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Teaching English in Korea, good idea?

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Junior Member

I got an offer to teach for 6 months at 25$/Hour. Im still on the fence about it, Koreans seem to be kinda scary. Thing is, my good friend and roomate back in college was Korean and he was the nicest and coolest guy I have ever known. He was training for the "Bong Olympics" the last I heard...

Should I go?


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
My friend who lives in Pusan recommended that I not go to Korea for a variety of reasons, but I think it's mainly because he's native to the country. Stuff like politics and the economy might not apply to you at all... so I say go for it. Korean is an easier language to learn and adapt to than Japanese, so you might have an easier time over there. It was my first choice when deciding between Japan and Korea, but I got screwed over by the companies in Korea, so I went with the former instead.

Besides... arcades are 5 cents per play over there. ;)
I speak Korean alright and even I would skip it. I don't know how the hell you would do over there if you don't speak a lick of Korean.
Beware, beware, beware.

I've heard many stories of people who have done this, only to be short-funded, run into problems with their employers over salary, living conditions, etc. It also depends on what exactly you'll be employed at; many Hakwons are huge branches, but others are small-independent ones that die out in the market, leaving you stranded in Korea.

Then again, you CAN make some good cash this way, but make sure of the following:
1) The place you're going to is reputable
2) The company that you're working for (FTunion's good I hear) is one that will fight for you, and moderate any issues you may have with your employer.
3) You sign a contract, and not just "agree" to something, ASAP.
4) You have an emergency nest bundle in case something falls through and you wish to leave Korea at your desire.

If you follow this, you'll probably have a great time in Korea, and make some good cash.


If you're trying to get a job or living off of korea, forget bout it. Better to have it as a vacation.

I'm korean too btw.


What up Sasimirobot! (what the hell u been up to! pm me) I've actually been thinking about doing the same thing upon returning back to the states, but it'll probably be another year or so before I get out of the country.

Of course, I don't really care WHERE I go abroad to teach English, be it China, Taiwan, Korea, or Japan via the JET program, but anywhere you go there are definitely good programs.

As others have said in this thread, just make sure your company is reputable, and try to have a backup plan anyway just in case things fall apart early. Hell, a good thing about some of the programs too is that they pay for your airfare both ways as well as lodging.
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