SF Kosmo
So this actually soft-launched a few weeks ago, but I haven't seen any discussion of it, but it's gotten quite a few updates in the meantime and is now pretty damn close to 100% (they claim it's like 99.9%, good luck finding the 0.1%). It doesn't seem like they are going to declare any particular release a "1.0", but are instead calling it a "first draft," and plan to update in the future. Anyway...
This is not an official trailer, this is a fan project, but it's presented like one to be cute.
What is Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut
Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut is a 2008 remake of the 1997 PlayStation title, the second in the long-running Tales of... series. It borrows much of the style and gameplay from Tales of Rebirth, one of the mainline titles of the series that was left in Japan. It is a complete, ground-up remake of the original, with all new graphics, modernized gameplay, a rewritten script, and a parallel second quest that allows you to play from Leon's viewpoint. It is the second full-blown "remake" in the series, following Tales of Phantasia's PlayStation 1 release.
ToDDC was one of three "main" Tales games released on PS2 that did not come to the US, presumably because they shared a graphical style of 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds with hand-painted textures.
About this Translation
This is not the first attempt to translate ToDDC. At least two other translation groups, Phantasian Productions and Absolute Zero, have tried and failed to finish their own translations. This project, by a group calling themselves Life Bottle Productions, differs from those others in one big way: It's open source, allowing for any interested parties to contribute and offer advice.
It's a remarkably professional effort, better in many ways than most of the official localizations we got around that time. It translates all of the dialog, menus, anime cut scenes, skits, everything, and the quality appears to be excellent. I took some screenshots from the opening sequence of the game:
How Do I Play It?
The game is available as a patch, which you can download from the project's Github. You will need to supply your own copy of the game in iso format, which you can rip from a DVD, or maybe find somewhere but we don't talk about that.
You will need a modded PS2 to play it on real hardware, but it works beautifully in PCSX2 with the software renderer as well.
This is not an official trailer, this is a fan project, but it's presented like one to be cute.
What is Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut
Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut is a 2008 remake of the 1997 PlayStation title, the second in the long-running Tales of... series. It borrows much of the style and gameplay from Tales of Rebirth, one of the mainline titles of the series that was left in Japan. It is a complete, ground-up remake of the original, with all new graphics, modernized gameplay, a rewritten script, and a parallel second quest that allows you to play from Leon's viewpoint. It is the second full-blown "remake" in the series, following Tales of Phantasia's PlayStation 1 release.
ToDDC was one of three "main" Tales games released on PS2 that did not come to the US, presumably because they shared a graphical style of 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds with hand-painted textures.
About this Translation
This is not the first attempt to translate ToDDC. At least two other translation groups, Phantasian Productions and Absolute Zero, have tried and failed to finish their own translations. This project, by a group calling themselves Life Bottle Productions, differs from those others in one big way: It's open source, allowing for any interested parties to contribute and offer advice.
It's a remarkably professional effort, better in many ways than most of the official localizations we got around that time. It translates all of the dialog, menus, anime cut scenes, skits, everything, and the quality appears to be excellent. I took some screenshots from the opening sequence of the game:

How Do I Play It?
The game is available as a patch, which you can download from the project's Github. You will need to supply your own copy of the game in iso format, which you can rip from a DVD, or maybe find somewhere but we don't talk about that.
You will need a modded PS2 to play it on real hardware, but it works beautifully in PCSX2 with the software renderer as well.
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