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Tales of Series | Community Thread | Localizing more games than Square Enix


I kind of want to play through a Tales game before Xillia hits, but I let my friend borrow Graces f (haven't finished the f arc yet).

I kind of want to go play one of the older Tales games, between Phantasia, Eternia (holy lord that voice acting though), and even OG Destiny. I only briefly played a few hours of Phantasia, and liked it not-withstanding the super-dated battle system. I imagine that Eternia is at least a lot better in this regard. How is Eternia's story?


this thread needs all the OP theme from each Tales of! Abyss is the best op theme tho :p


And I am stuck in a dilemma, I'm saving money up for the PS4, but Xillia is almost out. I want it, but I don't want to siphon funds away from the PS4. And my extra spending cash is going to placed in my yoga practice. I really need to get a second job. :-(


Will require a modded PS3 of course.

EDIT: If someone could just link that URL or even this post in the OP that'd probably be best. I know some people who aren't up to date on Tales of do wonder if there's an actual reason, so there's the reason and a "solution".

That explains it! Thanks for this link too. Never looked into modding my PS3 before, but I have 2 of them and next gen is right around the corner, so what the heck (if possible on my firmware).


Oh hey, a Tales community thread!

I'll just get this out of the way, and say Destiny Remake > All.

Also managed to find the old Tales of Series Super Play Movies video from Holystar (remember that place?).

I kind of want to play through a Tales game before Xillia hits, but I let my friend borrow Graces f (haven't finished the f arc yet).

I kind of want to go play one of the older Tales games, between Phantasia, Eternia (holy lord that voice acting though), and even OG Destiny. I only briefly played a few hours of Phantasia, and liked it not-withstanding the super-dated battle system. I imagine that Eternia is at least a lot better in this regard. How is Eternia's story?

For Phantasia, I'd probably go PSX or PSP for that. Of course, if you wanted something more modern (i.e. No Spells stopping Battle), go hit up ToP: Narikiri Dungeon X.

I tried to play OG Destiny a few years back, but I couldn't do it. It really hasn't aged well at all.

Eternia ended up being a lot better than I thought it would be. Story's alright I suppose.


irresponsible vagina leak
Top 5 Tales of Games

1 Tales of Phantasia - Love the story,characters and amazing OST. Gameplay hasn't aged great but enjoyable still)

2 Tales of Symphonia - I genuinely loved the artstyle, the characters while very tropes heavy are likable. The story while its not the OMG so original it was good and the connections to Phantasia just made it even better. Gameplay its simplistic but quite fun still.

3 Tales of Vesperia - Love the Artstyle on this one (IMO looks better than Xillia), Probably the best cast on the series and the gameplay its quite fluid. Somehow I fail to remember the story but I know its not bad.

4 Tales of Eternia - Love the simplistic combat and the story while nothing revolutionary its enjoyable.

5 Tales of Graces F - This got here only on gameplay merits.


Symphonia isn't coming out in March. It'll either be February or April since Dark Souls II is coming out on March. In addition, I'm inclined to think that the game is coming out in April moreso than February considering we haven't even seen a sliver of localization shots yet.

Also, if Symphonia does come out in April then that means the next Tales game, probably Xillia 2 will be out around August at the earliest and I don't see this happening. I still think it's the most ideal for NB to skip Xillia 2 entirely and go for a simultaneous launch on their next mothership title which will hit Fall next year.

Ok, April or February, then. Doesn't really change my prediction that much ; )

But I think the reason we haven't heard much on Symphonia is that they're trying to build a hype train for Xillia, and they don't want to distract from it, especially given that they are on the same platform.

And I just don't know if we'll ever get fully simultaneous releases with Japan. Vesperia worked (it was in August), but their usual release in Japan is smack dab in the middle of holiday season in North America - a niche title would easily get overlooked. I wouldn't mind a trend of fall for Japan, Q1 next year for NA/EU.
I guess I can contribute here with the PAL releases as my only source of Tales.
I came for the real time battle system, I stayed for...the tropes? nah, that can't be it.


irresponsible vagina leak
Ok, April or February, then. Doesn't really change my prediction that much ; )

But I think the reason we haven't heard much on Symphonia is that they're trying to build a hype train for Xillia, and they don't want to distract from it, especially given that they are on the same platform.

