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Teaching English in Asia |OT| We're back!

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Haha yeah I'm kinda fucking around since im still new honestly. I know how they will react if I say Unoki sensei is cute so I do it purpose lol her homeroom class basically offered her up to me rofl. But yeah have not really done anything yet but I love this place so far.

The guy I'm replacing apparently left after 2 weeks. Literally just straight up left with no word. so........ -shrug- I love this shit so far.

how close are you to a major city that you can go bar-hopping? There's not even an IDEA of a club scene up here and going to to Osaka/Kyoto is a right pain since trains back here are impossible at a decent drinking hour, I'd have to find a place to crash

Also it generally sounds like you're more outgoing than me, so you're probably having a better time on that front anyway, lol


Junior Member
Not interested in the gig, but what passes for an acceptable background check in your province? I have something minor from 10 years ago that I've wondered about.

I have no idea, I'm assuming a felony?

I had criminal damage to property on there from my drunken college days, but the charges were dropped so...


Forgot to mention I'm teaching at two high schools. The kids are between 14-16. Role play can be difficult.

Thinking of entertaining activities has always been my Achilles heel.

During my highschool they used to give us some texts about new technologies or any science discovery, it was quite cool and kept our attention. Ofc nothing extremely detailed (it gets boring) but not simple too. It was nice because it was always something unexpected, and you could talk about the invention/discovery and how it would affect people's lives.

In between you can teach some expressions and remember some grammar as well.


I think I made it to the final application stage (selection by head office in Tokyo), as they've been chasing me up on some outstanding references, which I assume they wouldn't do if they weren't going to consider me. My interview went ok, but it was kind of a weird day for a number of reasons, and not quite what I expected after reading about other peoples experiences. Hopefully I'll hear back soon. Having got this far, I'm going to be pretty damn disappointed if I don't make it now. Where as I wasn't as disappointed with not being accepted onto JET because I didn't even get a chance to screw up in person.

Thinking about it, Interac's application feels just as hard and selective as JET's. Written application>phone interview>teaching demonstration and interview>final selection by head office in Tokyo. It makes me all the more confused why I didn't even get a JET interview a couple years back.

Isn't JET simply application > 1 Interview > Final Selection?

On the UK site that's how they make it seem.


Isn't JET simply application > 1 Interview > Final Selection?

On the UK site that's how they make it seem.

It is like that, I think. I never got that far lol. Although, even if you make the final selection you can be put on the alternate list, which means you're relying on someone dropping out. There's a few people here who were put on the list but are now in Japan.
how close are you to a major city that you can go bar-hopping? There's not even an IDEA of a club scene up here and going to to Osaka/Kyoto is a right pain since trains back here are impossible at a decent drinking hour, I'd have to find a place to crash

Also it generally sounds like you're more outgoing than me, so you're probably having a better time on that front anyway, lol

There are a bunch of love hotels outside Namba station if you want somewhere comfortable to crash. On occasion when the trains stopped I just stayed on one with some friends, which makes it pretty cheap. Especially since it usually includes a bed and a couch if you feel weird sharing a bed with a friend, karaoke, a spa bath, all the fancy movie channels and check out at 11.


Some of the lessons I teach here are getting more and more obscure. Photography, N.G.O.s, Music Instruments, Underwater Exploration, f'n Teen Pregnancy...

I feel like a 'regular' teacher, not an English teacher.
Hi everyone. My girlfriend and I are applying to JET this year and hoping to join your ranks! She's finishing undergrad right now and I just finished an MA in English lit. I've also been teaching at the college level for the past three years, so I'm hoping that helps my chances, haha.

Anyways, we're in the middle of the application process and I was wondering if anyone might have advice on the essay portion. Once I realized how short it was, I wasnt sure what to focus on. Personally, I've got an academic interest in Japan (would love to eventually work in comp lit) in addition to my personal interest, so I thought about focusing on that. Any suggestions?
how close are you to a major city that you can go bar-hopping? There's not even an IDEA of a club scene up here and going to to Osaka/Kyoto is a right pain since trains back here are impossible at a decent drinking hour, I'd have to find a place to crash

Also it generally sounds like you're more outgoing than me, so you're probably having a better time on that front anyway, lol

It's literally across the street for us in Kagoshima haha. Were smack in the middle of downtown for good/bad that is. The morning commute is pretty brutal but the access to everything not just sitting at home is cool.

