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Talk about luck (girl next door.. the sequel)

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J2 Cool

So about the last 6 months have been me involved with the girl directly next door. I moved there back in October. I met this girl, began to flirt and realize she did like me, hung out some, and by December we were dating. Broke up, fooled around, unofficial get back togethers, and everything else imaginable. Now I moved to start June once again. I remember the last days me and this girl were still very close. She cried about me moving and everything was just really emotional. The past month I've lived in a hotel meanwhile between moves. She began a relationship with another guy and still had stuff with me. Now she's basically officially dedicated herself to a new guy from another state who will move here at the end of the summer. So we stopped what was an everyday hanging out. We still talk couple times a week on phone or IM and hang out maybe once or twice a week.

So anyway, Im just moving in now and what do you know. Another 16 year old girl next door. Well, actually house directly behind mine but close enough. Talk about deja vu. Last girl was also 16 and her family brought over pie on a plate we later had to return. These people bring cupcakes and I'll have to return that and meet this girl. I seen her actually just outside and she looked pretty damn cute. Maybe Im jumping ahead of myself but I think I got a good chance to go 2 for 2. :p

J2 Cool

jeez, i thought you guys would be happy for me *sniff* No, I dunno, there's been less relevant things posted so what the hell. Gotta live up to my tag since Neogaf's started

J2 Cool

ourumov said:
But it's fun to imagine her fathers armed with a shotgun...

heh, oh man, although ive gained the trust of the first girl's father after a few months that man scared me shitless to begin with.
J2 Cool said:
jeez, i thought you guys would be happy for me *sniff*
Happy for you that you live across from some 16 year old girl you've never met and you think you might ask her out? Are you serious?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ughhh time to save this thread...


J2 Cool

eh, alright, sorry bout that fellas. Guess its only interesting to me. Ill keep note with any success though





J2 Cool said:
eh, alright, sorry bout that fellas. Guess its only interesting to me. Ill keep note with any success though





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J2 Cool said:
So about the last 6 months have been me involved with the girl directly next door. I moved there back in October. I met this girl, began to flirt and realize she did like me, hung out some, and by December we were dating. Broke up, fooled around, unofficial get back togethers, and everything else imaginable. Now I moved to start June once again. I remember the last days me and this girl were still very close. She cried about me moving and everything was just really emotional. The past month I've lived in a hotel meanwhile between moves. She began a relationship with another guy and still had stuff with me. Now she's basically officially dedicated herself to a new guy from another state who will move here at the end of the summer. So we stopped what was an everyday hanging out. We still talk couple times a week on phone or IM and hang out maybe once or twice a week.

So anyway, Im just moving in now and what do you know. Another 16 year old girl next door. Well, actually house directly behind mine but close enough. Talk about deja vu. Last girl was also 16 and her family brought over pie on a plate we later had to return. These people bring cupcakes and I'll have to return that and meet this girl. I seen her actually just outside and she looked pretty damn cute. Maybe Im jumping ahead of myself but I think I got a good chance to go 2 for 2. :p
I'm so jealous. :(

Every area i've ever lived in has had too many OLD people.


Well lets talk about the movie. I'm bored and it's 5:52 in the am. Is there going to be a sequel? I want to see that girl's tits, unless she's underage, then that's wrong and I don't agree with seeing her tits.


She's like 22-23. She's Kim Bauer in 24. She plays...someone's ...wife. I guess. Jack's daughter? I think...

Hawt...but the wig look has to go...grow your beautiful hair back plz...:(


You would have to post some pics of the girl next door. Or at least pics of the previous next-door girl. :|


It's exactly like the first part - where are the innovations? You should visit her with a water cannon on your back....
*looksaround* Oh, I'm not in the 'Gaming Discussion'....*thinks* TTIWWP!!1!


It may be pointless, but at least you're straight-forward. olimario would have disguised this in a 'What was your favourite move??' thread.

But man, this is so unfair. Seriously. Twice? TWICE?? I have NEVER had a girl next door, let alone a girl roughly my age in the same neighbourhood. I've always been surrounded by old and young families.
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