There's a Taco Bell right across from Arrowhead Stadium, where the Chiefs play. For years, people would use it as a parking lot, and just walk across the street to the stadium. Several years ago, they started cracking down, and had cars towed.
Well, directly after a game a few years ago, I was eating there when a woman comes in, and starts screaming that her car is gone. The manager comes out and tells her that it was towed, because it was sitting there for 3 hours. This girl keeps screaming about how they had no right to do it, and her brother was going to come up there and starting kicking people's asses, all while the manager is calmly telling her to leave.
The girl then says something like "...and you work at fucking Taco Bell for minimum wage."
Without a beat, the manager fires back "But I'll be driving home tonight you stupid bitch!"
Not the best retort, but it got a good crowd response. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" "Daaaamn!" "Oh shit!" It was amusing. The girl immediately took the L, stormed out and went walking down the street.