Lots to do and drink haha. Went to two English nights so far which I thought would be lame places where gaijins try to pick up chicks.... and it kinda is that but the ratio of foreigners to Japanese is great, like 3-5 for every 10 Japanese. Got some Japanese practice and made really cool friends. Also got hit on/felt up all night by some 50something lady haha. Fun fun fun.

had my welcome party/birthday party for one of the other ALTs. Food, alcohol, and karaoke. Was pretty fun, I was not really up to it after 2 nights of staying out til 2am and drinking before also cause I love music and all but i'm one of those people who knows the melody and a few certain lyrics and thats it haha. Either way I went way to hard. They handed me a half bottle of sochu at the end and said take a sip to not waste it.... I drank the whole the whole thing...... Don't be like me lol. Such a bad idea. But there were a bunch of girls with us so of course I wanted to show off. They started cheering after I took one gulp and the rest is blank haha.

It hit me super quick, all I can remember is walking downstairs out of the Karaoke place then blank haha. Woke up in my futon naked, and a few bloodstains from my busted lip rofl. No idea who got me home but they put food in my fridge and got me a pocari sweat so im recovering a bit I guess.

But yeah I love Kagoshima so far, definitely going to tone it down starting Monday though.

Hi everyone. My girlfriend and I are applying to JET this year and hoping to join your ranks! She's finishing undergrad right now and I just finished an MA in English lit. I've also been teaching at the college level for the past three years, so I'm hoping that helps my chances, haha.

Anyways, we're in the middle of the application process and I was wondering if anyone might have advice on the essay portion. Once I realized how short it was, I wasnt sure what to focus on. Personally, I've got an academic interest in Japan (would love to eventually work in comp lit) in addition to my personal interest, so I thought about focusing on that. Any suggestions?

When I applied they gave a brief semi outline of the main points to hit, assume they still do since its only been a year. Definitely hit those in some capacity. Main thing is to talk about what you hope to get out of it they like people to have some slight idea of what they want, not super important but it looks good i hear. Talk about the kids a bit because thats what the job is obviously. There is enough room to be a bit selfish and talk about yourself but don't over do it. Other than that I don't really know. It's definitely not as complex as others which probably makes it a bit harder haha.


My application definitely made it to the final round of selection, and now I'm just waiting to hear whether I get offered a position or not.

Looking around a couple forums, including here, does it seem like the overall interest in teaching English in Japan is a lot lower than it has been in the past? Even at my seminar, I expected ten or so people, considering mine was held in a major city, but there were only a few of us. Only a couple people talking about JET on here, no other Interac applicants as far as I can tell. ITIL forum is pretty quiet. What's going on, people on the ground?
My application definitely made it to the final round of selection, and now I'm just waiting to hear whether I get offered a position or not.

Looking around a couple forums, including here, does it seem like the overall interest in teaching English in Japan is a lot lower than it has been in the past? Even at my seminar, I expected ten or so people, considering mine was held in a major city, but there were only a few of us. Only a couple people talking about JET on here, no other Interac applicants as far as I can tell. ITIL forum is pretty quiet. What's going on, people on the ground?

Interac employee here. You're gonna love Halloween in Japan. Fucking amazing night in Osaka.
Halloween was pretty cool here in Kagoshima, tons of parties and what not. And since I live like one street away from the Hostess clubs and what not tons of sexy costumes everywhere lol. Even the day before tons of fun costumes. Also went to the mall in the afternoon they were giving out free candy and what not.

Seems like Japan really took a liking to Halloween in the last few years lol.
Rofl I ran into 4 of my students today in front of the mall. I saw them across the crosswalk having that "omg a foreigner" type look on one of the girls faces... Cross the street trying to ignore it, then I hear "oh oh oh!!!" from behind me haha. Turn around and all four of them run after me and say hi, and want a picture for some reason haha.

Happy they said hi outside of school buy was really random lol. Like I was some celebrity and not someone who is going to make them do work in 3 days haha.


get used to it. kids surprised that teachers exist outside of school x foreigner bonus.

try and enjoy it too! though it don't seem that'll be much of an issue for you
I don't think I've ever posted in this thread, but I've definitely read through this a bunch over the past 6 months or so. Ton of useful information in here so thank you. This thread is one of reasons I even found out this was a thing that was possible lol

Probably unlikely, but is anyone on here attending the seminar in NJ on the 14th for Interac? I'll be there.

I'll be honest, I've been nervous ever since the phone interview lol. I think my nerves are starting to calm down as I realize there's really nothing to be nervous about.
Hi guys. I've been interested in doing this for a bit now but just recently have been looking further into it. Can anyone comment on the viability of making an actual career out of ESL as opposed to just doing a couple years?

Like are there any sorts of "ladders" that can be climbed over time to get better positions? How much difference in terms of positions and money can be had with a specialized degree such as English Education or Linguistics and w/ or w/o a Masters over just the normal 4 year random Bachelor's. Are there opportunities to get jobs in other fields after some time and language proficiency in the country you're in?

I'm currently in my second year of Uni (computer science) and I'm really not sure where I'm going with it or if its what I want so I'm looking into other paths.