And I just don't know if we'll ever get fully simultaneous releases with Japan. Vesperia worked (it was in August), but their usual release in Japan is smack dab in the middle of holiday season in North America - a niche title would easily get overlooked. I wouldn't mind a trend of fall for Japan, Q1 next year for NA/EU.

Well they are building hype to Xillia the original game in the mother series and Symphonia doesnt need much promo since its a well recognized game in the series and it seems a minimum effort went into the HD release so probably not a lot of marketing to be done there from Namco's side. Maybe some trailers at TGS and then some more stuff to follow.


Well they are building hype to Xillia the original game in the mother series and Symphonia doesnt need much promo since its a well recognized game in the series and it seems a minimum effort went into the HD release so probably not a lot of marketing to be done there from Namco's side. Maybe some trailers at TGS and then some more stuff to follow.

Exactly why I'm not surprised we aren't seeing much of ToSC in English right now.

And I was talking about marketing for NA/EU, so I don't think TGS is a good venue to market to that group ; )

I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get more until September, even, after we've had a month for Xillia's release to fizz down a little bit.


irresponsible vagina leak
Exactly why I'm not surprised we aren't seeing much of ToSC in English right now.

And I was talking about marketing for NA/EU, so I don't think TGS is a good venue to market to that group ; )

I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get more until September, even, after we've had a month for Xillia's release to fizz down a little bit.

Well for the US Market they can simply make some promo 2 months or so before release. The game its well known as mentioned before so it can do well with not a lot of promo. Still Gamestop over here its trying to push it down everyone's throat who preorder any RPG so IDK if that is Namco's doing or simply the gamestop dude harassing people its a fanboy.
The only issue I have with playing Jude first is I don't know if I'll have the energy to do another playthrough after his.

I would rather choose Milla. Am I really going to be missing many significant plot details if I choose Milla first?

That's the kind of impression I'm getting.
I know I'm in the minority for saying this but out of all the Tales titles I've played I would say Legendia is my personal fav and if ever the game gets remade in the future I hope they revamp the battle system and that the Characters Quests were awesome too bad it wasn't voiced, while Graces F is practically a game that is saved by how fun the battle system is.


irresponsible vagina leak
Now to discuss Tales of Animations

Tales of Phantasia>Tales of Vesperia> Symphonia> Abyss>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Eternia


Junior Member
Now to discuss Tales of Animations

Tales of Phantasia>Tales of Vesperia> Symphonia> Abyss>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Eternia

Symphonia > Abyss > Phantasia > Eternia

Never saw ToV First Strike.


Tragic victim of fan death
Symphonia has the best visual quality out of all the other Tales animated series but the pacing is just... not there. Considering its situation there's no other way it could not be rushed. I'd actually be very interested in seeing a Tales of Xillia animation from ufotable. It could easily be a 12 episode series I think.
I kind of want to play through a Tales game before Xillia hits, but I let my friend borrow Graces f (haven't finished the f arc yet).

I kind of want to go play one of the older Tales games, between Phantasia, Eternia (holy lord that voice acting though), and even OG Destiny. I only briefly played a few hours of Phantasia, and liked it not-withstanding the super-dated battle system. I imagine that Eternia is at least a lot better in this regard. How is Eternia's story?

I enjoyed Eternia's story. To me it's very similar to Phantasia when it comes to the whole "gathering elemental spirits" thing, at least in that regard. Most people would probably choose Phantasia over Eternia storywise, though.

My favorite out of the three is Destiny, though. Wish I could play the remake...


irresponsible vagina leak
All Tales of animations could have been better if they were 12 episodes each.(Some could have been more) Overall the OVAs are great except Eternia (WTF happened there?)
All Tales of animations could have been better if they were 12 episodes each.(Some could have been more) Overall the OVAs are great except Eternia (WTF happened there?)

I liked eternia for telling an original story and not simply being a retread of eternia.


Tragic victim of fan death
Ok, April or February, then. Doesn't really change my prediction that much ; )

But I think the reason we haven't heard much on Symphonia is that they're trying to build a hype train for Xillia, and they don't want to distract from it, especially given that they are on the same platform.

And I just don't know if we'll ever get fully simultaneous releases with Japan. Vesperia worked (it was in August), but their usual release in Japan is smack dab in the middle of holiday season in North America - a niche title would easily get overlooked. I wouldn't mind a trend of fall for Japan, Q1 next year for NA/EU.

