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Tales of Symphonia: A Present Past.


Jew Gamer
Hcoregamer00 said:
I would put symphonia behind Tales of the Abyss and FFX, but it is up there as one of my favorite games last gen.

It had a cliched storyline that had every damn cliche in the book, but it was a damn fine game. As someone previously said, it had cliches but on the whole it had heart and soul which made it better than most RPG's out there.

I think that the idea of a cliche is actually a bad thought, for most people a cliche is "comfortable"

Most fantasy novels have yet to drop the Lord of the Rings cliche, like seriously Drizzt (of course I might be wrong, never really read the books...) is just a dark elf version of Legolas meets Strider (before the "king" stuff and during the "ranger" style of the character so I chose to use ranger name :)) and they are insanely popular books for their readers!

Final Fantasy IX, which is (in my opinion) the best of the PS1 era Final Fantasy games, gets ragged on ALL the time for a "lame lead character" whereas I preferred Zidane (THIEF WHOOO!) as a main character compared to the typical super-strong warrior.

Part of Symphonia's allure is that it uses the cliches to make a predictable yet still awesome story, although I think that is because the characters are actually well developed :D


CrushDance said:
You to be serious here. I do not, I repeat do not, understand what you people are rambling on about half the time. Creeps.
Nah, don't mind me..
In any case...
I'm planning to pick this up, but I hate RPGs with:
-Random encounters
-Slow turn based battles
-Saves too far from each other

Does it have any of those 3?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
fernoca said:
I'm planning to pick this up, but I hate RPGs with:
-Random encounters
-Slow turn based battles
-Saves too far from each other

Does it have any of those 3?


- You see the monsters before you can encounter them (you can even freeze them in place and walk around them)

- Fast/Action-based battle system

- Saves are spaced well.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
fernoca said:
Nah, don't mind me..
In any case...
I'm planning to pick this up, but I hate RPGs with:
-Random encounters
-Slow turn based battles
-Saves too far from each other

Does it have any of those 3?

Why haven't you picked up a tales game?

This takes away all your complaints, Abyss and Symphonia both have none of them.


Thanks Zealous and Hcore..
I didn't get the game before because I was technicaly multiconsole but with limited resources.. :lol

Now I'm uniconsole (Wii) with even more limited resources..so a good RPG for $19..is not a bad deal. :D
PepsimanVsJoe said:
WTF @ the Presea image. I beat the game and I still don't remember her ever smiling.
Did you go to the moon? You have to go to the moon and defeat the God Ymissial and collect the heavens curtain.

Then go back but you have to o this trick while flying your rheiard and merge the two worlds together. Then go down and get the mature beast title for Presea. After you get that go back to Ozette and do the tree cutting minigame.

Cut 500 trees in 5 minutes and you get to see Presea smile.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
fernoca said:
Thanks Zealous and Hcore..
I didn't get the game before because I was technicaly multiconsole but with limited resources.. :lol

Now I'm uniconsole (Wii) with even more limited resources..so a good RPG for $19..is not a bad deal. :D

I suggest playing symphonia first because Abyss has the far superior battle system, and once you played abyss it is hard to go back to any 3D tales game that doesn't use the system.

Thankfully Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology incorporated the Abyss battle system.

But you definitely are missing out, the battles are fast and intense, there are no random battles, and the game has save points all over the place.
CrushDance said:
Did you go to the moon? You have to go to the moon and defeat the God Ymissial and collect the heavens curtain.

Then go back but you have to o this trick while flying your rheiard and merge the two worlds together. Then go down and get the mature beast title for Presea. After you get that go back to Ozette and do the tree cutting minigame.

Cut 500 trees in 5 minutes and you get to see Presea smile.

You know for a minute or two I actually thought that was real. Mainly because I'm so used to retarded sidequests for useless junk in RPGs. =/


poor, homeless and tasteless
I've played Destiny (PSX), Symphonia (GCN), and Legendia (PS2), and while I enjoyed all 3, Symphonia is still my favorite. :)

Needless to say, the announcement of a Symphonia sequel for Wii was one of the biggest announcements to me so far this year. :D


The 'H' stands for hentai.
vanguardian1 said:
I've played Destiny (PSX), Symphonia (GCN), and Legendia (PS2), and while I enjoyed all 3, Symphonia is still my favorite. :)

Needless to say, the announcement of a Symphonia sequel for Wii was one of the biggest announcements to me so far this year. :D

I don't see abyss on that list of games.