You should ask this in the JapanGAF OT. You'll get lots of helpful and constructive advice.
I'm joking, don't do that.

Maybe if you can get a job in a university? Everything I've ever been told and read myself is that there is very very little room for growth. The people who hang around teaching English for years always seem to end up being the most miserable and cynical of the westerners living in Asia. They end up stuck in a cycle because they no longer have the skills or experience necessary to move into more lucrative jobs with potential for growth. They want to do something else, but they can't, so they end up back teaching English. Some can't even go home. If you are looking for a longterm and fulfilling career, I really think you would be looking in the wrong place, unless you end up with a great university job. I don't know though, I'm not even there yet but that is the impression I get. It's probably best to be realistic about what it means to be an English teacher out there.

On the other, there are plenty of people who teach English, immerse themselves in the culture and get their language to professional level within a short-ish amount of time. From there they get jobs in other industries within Asia. Although, a lot of them treat their English teaching history like it's some sort of shameful secret.


Hi guys. I've been interested in doing this for a bit now but just recently have been looking further into it. Can anyone comment on the viability of making an actual career out of ESL as opposed to just doing a couple years?

Like are there any sorts of "ladders" that can be climbed over time to get better positions? How much difference in terms of positions and money can be had with a specialized degree such as English Education or Linguistics and w/ or w/o a Masters over just the normal 4 year random Bachelor's. Are there opportunities to get jobs in other fields after some time and language proficiency in the country you're in?

Good question but highly subjective. I'm only 2 years into the TESL game (American in China) after switching 'careers' FWIW. Of course it can be a career job, but are there many rungs on the ladder? Not really from what I can tell. You either come in as a credentialed teacher or you don't. Credentialed teachers (certificate and experience earned in their home country) are basically the cream of the crop in Asia, they can get jobs at the top international schools and work full time for good wages. From there I imagine they could become a manager/director of sorts or open up their own teaching business.

A non-credentialed teacher like myself could still land a decent gig at an international school, but it's more likely that you'll be teaching at a public school (primary, mid/high, univ) or at a private training center. Where you want to go from there is up to you. After teaching uni for 2 years, I'm considering going back to the states for a couple years to get credentialed, but there are just as many people here making a good living with their standard job and doing private work on the side. The nice thing about ESL is the flexibility of it all. English is still a highly-sought skill in many countries, so I don't see the demand falling off dramatically any time soon. Could you learn the local language and transition to something else? Why not?


Could one of you guys/girls give me a few pointers with this part on the JET application please? :)

14. Proposed Direction of Career and its Relation to the JET Programme.

Just want to make sure I go down the right angle with this part. I mean I don't really a dead set career path outlined so just want to make sure I write something down that they would like to hear.

Perhaps that I want to seek a long-term placement in a school, or seek other opportunities in different Japanese industries?


Not much action going on in here. I will try and answer your question, but I'm neither an expert or even a successful JET applicant, but I am now a successful ALT applicant with another company so there's that.

It's a standard interview question. Just make sure your future career goals match up or relate in some way to the goals of the JET program. It doesn't have to be totally true, but rather just consistent with the rest of your application and SoP. Don't put something really dumb like "I don't know", or something which contradicts everything else you put down in other parts of the application. Again, answer it like you would in an interview, even if you have to use some BS skills.

In other news, as hinted, I got an offer from Interac. Done and dusted before the JET application period closes! I'm very glad I didn't have to go through all that. Two years of procrastination and uncertainty finally over. I kind of feel like I should've pushed for a location preference, but no biggie. At this point I'm just looking forward to going wherever they place me.
In other news, as hinted, I got an offer from Interac. Done and dusted before the JET application period closes! I'm very glad I didn't have to go through all that. Two years of procrastination and uncertainty finally over. I kind of feel like I should've pushed for a location preference, but no biggie. At this point I'm just looking forward to going wherever they place me.

Congrats! Are you heading there for next March? Also, how long did it take them to get back to you after the seminar?


Not much action going on in here. I will try and answer your question, but I'm neither an expert or even a successful JET applicant, but I am now a successful ALT applicant with another company so there's that.

It's a standard interview question. Just make sure your future career goals match up or relate in some way to the goals of the JET program. It doesn't have to be totally true, but rather just consistent with the rest of your application and SoP. Don't put something really dumb like "I don't know", or something which contradicts everything else you put down in other parts of the application. Again, answer it like you would in an interview, even if you have to use some BS skills.

In other news, as hinted, I got an offer from Interac. Done and dusted before the JET application period closes! I'm very glad I didn't have to go through all that. Two years of procrastination and uncertainty finally over. I kind of feel like I should've pushed for a location preference, but no biggie. At this point I'm just looking forward to going wherever they place me.

Thanks for the advice.