Even if they're building hype for Xillia, if they had english screenshots on hand they would've released them when the JP announcement was made. Considering this isn't the case it's clear that localization isn't far enough to warrant those screenshots or they just simply didn't want to. I'm inclined to believe that it was the former.

I think NB will release future Tales games roughly around August or September. Considering that Xillia did so well and the only reason Xillia 2 came out in November was because they wanted more time to work on the game before releasing, I think it's a safe bet to say that if NB does release Tales games it has the most sales around Aug/Sept area because it isn't crowded by other titles. Of course, this usually depends on what other titles are actually coming out around that timeframe but I think it's going to be alright. Regardless, if all of this is the case then I don't see a problem in NB trying to get out near simul-releases.


This thread made me pre-order Xillia.

I was going to get it eventually, I'm on a busy rotation in August and I could have waited. Too. Much. Hype.

I thought Xillia 2 was great, definitely the most interesting Tales in terms of story and tone. I've held out on buying Xillia because I knew it was coming out in English, can't wait!


irresponsible vagina leak
I liked eternia for telling an original story and not simply being a retread of eternia.

Dont get me wrong I like the idea of making continuations or prequels to the stories but the things on that Eternia story was simply weak as hell.


So do I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX7sX2v2wKE
The only issue I have with playing Jude first is I don't know if I'll have the energy to do another playthrough after his.

I would rather choose Milla. Am I really going to be missing many significant plot details if I choose Milla first?

That's the kind of impression I'm getting.
You'll maybe miss some scenes but you'll be able to assume what happened in some of them. The two rarely split up, so the main scenes are pretty much the same. If you pick Milla also, some of Jude's scenes change which makes him look "less cool".

But yeah, if you're doing one playthrough, you can go ahead and pick Milla. If you pick Jude though, you still be able to play as Milla for the majority of the time anyways though.
I really need to finish the f-arc of Graces one of these days. I've had just enough of Asbel's silly antics, and it's time to move on Xillia.


I thought the term "Escort Titles" sounded a bit dirty.

Namco thought Tempest dirtied the series' reputation enough to get downgraded to an escort, haha.

I remember Holystar's site, I remember really wanting to import all the titles that I saw on there like Destiny 2 JP and Abyss. Then finally did back in high school. :p

I kind of want to play through a Tales game before Xillia hits, but I let my friend borrow Graces f (haven't finished the f arc yet).

I kind of want to go play one of the older Tales games, between Phantasia, Eternia (holy lord that voice acting though), and even OG Destiny. I only briefly played a few hours of Phantasia, and liked it not-withstanding the super-dated battle system. I imagine that Eternia is at least a lot better in this regard. How is Eternia's story?

Hm, let's see.
For Phantasia you have several options: Super Famicom patch by DeJap (takes some...liberties with the script ), PS1 patch by Absolute Zero Translations or Phantasia Productions (I prefer the latter's because it's written to be like a localization), or if you can read Japanese, Phantasia X which is included in Narikiri Dungeon X, which takes out spell pause and includes full voice from "Phantasia Full Voice Edition (PSP)" (see here). I'd recommend the PS1 version if you can't read Japanese because the Super Famicom's encounter rate is ridiculous. It's also a reason why Destiny PS1 ages so badly...that game has a really easy difficulty but tons of encounters.

If you have a PSP, there is a undub patch for Eternia which makes it a lot more tolerable, but requires a softmodded PSP. It's really simple to do that nowadays though. The game has aged pretty all right, and like others have said, the story is like a lite Phantasia and Symphonia...a lot of summon spirit gathering. Has the best summon spirit system in the series still.


Tragic victim of fan death
I will go through the posts and suggestions made in the thread and update the thread throughout the week. If people could write summaries for the missing entries that'd be lovely. =D


Now to discuss Tales of Animations

Tales of Phantasia>Tales of Vesperia> Symphonia> Abyss>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Eternia

Why is Abyss 2nd last? It was the only one that got a full series that covered the entire game, and they even put in scenes that weren't in the game itself (like flashbacks). The animation quality may not have been as good as the OVAs, but I mean... 26 episodes vs. 4 or 8 or whatever and... yeah. It makes sense that OVAs would have better quality animation.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
So this is the thread where I can say Tales of Graces f is the best Tales game?


