stains on my work shirt and my wife will know tr truth.
Are you prepared to ship some of that diablo sauce to Miami, FL?
Wow, I had one of these for lunch at a taco bell like 30 minutes from there. We should have a taco bell date.
Tried it, very bleh. The whole appeal of a chalupa to me is getting one with something other than the dog-food beef. Offer it in chicken/steak, please.
You can substitute whatever meat you want. It will cost a little extra, but all you have to do is ask.
I got 2 yesterday. Good stuff.
I ate one of these and immediately started projectile sharting while my stomach churned like food poisoning. Taco bellllll!
if i start eating fast food i just end up eating fast food every day.
if i start eating fast food i just end up eating fast food every day.
I don't really like the idea behind the double chalupa. I want a chalupa for the bread. I have even ordered a chalupa before a stuck it in the oven because the shell wasn't crispy enough.
Might as well, we all know how this story ends.
This is me exactly.if i start eating fast food i just end up eating fast food every day.
if i start eating fast food i just end up eating fast food every day.
This.Yeah I struggle with fast food self control too. Shits addicting man, just like soda
Until they bring back Baja chalupas, I just can't get excited.