PepsimanVsJoe said:
You know for a minute or two I actually thought that was real. Mainly because I'm so used to retarded sidequests for useless junk in RPGs. =/

It's just a ending screen. You get it when you beat the game.


poor, homeless and tasteless
Hcoregamer00 said:
I don't see abyss on that list of games.


As soon as I can muster myself into town, I'm getting it, don't worry. Getting out of the house for any amount of time is a nightmare for this one. ~_~


I played ToS for five minutes or so yesterday. I must have had it on the 1/2 experience setting or something on my most recent file, because I got my face handed to me.

Which was another good aspect of the game. Actual challenge, in a single-player non-strategy RPG.
Seraph830 said:
Ok seriously, why are all those images stretched to ugly? Its doing the pretty graphcis of this game a diservice.
TOS looks like shit. Shows just how weak game cube was, that's why wii is only game cube x2. Still a shitty system, even resizing those pictures makes them look much better.


ToS is a great game. As someone who considers himself a seasoned RPG player, it was a breath of fresh air. Sure it had cliche characters/storyline, but the charm was strong, and the presentation was phenomenal. The whole atmosphere of the game reminded me of Skies of Arcadia in many respects, something I cherish about both games. Can't wait for the sequel.

Agreed completely.


I disliked most of the story and some of the characters for the most part and could guess every single plot twist 10 hours before it happened, yet, I have nearly 180 hours of playtime logged in over a span of 3-4 playthroughs. That's how awesome this game is.


CrushDance said:
TOS looks like shit. Shows just how weak game cube was, that's why wii is only game cube x2. Still a shitty system, even resizing those pictures makes them look much better.

You're kidding right?

TOS visually doesn't even compare to some GC launch titles, dunno why you're judging the system's power with that game.

I suppose the PS2 and Xbox were shitty systems too?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
trejo said:
I disliked most of the story and some of the characters for the most part and could guess every single plot twist 10 hours before it happened, yet, I have nearly 180 hours of playtime logged in over a span of 3-4 playthroughs. That's how awesome this game is.
I guessed the plot twist of
Kratos being Lloyd's dad
before I even got the game, when I saw the pre-title screen anime FMV video online.
They looked similar enough...

Speaking of which, The End of A Thought is one of my favorite tracks in the game. That battle was awesome.


ToS was amazing, but ToA is even better. They're both awesome games and they're better than any FF game imo (except for FF8 maybe)
SantaC said:
ToS was amazing, but ToA is even better. They're both awesome games and they're better than any FF game imo (except for FF8 maybe)
Erm, they piss all over FFVIII. :p

FFVIII is one of the worst FF games.
SantaC said:
ToS was amazing, but ToA is even better. They're both awesome games and they're better than any FF game imo (except for FF8 maybe)
How can you compare these generic, full of cliches Namco RPGs with the genre-defining FFs?
Namco has gone too far with new Tales crap coming out every 1-2 months in every console that's out there... I wouldn't mind if they actually didn't have the exact same story (see Tales of Eternia - Tales of Symphonia).

Screw Tales. It has gone from being a cult rpg series into a cash-in. Give us Eternal Sonata.


Steiner_Zi said:
Namco has gone too far with new Tales crap coming out every 1-2 months in every console that's out there.

ehhh, the big budget Tales (main) games came out in 2003 and 2005. Also, not many Tales of games gets to the west.


I want a tag give me a tag
MaestroRyan said:
yeah top 5 favorite game ever for me, it was filthy good


somebody tell me about the symphonia sequel. same characters? same places? story? same battle system?

story three years in the future, graphics three years in the past, new characters, old characters will be there tho.
If i was the devs for these games i would release a Collectors edition or something.

Baten Kaitos 1 & 2, on one disc, with Wii or GC controls.
Tales of Symphonia Platinum pack for £10 more with the GC title in too.