Love Tales of ... games; especially for the variety of ways that characters are developed and the story/game progresses:

- animated cutscenes
- ingame cutscenes
- various types of skits (main/character/sub)
- end-of-battle scenes
- small conversations while walking
- small conversations at the beginning of boss battles

- usually good/great voice work
- decent/good soundtracks
Why is Abyss 2nd last? It was the only one that got a full series that covered the entire game, and they even put in scenes that weren't in the game itself (like flashbacks). The animation quality may not have been as good as the OVAs, but I mean... 26 episodes vs. 4 or 8 or whatever and... yeah. It makes sense that OVAs would have better quality animation.

Probably depends on what you were looking for in an anime adaptation.

Phantasia was fast paced while sacrificing like most of the story.

Vesperia was the Yuri and Flynn bro bro budding hour.

Symphonia does seem to have a decent adaptation that took forever to come out.

I haven't finished Abyss's yet, but I can imagine it would get drowned in the technobabble that the game loves to do.


Even if they're building hype for Xillia, if they had english screenshots on hand they would've released them when the JP announcement was made. Considering this isn't the case it's clear that localization isn't far enough to warrant those screenshots or they just simply didn't want to. I'm inclined to believe that it was the former.

I think NB will release future Tales games roughly around August or September. Considering that Xillia did so well and the only reason Xillia 2 came out in November was because they wanted more time to work on the game before releasing, I think it's a safe bet to say that if NB does release Tales games it has the most sales around Aug/Sept area because it isn't crowded by other titles. Of course, this usually depends on what other titles are actually coming out around that timeframe but I think it's going to be alright. Regardless, if all of this is the case then I don't see a problem in NB trying to get out near simul-releases.

I don't know what screenshots would have accomplished anyway. The Japanese trailer being in Japanese doesn't prevent us from seeing the (small) visual upgrade, which is basically the selling point of the game, apart from getting two games for $40. They do have a few extras (as well as it being the first time we get the PS2 extras and presumably the EU DotNw extras) they can advertise, but I really don't see a point in trying to sell what little additions they have when the game is at least half a year out, and Xillia is coming soon.

As for a new release schedule in Japan (shifting to September/August), I personally wouldn't mind, but I don't think the release timing was all that contributed to Xillia's success in Japan. And look at when ToSU is releasing - October.


I've never watched the Vesperia movie. Is it good? More Yuri/Flynn is always good IMO.

Right now I'm playing through ToX2, then getting Xillia in August. Afterward I plan on importing Destiny 2 PSP and Narikiri Dungeon X. After that the only games I'd still have left would be Destiny, Eternia, and Innocence. I can't say I have a strong desire to play Eternia, and I don't have a Vita to play Innocence R. I guess I'll have to mod my old PS2 to play Destiny R.


Tragic victim of fan death
I don't know what screenshots would have accomplished anyway. The Japanese trailer being in Japanese doesn't prevent us from seeing the (small) visual upgrade, which is basically the selling point of the game, apart from getting two games for $40. They do have a few extras (as well as it being the first time we get the PS2 extras and presumably the EU DotNw extras) they can advertise, but I really don't see a point in trying to sell what little additions they have when the game is at least half a year out, and Xillia is coming soon.

As for a new release schedule in Japan (shifting to September/August), I personally wouldn't mind, but I don't think the release timing was all that contributed to Xillia's success in Japan. And look at when ToSU is releasing - October.

The point is that they did show something. They showed JP screenshots. Why JP? Secondly, it's coming out in early 2014 because 1.) it isn't ready for a 2013 launch and 2.) launching it between xillia and the end of the year is absolute madness. The game will sell quite a bit. It's symphonia and there's a high level of name recognition associated with that. Even if it's a half year old people will buy it.

ToSU is also coming out in October because the game is not ready. If the next mothership title is ready well before Aug/Sept or they develop with an August/September release in mind it'll be fine.
I've never watched the Vesperia movie. Is it good? More Yuri/Flynn is always good IMO.

It's a good stand alone movie. People didn't like it cause it didn't featured their favorite party members from Vesperia (anyone not named Yuri or Flynn really). It looks good, the plot is decent enough to carry it through the length of the movie and it does add a bit into the whole monsters are destroying the world that Vesperia kinda forgets partway through the way.


Anything with GoShiina tracks in is an instant buy for me(imported Ace combat 3ds for this reason), his work on God Eater was incredible. Those Legendia tracks rock.
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