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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small


I know there used to be HTML that let you choose whether a link opens in a new window or stays in the same window.

Do you need to use Javascript to do this now?
Today, I started having a problem with Firefox. From time to time, web pages will hang for a minute or more before they start loading. Once they start, they complete at the normal speed, but during the times when it has paused nothing will load in FF at all.

During these pauses, other web services on my computer work as normal (Steam, Chrome both tested and working for web pages while FF is hanging; steam chat, google talk and skype all still have connectivity also).


Awhile ago I put in a new gtx 560ti. (Which went way better then my first attempt at do it myself upgrading where I fried the mother board with static electricity)... anyway

So everything was working fine for a couple months and now randomly, games that had no issues before are suffering from like missing textures, stretched pixels, freezing, etc... and it doesn't seem like there's any rhyme or reason... One day I'll play a game for hours and everything is cool and then the next there will be crazy graphical anomalies as soon as I turn it on....

sometimes they fix themselves if I alt-tab out and come back, other times I need to restart the pc, other times I can't seem to fix it at all until I try again later or the next day and everything is fine again.

I'm thinking maybe it's a heat issue (but my case isn't hot, the fans aren't going crazy) or maybe it's a power supply issues (but then why isn't it consistent?) or maybe there's a loose connection?

anyone have any ideas?.. point me in the right direction?

system info (not really sure what all to include)
Intel i7 920 @ 2.67ghz
9gb ram
GeForce GTX 560 Ti, 1gb
64 bit win 7


Low moral character
Does anybody have any recommendations for reliable VPNs for Netflix/Hulu/Amazon purposes?

As of now, I am going with www.hidemyass.com but it seems that there should be reliable, free alternatives out there. I just don't know anything about this whole VPN thing...


Hallo tech gaf. My vaio is acting up....again. Everytime i play youtube video in HD(720p and above) I get a green bar on the top the video that only seems to go away when i drop the resolution or when i expand to full screen. No idea what this maybe..PLEASE HELP? :(


I noticed a few days ago a vertical black double line on my LCD monitor. My monitor somehow has image retention/burn in from the border in chrome. That thick, transparent border Windows 7 puts around windows is burned into my LCD. But only on the left side, and only part of it is easily seen, towards the bottom left. The rest going to the top of the monitor is very faint, and only visible when you look close.

I have no idea how this happened. I have chrome open a lot, but why only that section of the border? Why not the entire thing? Or my taskbar in Windows?

Is there any way to get rid of this? It's extremely noticeable on grey, but I can see it there on any light color.

Here's an image of it. Horrible quality, taken with my phone.

The monitor is an Asus PA246Q for those interested.


GAF I'm having trouble picking a firewall.

I used to use ZoneAlarm but the new version seems bad to me.

So now I'm trying to use Comodo and it seems too much with all the Defense + pop ups and I hate the trusted vendors list. Just because they trust a vendor doesn't mean I do. Maybe there's a better way to set it up than I know of, and if that's the case any help there would be appreciated.

My only real requirements are that it's free, and that it simply asks when something tries to connect to the net and blocks it if I want it to.

Any recommendations?


Less a tech support question and more a, what now?

My 120 GB HDD is nearly full, and the primary source of the capacity is about 6 years of photos and movies (about 80 GB worth). I'd like to back these up somehow, and/or increase capacity. What's the best way to go about this? I've been thinking of looking into an external HDD, but I'm not sure if that's the best route to go.


Less a tech support question and more a, what now?

My 120 GB HDD is nearly full, and the primary source of the capacity is about 6 years of photos and movies (about 80 GB worth). I'd like to back these up somehow, and/or increase capacity. What's the best way to go about this? I've been thinking of looking into an external HDD, but I'm not sure if that's the best route to go.

1) You can either buy a bigger internal drive and clone the old drive into the new drive. Then buy a hard drive enclosure for the old drive and keep the old drive as a backup drive.

2) You can buy an external usb drive which you can transfer the old files to.

TL;DR: an external drive would be the easiest.


As soon as I logged onto my computer and started using the internet today I have been getting warning messages that only secure content is allowed (this is on my google home page). Also noticed I got diverted to ad websites when using google to click through to safe websites. Anyone know about this?

My urls when using google in IE also seem to be extra long not sure if that is normal or not but seems odd.

https://www google com au/search?q=google&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&rlz=&redir_esc=&ei=swF7T_KyMoSSiQfd2ZTLAg#hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&sclient=psy-ab&q=neogaf&oq=neogaf&aq=f&aqi=g4&aql=&gs_l=serp.3..0l4.3029l3709l0l3905l6l6l0l0l0l0l342l342l3-1l1l0.frgbld.&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=46e26829d14b5458&biw=1355&bih=608


As soon as I logged onto my computer and started using the internet today I have been getting warning messages that only secure content is allowed (this is on my google home page). Also noticed I got diverted to ad websites when using google to click through to safe websites. Anyone know about this?

My urls when using google in IE also seem to be extra long not sure if that is normal or not but seems odd.
Most likely. You shouldn't be using internet explorer in the first place. just do a malware search.


