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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Quick TF2 question -

I'll be picking this up with the 360 Orange Box, having never played the original TF.

Is there character progression/unlockables in the multiplayer game, or is everything/every class available to all gamers right at the start?

I LOVE CoD4's system. If forces you to play a couple FFA rounds before you can play team deathmatch, and forces you to play a little deathmatch before you can play objective games. I think this is perfect. I can see why some gamers might be annoyed by being required to unlock the game they just bought piece by piece, but I love it.

Although I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy TF2 either way, I hope the game forces me to be a "soldier" for a few rounds before I can pick a specialized class.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Teknopathetic said:
Why the fuck would you want that?

To answer your question, no.

1) Because I don't want someone that has no idea what they're doing running around as an engineer or medic on my team. Force them to be a grunt for five rounds. THEN let them explore the specialists, once they have some fundamentals.

2) I think it's a good solution to adding actual, single player-ish character progression to multiplayer-only games. I'm not opposed to multi-only games (I never once played Halo 2's campaign), but I've always wished they had unlockables and more progression.

Edit: I get why this is an unpopular opinion. I'm just saying, for ME, its really attractive. I'm not even that INTO the CoD4 beta but I still find myself playing it all the time to complete the headshots challenge, the weapon challenges, etc. It's a meta-game on top of the multiplayer game itself, and I find it really compelling.


GDJustin said:
1) Because I don't want someone that has no idea what they're doing running around as an engineer or medic on my team. Force them to be a grunt for five rounds. THEN let them explore the specialists, once they have some fundamentals.

2) I think it's a good solution to adding actual, single player-ish character progression to multiplayer-only games. I'm not opposed to multi-only games (I never once played Halo 2's campaign), but I've always wished they had unlockables and more progression.
1. Uh, they all play pretty differently. Playing soldier won't really prep you for medic or engineer.

2. If they did that, the TFC elitists would hunt down Gabe Newell and kill him.
GDJustin said:
1) Because I don't want someone that has no idea what they're doing running around as an engineer or medic on my team. Force them to be a grunt for five rounds. THEN let them explore the specialists, once they have some fundamentals.

2) I think it's a good solution to adding actual, single player-ish character progression to multiplayer-only games. I'm not opposed to multi-only games (I never once played Halo 2's campaign), but I've always wished they had unlockables and more progression.

Edit: I get why this is an unpopular opinion. I'm just saying, for ME, its really attractive. I'm not even that INTO the CoD4 beta but I still find myself playing it all the time to complete the headshots challenge, the weapon challenges, etc. It's a meta-game on top of the multiplayer game itself, and I find it really compelling.

How is making someone play as a soldier going to help them be an engineer or medic?


I would love that COD4 leveling mechanic in the game. But I've never played TF before so I wouldn't know if it's a good idea or not. I do know that it's the reason I want to play COD4 so bad.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Goddamn, you guys don't need to be assholes about it. I already said I'd never played a TF game before.

All I did was 1) ask if everything was open at the start or not and 2) explain why I like CoD4's structure that forces gamers to earn the right to play more complex gametypes, and earn the right to more complex weaponry.

I'm sure I'll still enjoy TF2 regardless... I'm really excited about it. There's no reason for the defense force to assemble.


GDJustin said:
Goddamn, you guys don't need to be assholes about it. I already said I'd never played a TF game before.

All I did was 1) ask if everything was open at the start or not and 2) explain why I like CoD4's structure that forces gamers to earn the right to play more complex gametypes, and earn the right to more complex weaponry.

I'm sure I'll still enjoy TF2 regardless... I'm really excited about it. There's no reason for the defense force to assemble.
I wasn't being mean about it D:


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Akia said:
I would love that COD4 leveling mechanic in the game. But I've never played TF before so I wouldn't know if it's a good idea or not. I do know that it's the reason I want to play COD4 so bad.

I can tell you that the progression system has really worked on me. I don't play CoD4 beta every night for the actual multiplayer itself (although it is solid enough) - I play it because I derive a LOT of enjoyment out of completing the various challenges assigned to each weapon. It's single player goals... in a multiplayer game. I'm into it.
GDJustin said:
Goddamn, you guys don't need to be assholes about it...

People are frustrated because they've been waiting for the TF2 beta. That's why the cursing and the short temper...

You should see the craziness in the GAF chat room, it's unpleasant really.


anyone know if TF2 has sentry gun hacking? Cuz fortress forever has it and its tarded as hell since it makes you babysit your gun all game


Puts the M in Member
Jurai said:
anyone know if TF2 has sentry gun hacking? Cuz fortress forever has it and its tarded as hell since it makes you babysit your gun all game

Spies can place a detonator on them, not sure about hacking


Jurai said:
anyone know if TF2 has sentry gun hacking? Cuz fortress forever has it and its tarded as hell since it makes you babysit your gun all game
Yes. However, the spies disguise goes off as soon as he does. Same thing with backstabbing. So you won't see the spy disguised as a teammate knifing people in the back three at a time, it'll go off each time. It forces the spy to be more careful about who and when he decides to kill.
I play multiplayer games for multiplayer experiences and goals. The last thing I want is some guy joining a game and ignoring the actual game just to work on unlocking whatever crap he wants next.

