Warm Machine
Who is going to pay $12 to listen to her album (10-12 songs) in few years?
Streaming is the future not an experiment. Adapt or fade away.
What should music be worth?
Who is going to pay $12 to listen to her album (10-12 songs) in few years?
Streaming is the future not an experiment. Adapt or fade away.
I think she means free on the user's end. Can't people listen to music on Spotify without paying for Premium?
What should music be worth?
What do you mean?
How much do you think a song should be worth?
Are you employed?
The fact that anyone would suggest someone should go unpaid for their work. Hollering at the naivety.
How do you own a songI think 99 cents to own a song is pretty fair
I think 99 cents to own a song is pretty fair
Streaming services pay a pittance in royalties and if there is any act in music today that doesn't need wide streaming availability to drive interest in their music, it's Taylor Swift.
Art is not work. Work is not self-expression, is just a mean to get money. Art isnt that mundane.
You are just being a naive apologist for rich celebrities you dont have a personal relationship with (correct me if I am wrong).
How do you own a song
Art is not work. Work is not self-expression, is just a mean to get money. Art isnt that mundane.
You are just being a naive apologist for rich celebrities you dont have a personal relationship with (correct me if I am wrong).
I agree. A $12 album is pretty fair too. Ideally a artist takes home $4 of that. More than likely they take home 0 cents of that with the label involved.
Someone posted this in the popgaf mega thread:
Art is not work. Work is not self-expression, is just a mean to get money. Art isnt that mundane.
You are just being a naive apologist for rich celebrities you dont have a personal relationship with (correct me if I am wrong).
I don't have a problem with whatever they are charging for their album. I am not going to buy it anyway. But don't completely discard the streaming option. It's not like everyone is streaming these days. She is still selling millions regardless.
So movies, television shows, video games and music aren't art then? Or are you saying movies, television shows, video games and music aren't work?
an mp3, not licensed on a service kinda thing. Like Apple can't just go bankrupt and there goes my music
All artists are rich celebrities now? I can't wait to tell my wife we're rich and famous!
Such a vapid rationalization, this will backfire hard on her.
Every art form should be free. Thankfully we are marching towards that, and music will be the first medium that will have to deal with it.
I really dont want to go all "angsty higschooler trying to be philosophical" on you but oh well:
Art itself isnt work, but we live in a capitalistic society where everything has to be given a monetary value, art too. But the very essence and nature of art has no relation with the modern concept of "work", imo.
Spotify: listen to albums in order, on demand, for free.You can also turn on a radio and hear "free" music that way too. Taylor Swift is kind of an idiot.
I really dont want to go all "angsty higschooler trying to be philosophical" on you but oh well:
Art itself isnt work, but we live in a capitalistic society where everything has to be given a monetary value, art too. But the very essence and nature of art has no relation with the modern concept of "work", imo.
I was addressing that particular user and his stan culture shenanigans which clearly cloud his judgement.
Don't act like record sales by a label = dollars in her pocket. As of 2012 30 seconds to Mars is said to still owe EMI 1 million $ plus for fees associated with their contract and this is after they sold millions of albums. So they sold millions of copies and have never made a dime of royalties off their records. The music industry isn't cut and dry like game dev.
Thank you for confirming you are an angsty high schooler, from now on you should probably shut up before you tell a vast amount of people that they shouldn't get paid for what they do, or that it's not "work". People might think you're an idiot or something.
Why would you pirate music from an artist/group you've never heard of?
Thank you for confirming you are an angsty high schooler, from now on you should probably shut up before you tell a vast amount of people that they shouldn't get paid for what they do, or that it's not "work". People might think you're an idiot or something.
... what the fuck? Holy shit. WTF post of the fcking year right here. Are you kidding? How old are you?
You must be insane. Or have never worked a day in your life. Or created anything worthwhile. Or had to pay for rent, food, clothes, ...