I'll try once again. I have problems with youtube when in the fullscreen mode.
The image is weird, like it's being scaled wrong (look at the "i" dot, it shouldn't be so... aliased?). This is how it looks like (click for full size):
It's from this video.

I'm using the newest Firefox, have the newest drivers (Radeon 6700M/Intel Graphics HD) and tried reinstalling flash - didn't help. Checked it in IE, the problem is still there.

Other video sites don't have this problem, the picture looks normal. When I download the 720p/1080p video from youtube and run it in my media player, it also looks normal.

Switching hardware acceleration on/of in both FF and Flash didn't help.



I feel like an idiot, but I can't find that?

here's a screen cap:


I'm doing this through Twitter.com if that makes a difference.


I feel like an idiot, but I can't find that?

here's a screen cap:


I'm doing this through Twitter.com if that makes a difference.
Hover the mouse over it while viewing your tweets on your profile page and you should see this:

But in English.


when I hover, the only options are "Reply - Favorite - Open" and when I click open, it shows what you see in my screen cap.
That's weird, even on twitter.com I see an option to retweet the tweet I already retweeted again (it gives an error though) but I don't see it on your screencap...
So for the past couple of months my Mac has had difficulty connecting to my wireless router. The wireless icon in the top right corner will -- I don't know -- scroll, as if it's trying to connect, and then will alert me that "A connection timeout occurred." I've looked around on various apple forums and have seen that a lot of people are having the same problem, but none of the sites offer a consistent fix. I've tried deleting the router passwords from my keychain, I've tried adjusting the channel on my router, and I've tried a couple of other hoodoo-ey things, all with no luck.

The kicker is, the computer will sporadically connect on its own, and will stay connected just fine until I put the computer into sleep mode or restart it. Then it's a constant fight of going through the diagnostic tools, trying again and again until I get fed up, then walking away only to return hours later to see that I'm connected to the internet.

My Macbook Air connects just fine, as do my Kindle Fire, iPhone 4s, PS3, Apple TV, and a Roku that I recently borrowed from a friend for HBO Go access. It's just this damn desktop. Any ideas?
So for the past couple of months my Mac has had difficulty connecting to my wireless router. The wireless icon in the top right corner will -- I don't know -- scroll, as if it's trying to connect, and then will alert me that "A connection timeout occurred." I've looked around on various apple forums and have seen that a lot of people are having the same problem, but none of the sites offer a consistent fix. I've tried deleting the router passwords from my keychain, I've tried adjusting the channel on my router, and I've tried a couple of other hoodoo-ey things, all with no luck.

The kicker is, the computer will sporadically connect on its own, and will stay connected just fine until I put the computer into sleep mode or restart it. Then it's a constant fight of going through the diagnostic tools, trying again and again until I get fed up, then walking away only to return hours later to see that I'm connected to the internet.

My Macbook Air connects just fine, as do my Kindle Fire, iPhone 4s, PS3, Apple TV, and a Roku that I recently borrowed from a friend for HBO Go access. It's just this damn desktop. Any ideas?

Possible you can swap out wifi cards?


Posted this in the SC2GAF thread, but would be nice to know if anyone could give me any pointers. Probably gonna continue troubleshooting tomorrow...

So I dunno if SC2 "killed" my graphics card.
I was laddering and suddenly the screen went black and went to sleep mode, but the sound worked for about 10 seconds and then it just went into this buggy loop state. Had to cold boot it cause it didn't respond.
Then the same thing happened the instant I launched SC2 after the boot, and with CS:GO when I connected to a server.
Ran one pass of memtest and showed no error. Crashed some more times, sometimes when I just watched the IPL stream and even a time just when I got into windows.
Tried disabling onboard sound, didn't help!

What did work though was underclocking the GPU 200 mhz (a 570 GTX normally running at 780 mhz), and then I tried 100 mhz which also worked. However, it stilled crashed after a minute of CS:GO when underclocking it 50 mhz.

So, my graphics card doesn't seem to be running particularly hot either.

UGH, and now it crashed on -100 mhz when running CS:GO and ipl stream in the background. So I'm not sure if underclocking is only prolonging until the crashes happen or if I underclock it enough it will work. Trying -150 mhz for now.

Anyone got any thoughts on the issue? It has worked for like half a year without any problems until today... Never overclocked it or anything... (2500K, 2x4 GB Corsair sticks, Geforce 570 GTX)

edit: crashed at -150 mhz while having a stream in the background and playing CS:GO for a minute
So, I built my first PC and I have a couple tech questions.

When I installed the power supply, I installed it so the fan is facing up on the inside. Should I have installed it the other way around? There is only an inch or so between the bottom of the case and my desk.

Also, when I installed my GPu (HD6850) I just ran the software that came with it and didn't change any of the settings. What should I do to get the most out of it? Should I be worried about running games on Max and burning it out?

I also only have one case fan at the back running (I'm using a HAF912) but couldn't find the place to plug my front case fan in. Is that going to be a problem?


Anyone else with a 580 and the newest drivers, stuck in P0 (3D) mode? I made the horrible, unconscionable mistake of updating my drivers, and now I'm stuck at full bore 24/7. I tried rebooting and reinstalling the drivers.