And also to repeat it, playing a soldier won't help you play any of the other classes and vice versa.


GDJustin said:
Goddamn, you guys don't need to be assholes about it. I already said I'd never played a TF game before.
Well that explains it.

Just to clarify though, soldier isn't the noobiest class. That would be hwguy, who you can instantly be good with. Only problem is that there isn't too much room for improvement.


Puts the M in Member
monoRAIL said:
Could everyone please leave the NeoGaf steam chat room so I can get in there and complain about the lack of TF2 beta.

I will complain for you.

Steam Chat said:
omega: again, they didn't SAY 6pm. someone ELSE ASSUMED 6pm.
Kamakazie!: 20% off for those that were LIED TO! :)
Zanboo: MonoRAIL says: where the fuck is the beta?!


I tried logging into the GAF chatroom on STEAM and it says it's full.

I'm in agreement about the leveling system. Leveling sucks! Let game's be decided by skill, not who's leveled the most.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Teknopathetic said:
I play multiplayer games for multiplayer experiences and goals. The last thing I want is some guy joining a game and ignoring the actual game just to work on unlocking whatever crap he wants next.

Well #1 not everyone gets the same enjoyment out of the same things in videogames as you, so try not to be a jerk when someone's thoughts don't line up with your own.

and #2, what you're describing is not what I was referring to anyway. Have you played the CoD 4 beta? Pretty much ALL the challenges are tied to a specific weapon, and tied to KILLING ENEMIES. I completed a challenge by killing 100 enemies with the M5 (my gun of choice) earlier today. I enjoyed this. It was fun. Completing this challenge unlocked a new attachment for that weapon (attachments include silencers, laser sights, etc). I like there being dozens (hundreds?) of rewards built into the game's progression system. I LIKE that you have to play for 5 hours before earning the right to start a clan.


I've never seen so many people in my steam friends list online at once.
They're all playing Counter Strike and Peggle HAHAHA! :`-(


Well it 2.13am over here in the UK and am still waiting for TF2 am refusing to go to bed until i have at least 1 game:lol
"Well #1 not everyone gets the same enjoyment out of the same things in videogames as you, so try not to be a jerk when someone's thoughts don't line up with their own."

"1) Because I don't want someone that has no idea what they're doing running around as an engineer or medic on my team. Force them to be a grunt for five rounds. THEN let them explore the specialists, once they have some fundamentals."


"nd #2, what you're describing is not what I was referring to anyway. Have you played the CoD 4 beta? Pretty much ALL the challenges are tied to a specific weapon, and tied to KILLING ENEMIES. I completed a challenge by killing 100 enemies with the M5 (my gun of choice) earlier today. I enjoyed this. It was fun. Completing this challenge unlocked a new attachment for that weapon (attachments include silencers, laser sights, etc)."

There aren't any attatchments, extra kit options, etc. There's just the 9 classes. Why should someone have to play a class they might not enjoy just to get to one they will? And the idea of experienced players getting better equipment (instead of just more skill) on top of their experience makes for a pretty busted new player experience.


Screw it. I'm shutting the PC down for the night. They'll probably unlock it at 11:59 PST (Assuming it's even releasing today... and not getting the old Valve delay job.)
"Valve is currently busy fingering eachother in the asses as they snort cocaine off the unreleased Team Fortress 2 beta they have been holding on to for 3 weeks, high fiving eachother over the backs of dirty whores they bought with the money from the prereleased orange box. They are laughing at you because even though they are fat and smell like cheese they have your money and you have jack shit and there is nothing you can do about it how about that you little twat."



"Valve Corporation is an American video game developer based in Bellevue, Washington, USA, made famous by its first product, Half-Life, which was released in November 1998. The company has followed Half-Life's success by developing mods, spin-offs, and sequels including Half-Life 2, though they have only fully produced three games to date, Half-Life, Half Life 2 and Half Life 2: Episode 1 . Valve Founder Gabe Newell is notorious for his appetite, known for eating servers due to stress on game release dates."

I chuckled


Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve Die Valve




Teknopathetic said:
I play multiplayer games for multiplayer experiences and goals. The last thing I want is some guy joining a game and ignoring the actual game just to work on unlocking whatever crap he wants next.
I think it sort of works well in certain contexts. In TF, the necessity of you performing your role with skill is much more important than I imagine it is in CoD4. I do kind of like the idea of unlocking things, and having those challenges ... but not in TF2.

It's kind of like how Insurgency doesn't have the kill count. I find that for an objective based game (with reinforcements), there shouldn't be a kill count. Why does it matter how many "noobs" I've picked off running out into the open when I allowed a bunch of smarter players to make their way around the choke point with a smoke screen or two.


I think we might be taking this a little too far guys.

There's a difference between insulting Valve and Gabe.


Akia said:
I'd wouldn't be posting here if the game was up. Plus you guys would know if I was playing or not.
He's uh ... got a separate account, two computers, two extra arms and some cybernetic multitasking brain!

... GET HIM!
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