And congratulations!


Back home a lot of returnee jets go to work for the embassies, consulates or various related organisations (like Japanese awareness foundations etc)


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Too late to start applying for JET? I have my letters of rec already...
Too late to start applying for JET? I have my letters of rec already...

Not sure what the deadline was this year. They changed it up and sent out the basic info early. Generally they gave about 6ish weeks to turn it in from what I remember and started sometime October accepting applications. Check the website for w/e country or region you are from.

In other news, as hinted, I got an offer from Interac. Done and dusted before the JET application period closes! I'm very glad I didn't have to go through all that. Two years of procrastination and uncertainty finally over. I kind of feel like I shoGuld've pushed for a location preference, but no biggie. At this point I'm just looking forward to going wherever they place me.

Grats man, was a long road for both of us! But we made it -highfive-

As for the career question, same thing Porcile said. It's just a common interview question, also a not so subtle reminder that programs like these tend to not be permanent and applicants need to know that. Just make something up if you don't know or don't have like... a 10 year plan like most people lol.
If anyone needs advice on teaching in Thailand, let me know.

Most of you guys are in or looking for jobs in Korea or Japan, but it's a great option if those don't work out. I'm here now going into my second term.


I don't really know anything about Thailand, but apparently the cost of living there is super low. I met a guy teaching over there when he was on vacation in my part of Japan, and he saved a ton of money despite making like 1500USD a month.


Thanks, all!

Congrats! Are you heading there for next March? Also, how long did it take them to get back to you after the seminar?

Yeah, March or thereabouts. After the seminar my application got held up for a couple reasons, but it took roughly a month. It will probably take a lot less time for you, as long as your references and other documents they ask you to upload are in order.
I don't really know anything about Thailand, but apparently the cost of living there is super low. I met a guy teaching over there when he was on vacation in my part of Japan, and he saved a ton of money despite making like 1500USD a month.

My apartment has marble floors and desktops and is in a nice area on the outside of central Bangkok and I pay about $180 a month for rent (including utilities/internet).

I typically spend about $5-8 a day on food here and eat very well.

Water is about 30 cents for 6 liters.

That's why he saved a lot.


Finished my CELTA practicum. It was a gruelling but amazing experience. It was also nice to make friends with people who actually love teaching, instead of just viewing it as the means to an extended vacation in Asia.


I teach 7th Social Studies in the U.S.

We cover the whole Eastern World and I'd absolutely love to get someone to do pen pals with my class especially if they are from an Asian country. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

get on that ASAP, I screwed up one year by not having my letters ready in time and so I had to wait another year to apply
Thanks :p luckily both of my referees got back to me ridiculously fast. Now to figure out if I can get a health check together in time so I can apply for the April start.


The UK JET checklist for those interested.


ALL of this and I'll maybe be selected? Bye.


Yeah if you can't handle that, working in Japan is gonna be kinda tough since they're really picky about getting things just right.


The only annoying parts of the JET application are the sealed references and the detailed past medical history. Otherwise, my understanding is that a lot of the documents you send are not part of the application but actually what you're going to need to get your work visa further down the line. I had to send pretty much all the same stuff with my Interac application.


I messed up massively on my application. :(

On the sections regarding intercultural experience and hobbies/extra curric/interests, I misread the limit as words and not characters. So wrote 300 words for each section and not characters.

So gutted.



Yeah if you can't handle that, working in Japan is gonna be kinda tough since they're really picky about getting things just right.

I can handle it perfectly fine. The chronology is the problem. At least half of this checklist should be in the post-selection process. I need four or more appointments to get these documents; I'm not going to invest hours and hours of my time just to get a rejection.


I messed up massively on my application. :(

On the sections regarding intercultural experience and hobbies/extra curric/interests, I misread the limit as words and not characters. So wrote 300 words for each section and not characters.

So gutted.


Can anyone comment on how much this may have screwed me?

UK JET here.
I can handle it perfectly fine. The chronology is the problem. At least half of this checklist should be in the post-selection process. I need four or more appointments to get these documents; I'm not going to invest hours and hours of my time just to get a rejection.

You're asking an employer to waste their time by potentially selecting people who are ultimately incapable of moving to a foreign country, getting a visa, or working with children so that you don't have to waste your time. Unfortunately that's now how things work.


You're asking an employer to waste their time by potentially selecting people who are ultimately incapable of moving to a foreign country, getting a visa, or working with children so that you don't have to waste your time. Unfortunately that's now how things work.

I doubt even 5% of UK graduate applicants would be 'incapable' of this checklist; the employer wouldn't be wasting their time. However, I'm guessing similar programmes have the same checklist. So applicants determined to teach abroad will have the documentation ready anyway and sent to 20 employers, whereas I was particularly interested in this 1 employer.
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