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Tales of Rebirth dated...DOOOMED



A mere 3 weeks after DQVIII. Wow, Namco is really stupid. I guess they wanted to get in before xmas, but I think they're gonna take a huge hit from DQ. Plus it's going up against MGS3.
If this remains true, how big of an impact will DQ8 have on its sales (ToD2 sold 762,861 according to Shrine of Data)? I'm guessing it'll do around 450-500k.


Bebpo said:

A mere 3 weeks after DQVIII. Wow, Namco is really stupid. I guess they wanted to get in before xmas, but I think they're gonna take a huge hit from DQ. Plus it's going up against MGS3.

Source? XD


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Namco thinks they can hang with the big boys...sad. Dragon Quest VIII will simply lean over to Tales of Rebirth and yell "GET ON MY LEVEL!!." :lol


ToyMachine228 said:
The MGS series isn't really that big in Japan

No the correct phrase would be "The MGS series isn't as big in Japan as it is in the US."

Because anything that can sell 800k in Japan these days is pretty damn big. :p


ToyMachine228 said:
The MGS series isn't really that big in Japan

MGS3 is always in the top 5 for most wanted games in Japan in Famitsu...of course DQ8 and FFXII are always 1 and 2. My last trip to Yodobashi Camera a couple days ago, they had a huge MGS3 display with the trailer blasting...you could hear it from a floor below :p


Deku Tree said:
I hope Rebirth sells well enough to convince Namco to localize it for the US market.

Rebirth will most undoubtedly bomb if it's releasing barely a month after DQ, but Namco US might look at the response to Symphonia and judge from there
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