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Team America Trailer

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Even though I know I'll still love it, I'm kinda dissappointed in the puppets. The AICN article made it sound like it looked amazing, this just looks like a slightly better version of the "Go Lords" from SNL.


Yeah, it needs to be tacky and stupid looking. Though if they throw some cool unnecessary CG in there it would be even better.


Idle Will Kill said:
Even though I know I'll still love it, I'm kinda dissappointed in the puppets. The AICN article made it sound like it looked amazing, this just looks like a slightly better version of the "Go Lords" from SNL.
Dude, you don't understand. This was heavily inspired by Thunderbirds.


You do know what Thunderbirds is, right?


I'll readily admit to maybe watching one entire episode of South Park in my life, and can honestly say I didn't find it funny...but simply the idea of a musical Jerry Bruckheimer style movie with Puppets is too damn funny to pass up without a look.
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