The point he is trying to make is that a number of people will still make art whether or not they get paid. The same is not try of more traditional work. If there was no money involved people would not stand in an assembly line and make cars, but people would still make music even if they weren't getting paid. Of course if no one was getting paid, the kind of music getting made would be greatly changed.
Shitty pop artist that got rich with terrible pop music makes her intentions clear at least.
pop gaf gon get ya breh.garbage artist pulls garbage from revenue stream, nothing of value is lost
pop gaf gon get ya breh.
Stefan;138007987 said:don't worry, Popgaf hates Her as well.
Streaming services pay a pittance in royalties and if there is any act in music today that doesn't need wide streaming availability to drive interest in their music, it's Taylor Swift.
The point he is trying to make is that a number of people will still make art whether or not they get paid. The same is not true of more traditional work. If there was no money involved people would not stand in an assembly line and make cars, but people would still make music even if they weren't getting paid. Of course if no one was getting paid, the kind of music getting made would be greatly changed.
100 k for Taylor is not even worth the effort of opening the envelope (or email).Spotify gemerally pays 400000+ dollars in royalties per month to the artist with the most succesful album out. A top 10 most listened album generwlly makes 100.000+ a month for that artist. I don't call that a pittance.
I never implied that. I am just talking about what I think the nature of art is, and how it shouldnt be restricted because of monetary limits. Not everyone in this planet is a first worlder with enough money to pay for every art form they want to enjoy. People shouldnt be restricted of the enjoyment of art because of capitalistic rules, specially with Spotify, which offers the best solution yet for this moral dilemma without piracy.
Thanks for expressing it more eloquently that I was able to, lol.
Valtýr;138008161 said:welcome to 2014 where music has no inherent worth. if you wanna push against it, i guess it's fine but you'll just fall behind.
... what the fuck? Holy shit. WTF post of the fcking year right here. Are you kidding? How old are you?
Valtýr;138008161 said:welcome to 2014 where music has no inherent worth. if you wanna push against it, i guess it's fine but you'll just fall behind.
They warned us that people would start thinking that way back when Napster was around. "If piracy isn't stopped people won't value this stuff at all!".
I laughed because it sounded ridiculous, but it seems clear now some people really do believe these folks don't really deserve anything. Or that once they reach this mystical 'wealthy' status that they should have no say in where their work is sold and for how much.
Speak for yourself cheapskate. I have no problem paying for music I enjoy. No problem at all.
It's hard to know if she believes it does devalue music. Maybe she really does, and wishes to reduce its popularity to help the lesser known artists who aren't making as much money.But she is reasoning on how music loses its value. I think it gains value when you can have many people not able to purchase your album listening to it.
And I do think wealth is relevant. She's made a lot of money from this album. Way more than any independent career artist can dream of. The revenue she will lose/gain from this is minuscule. The audience isn't. I certainly listened to her on Spotify. I am iffy on whether I should buy her new album because of this.
Joanna Newsom certainly doesn't make this kind of money.
There are two points that utterly dismantle this argument:The point he is trying to make is that a number of people will still make art whether or not they get paid. The same is not true of more traditional work. If there was no money involved people would not stand in an assembly line and make cars, but people would still make music even if they weren't getting paid. Of course if no one was getting paid, the kind of music getting made would be greatly changed.
The purpose of incorporating concepts of "capitalism" is redundant since there is no permutation of society that would lead to art unrelated to the concept of monetary value. Not in a capitalist society, not in a communist society, not in anything in-between. Not in the present, or in the past.Art itself isnt work, but we live in a capitalistic society where everything has to be given a monetary value, art too.
Another incredible irony given that "first world" conditions is the only thing making us entertain the notion of art without pay. Some would-be artists in poorer countries don't even have the energy to lift an instrument because of an utter lack of basic humane conditions.Not everyone in this planet is a first worlder with enough money to pay for every art form they want to enjoy.
Attempting to appear impartial while flinging this non-sense is a hysterical self destruction. Try better.I was addressing that particular user and his stan culture shenanigans which clearly cloud his judgement.