I would buy both, as I haven't played either.


Syth_Blade22 said:
story three years in the future, graphics three years in the past, new characters, old characters will be there tho.

N64 was NOT 3 years ago.


conker 64

tales wii


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Loved the game, even though the story overstayed its welcome... Great combat system, and oh man I really need to get around to playing Abyss one of these days.


CrushDance said:
TOS looks like shit. Shows just how weak game cube was, that's why wii is only game cube x2. Still a shitty system, even resizing those pictures makes them look much better.
It looks pretty good to me. not sure what your little bash gamecube/wii tantrum was about.

What dosent look good is stretching good screens and art to be widescreen.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
SantaC said:
ehhh, the big budget Tales (main) games came out in 2003 and 2005. Also, not many Tales of games gets to the west.

Bingo, the big budget tales games are released very infrequently.

It is 2007 and Tales of the Innocence is coming out, it also looks to be a very high production DS title. Which means that there is no high production tales game until 2009 :D

ToA2 please :)


Baten Kaitos was certainly better (and Baten Kaitos Origins is OMG SO MUCH better), but Symphonia was awesome in its own right. I still need to play Tales of the Abyss, because it looks fantastic.
A, Tales series, a blast to play when they get the battle system right, but other than that pretty forgettable. Personally though, that's all that really matters in an RPG to me.

Now, if they could just cut out some of the story...

Although I do like that synopsis feature, you can just skip all the bad dialog and read that to figure out where you have to go next!

Sure, you can bash tales games as being fluff, compared to the high and mighty Final Fantasy series, but, it doesn't make them any more or less fun. Honestly, I enjoyed Symphonia quite a bit more than FF VII-X. If those were truly defining the genre, I wouldn't really be interested in JRPGs anymore (then again, that statement is not altogether false...).


lsslave said:
I think that the idea of a cliche is actually a bad thought, for most people a cliche is "comfortable"

Most fantasy novels have yet to drop the Lord of the Rings cliche, like seriously Drizzt (of course I might be wrong, never really read the books...) is just a dark elf version of Legolas meets Strider (before the "king" stuff and during the "ranger" style of the character so I chose to use ranger name :)) and they are insanely popular books for their readers!

Final Fantasy IX, which is (in my opinion) the best of the PS1 era Final Fantasy games, gets ragged on ALL the time for a "lame lead character" whereas I preferred Zidane (THIEF WHOOO!) as a main character compared to the typical super-strong warrior.
Nothing new about thief heroes, really. Robin Hood. Zorro's a bandit, but close enough.

You're right to suggest a cliche isn't a bad thing, though. Every character can be boiled down to one of a few broad roles if you really feel like it:

-The hero on a journey (Lloyd, Colette, Genis to an extent)
-The wise (and usually older) mentor who instructs the hero (Kratos, Raine for Genis)
-The rival who frequently puts obstacles in the hero's way (Sheena for a while, then Kratos)
-The rogue whose motives are unclear at first, and who thwarts both the hero and the villain or villains (Yuan, Botta, etc.)
-The trickster who generally makes mischief, and who because of an apparent lighthearted nature also has the potential to easily deceive (Zelos)
-The child or childish prophet or seer who has some sort of penetrating insight, but who people usually don't believe at first, if ever (Colette--witness the Sword Dancer skits)
-The older character who seems to have not gained any experience or maturity with age or who's permanently hung up on a traumatic event from the relatively distant past (Mithos, Regal)
-The villain whose values oppose the hero's (Mithos)

That's just off the top of my head. There are more, but you get the point. And you could do it for most any game or story. Not that all of those roles will be used in every story, but they encompass most things a character could possibly do or be.
rakka said:
You're kidding right?

TOS visually doesn't even compare to some GC launch titles, dunno why you're judging the system's power with that game.

I suppose the PS2 and Xbox were shitty systems too?

Seraph830 said:
Ok seriously, why are all those images stretched to ugly? Its doing the pretty graphcis of this game a diservice.

Seraph830 said:
It looks pretty good to me. not sure what your little bash gamecube/wii tantrum was about.

What dosent look good is stretching good screens and art to be widescreen.
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