Tango Gameworks staff spend last day at studio before closure

Fuck you Phil and MS. "The buyout will be good for gaming" they said. Only to close down a studio and destroy some great franchises. I'm most bummed about no more Evil Within 3 but Hifi Rush is a damn good game.

I fuck8ng loathe the industry these days and so much of the negative is due to MS ....just watched the MS summer gamesfest show and holy shit the amount of woke bullshit was rediculous! How many women protags do we need? If they're not black female with piercings and purple hair they're white and fugly...they dont make games that Represent their audience anymore. Ubisoft with their black samurai. Dragon Age looking like a hero shooter and on and on and on ...
Hopefully these guys land back on their feet quickly. Having people that actually depend on you and your growth from a career/monetary standpoint, this a very dangerous place to be. Wishing nothing but the best for them, but I know that doesn't pay the bills.....


Reverse groomer.
Said It before and I say it again. I hate gaming corporations, ceos and shareholders. The idiot higher-ups at Xbox and MS are the reason this bullshit happened, and they will gladly continue steering the brand into irrelevance while fucking over even more studios. But hey at least we got some dumbfuck 3rd party showcase so let's forget all about the jobs and talent lost

Toys for Bob and Moon Studios are geniuses for leaving that shitfuck company behind and I hope that the people at Tango make another studio and stay away from any higher corporate intervention.


So MS financially has a one Japanese company quota? Think about it my man.
How many Japanese game studios have ever been under the Microsoft Games umbrella?

One.(Does Mistwalker count?)

Able to afford multiple studios =/= willing to maintain troubled studios. 343i got reshuffled, Arkane got shuttered, Roundhouse got reassigned, Tango got shuttered. Way she goes.

Or do we think Microsoft WASN'T immediately looking at other Japanese studios to fill that "niche" they love to mention? You don't think they, Microsoft, DEI specialists, don't have insane quotas? You don't think Platinums public plea to Microsoft didn't give Matt Booty a boner? Do we think Microsoft are done playing Monopoly?

I'm not suggesting Microsoft can't afford to buy up whatever the fuck the law will allow, I just think that they got rid of certain studios to make room for others. You can ignore Microsoft's history of doing weird things like this, or you can call it whatever you want, it doesn't really matter.
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I hate every part of this. I hate that Microsoft got rid of their only Japanese studio, I hate that these guys are losing their job after putting out a fucking banger of a game, and I hate that their last day in the office was celebrated with fucking cheap dominos pizza.............
Yeah that dominos pizza shit is just so fucking insulting
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Should have been Ninja Theory to get canned.
I wouldn't worry too much. Their time will come. Tango Gameworks was a studio with far more successful releases and they couldn't live up to Microsoft's unrealistic expectations. Ninja Theory has a long legacy of mediocrity--and much of that mediocrity wasn't even moving big sales numbers. Maybe they missed this Xbox culling, but I don't see how they can survive the inevitable next one.
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