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Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Rebirth, and Tales of Destiny 2 = U.S. bound for PS2.

Kumiko Nikaido

I couldn't find the story on IGN, but it's said that the PS2 version of Tales of Symphonia, the upcoming Tales of Rebirth, and the older Tales of Destiny 2 (seen only in Japan, which will be renamed for the U.S. market) are all U.S. bound in 2005.

Looks like Namco will be showing lots of RPG lovin' for PS2 owners next year. Woo! :)


Is this from that rumor report thing? Because most of us have seen that before. I'd really like more Tales of games after ToS. Would like to check out the *real* version of Phantasia too.
They're going to have to fit them in between Square-Enix's big gun RPG's next year though (FFXII, DQ8 and KH2). So to make sure they get noticed, they should pack them all in together for 50 dollars. :)


(more a nerd than a geek)
For some reason, I'm thinking that Namco might bring out Rebirth and Destiny 2, but NOT Symphonia... keeping it GC exclusive.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'll take all 3, if they release them. But I'm not holding my breath.

Possibly ToR. But I doubt the other two.

ToP GBA? Namco? Please?


I think Symphonia PS2 is just a matter of time. Suppossedly Namco Hometek's been very surprised by the enthusiastic media response and strong initial sales of the GameCube version.... bringing out the PS2 version early next spring (maybe alongside Eternia on PSP) would be perfect.

Rebirth and (especially) Destiny II I've got little hope for though. They just seem a bit outdated in comparison to Symphonia... I think Namco Hometek will hold out for Legendia on GameCube (and maybe PS2) instead.


That's probably to fool us Nintendo fanboys. Everybody knows we buy games if they're exclusive*. ;)

*BTW, this is a joke. I know Metal Gear Solid didn't sell well.


the chances of another Tales games on the GC is slim because Namco was disappointed with the sales of Symphonia in Japan, its not really Hometek's call


(more a nerd than a geek)
Coen said:
That's probably to fool us Nintendo fanboys. Everybody knows we buy games if they're exclusive*. ;)

*BTW, this is a joke. I know Metal Gear Solid didn't sell well.

MGS: TTS really wasn't "exclusive", though.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Vargas said:
Find another console that has Twin Snakes. It was an exclusive game.
An exclusive remake of a game is different than an exclusive game, though.

(...and if you want to bring up Resident Evil, please keep in mind that Resident Evil was much more of a radical change than MGS:TTS was...)


Link316 said:
the chances of another Tales games on the GC is slim because Namco was disappointed with the sales of Symphonia in Japan, its not really Hometek's call
Who said it was Hometek's call? The Legendia rumor's been going strong for awhile now (most recently referenced in the new EGM), and half that rumor came true already in the 2D Tales of Rebirth on PS2. Symphonia actually came closer to it's targets than the two Namco RPGs following it (Baten Kaitos & Xenosaga II).


jarrod said:
I think Symphonia PS2 is just a matter of time. Suppossedly Namco Hometek's been very surprised by the enthusiastic media response and strong initial sales of the GameCube version.... bringing out the PS2 version early next spring (maybe alongside Eternia on PSP) would be perfect.

Rebirth and (especially) Destiny II I've got little hope for though. They just seem a bit outdated in comparison to Symphonia... I think Namco Hometek will hold out for Legendia on GameCube (and maybe PS2) instead.

So was Legendia ever confirmed?

And if it was, is it gonna be a sequel to ToS? Because I thought the (eventual) sequel was ToP.


jarrod said:
Who said it was Hometek's call?
it's not, but the fact that xenosaga sold better in the US than japan helped the sequel get made, and i would imagine strong sales of symphonia would help any future cube tales games in a similar fashion.

PS2 destiny 2 is really not something to get your panties in a bunch if it doesn't come here. as far as i can tell from a couple hours of playing, it's the sludge at the bottom of the tales cup.
IGN has the rumour on their PS2 site, but we all know just how reliable that is. I am sure that Namco are currently thinking pretty hard about it, and I bet that there are some hardcore Tales fans at Namco, so good sales for Symphonia may give the others a chance.


almokla said:
I'll be playing Symphonia in 2 days, Rebirth is what I care about, I just hope they use the new Symphonia battle system

Sorta/not really. Rebirth will be using the 3LMB (3 line Linear Motion Battle) and Force system. 3LMB is a bit similiar to MLLMB, but not all the same. Excerpt from RPGamer:

The twist is in combat, which splits the traditional Linear Motion Battle System into three separate lines. Players must strategically arrange their characters on these battle lines in order to defeat monsters and survive battles. In addition, some attacks can stretch beyond a character's prescribed line.

The Force system brings about no TP once again with fun restriction! This time around, there's a recharge time for the special moves. Here's hoping that Tales Studio balances the move charges correctly. Here's a bit more from IGN:

Also new to the battle system is the "Force Gauge." This replaces the "Technical Points" from previous Tales games. Rebirth allows you to assign skills and techniques to the Dual Shock's D-pad buttons. While in battle, skills have a recovery time based on the strength of the skill. The force gauge, a set of four diamond-shaped marks corresponding to each button on the D-pad, shows how far the skills are from being ready for use.

Anyway almokla, don't go gaga because it's 2-d :p


ughhhh...recharge time sounds awful.

See I didn't mind the TP stuff because unless you were behind an enemy and had your TP meter cut in off, you could still pull off 100 hit non-stop combos even with the TP meter.

Recharge time really seems like a potential kill of the spam huge hitting combos which make the series so much fun. Hmm...hopefully the smaller special attacks have like no charge, while only the big combo finisher ones take a while.

And the multi-line system seems like either it'll work and be fun like Symphonia or it'll just make you wish the battle system was full 3d like Symphonia.


That's SP gauge! And yeah, another attempt at forcing the player to really think. That's why I'm hoping that at least the charge times are reasonable.


:10 seconds later:


Nah >_>


I can see how they can be disappointed with the sales in Japan, but come on, it sold 300k+ on a system with about 5-6 times smaller userbase. For the sake of argument, if the GC had the same userbase as the PS2 at the time of ToS Japanese release, it would have OUTSOLD the PS2 version.... which did about 900k if I'm not mistaken. Namco had lofty expectations for it I guess. After all Namco doesn't care how large the userbase is... they just want the sales. I'm saying they shouldn't blame the platform.


yes Namco just want the sales, most companies just want to put their games on the platform where they'll sell the most, if that happens to be on a smaller platform then that's where they'll put it, DOA, Splinter Cell and Soul Calibur 2 shows that its possible to get better sales on a smaller platform, but between a choice of 300K and 900K most companies would prefer 900K, that's just reality


kiryogi said:
Nah, that's what Destiny 1 is... Destiny 2 is so much better than 1, but still probably 2nd least liked.
for me, at least, not having played phantasia, at least destiny 1 was novel.

i think destiny 2 is worse cos when i started playing it, i was like "oh, fuck. i forgot how stupid all the characters from TOD were." =P that and the gameplay is quite mediocre for the series and it really doesn't look much better than eternia even though it's for PS2. not so hot.
I liked Destiny. Stahn and Rutee are the best-written bona fide retards in any RPG, ever! No game has ever truly celebrated being "special" like Tales of Destiny, and for that, all y'all hataz of the mentally handicapable need to recognize.
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