Is there a way to force P8 mode?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Posted this in the SC2GAF thread, but would be nice to know if anyone could give me any pointers. Probably gonna continue troubleshooting tomorrow...

So I dunno if SC2 "killed" my graphics card.
I was laddering and suddenly the screen went black and went to sleep mode, but the sound worked for about 10 seconds and then it just went into this buggy loop state. Had to cold boot it cause it didn't respond.
Then the same thing happened the instant I launched SC2 after the boot, and with CS:GO when I connected to a server.
Ran one pass of memtest and showed no error. Crashed some more times, sometimes when I just watched the IPL stream and even a time just when I got into windows.
Tried disabling onboard sound, didn't help!

What did work though was underclocking the GPU 200 mhz (a 570 GTX normally running at 780 mhz), and then I tried 100 mhz which also worked. However, it stilled crashed after a minute of CS:GO when underclocking it 50 mhz.

So, my graphics card doesn't seem to be running particularly hot either.

UGH, and now it crashed on -100 mhz when running CS:GO and ipl stream in the background. So I'm not sure if underclocking is only prolonging until the crashes happen or if I underclock it enough it will work. Trying -150 mhz for now.

Anyone got any thoughts on the issue? It has worked for like half a year without any problems until today... Never overclocked it or anything... (2500K, 2x4 GB Corsair sticks, Geforce 570 GTX)

edit: crashed at -150 mhz while having a stream in the background and playing CS:GO for a minute

Can you monitor the temps while this is happening?

So, I built my first PC and I have a couple tech questions.

When I installed the power supply, I installed it so the fan is facing up on the inside. Should I have installed it the other way around? There is only an inch or so between the bottom of the case and my desk.

Also, when I installed my GPu (HD6850) I just ran the software that came with it and didn't change any of the settings. What should I do to get the most out of it? Should I be worried about running games on Max and burning it out?

I also only have one case fan at the back running (I'm using a HAF912) but couldn't find the place to plug my front case fan in. Is that going to be a problem?
Have you been able to use it yet? Monitor the temperatures with an application like SpeedFan for your cores and RealTemp for GPU(s).
Have you been able to use it yet? Monitor the temperatures with an application like SpeedFan for your cores and RealTemp for GPU(s).

I switched the fan alignment, and found out that I needed to plug the case fans into the PSU instead of the HDD.

The hottest my graphics card seems to get when playing games on max is 40 degrees, and my CPU has gotten up to 60 degrees. I imagine that those are safe temps.
After a recent laptop crash I'm looking to buy an external HDD for backup purposes and for general file storage use. Looking for something around 1Tb or less. Will eventually buy a second backup just in case one of them fails. I really hate losing files.

Any suggestions on what to buy? Keep in mind I am a poor college student.


After a recent laptop crash I'm looking to buy an external HDD for backup purposes and for general file storage use. Looking for something around 1Tb or less. Will eventually buy a second backup just in case one of them fails. I really hate losing files.

Any suggestions on what to buy? Keep in mind I am a poor college student.
This one works pretty well but it's a little expensive. There's no point in being cheap with computer hardware though.


Unconfirmed Member
I've got a question if someone knows the answer.

I just picked up a Lenovo ThinkPad x120e and I want to fresh install Windows 7 on it. Anyone know how to do that, considering the doesn't have a disc drive ... I have a copy of the Windows 7 iso from school, but I'm not sure how to get it to install on the machine.


I've got a question if someone knows the answer.

I just picked up a Lenovo ThinkPad x120e and I want to fresh install Windows 7 on it. Anyone know how to do that, considering the doesn't have a disc drive ... I have a copy of the Windows 7 iso from school, but I'm not sure how to get it to install on the machine.
You have to use the Windows 7 Install tool by microsoft and then boot from your usb.


I'm having BSOD's after replacing a stock DIMM of RAM with 2 x 4gig replacements. I have a crash dump file but have no way of making sense of it. I've spent the past 2 hours trying to get the MS Windows debugger working but to no avail.

Any help would be tremendously appreciated.


Unconfirmed Member
I've got another question lol.

What's normal CPU temperature? My Lenovo x120e that I just bought last weekend is about 65C normally -- but I was wondering if that's too much? The fan is constantly on too. Though, it is an Ultraportable so I'm guessing that the fan is going to be much louder since it's more compact -- I'm comparing this to my school's laptop, the Dell Latitude E6410.


Networking-GAF! You are needed!

Just recently my router has been continually disconnecting and our devices are all subseqentuly losing their connection.

It happens almost three to four times an hour and it's incredibly annoying, but for some reason it's all of a sudden started happening - we have not had any problems at all for upwards of two years with this network.

The internet will sometimes just hang, then come back at random intervals. It's incredibly annoying, especially if I am playing on Xbox Live or something and get randomly disconnected or even when I'm on YouTube and the video just stops loading.

Just a few questions - would us progressively getting more devices and connecting them to our WiFi eventually cause a reduction in performance? For example everyone in the house now owns an iPad as well as a laptop on top of the gaming consoles and some of our media servers. Obviously these devices aren't all on all the time but sometimes could this have an effect?

Basically, what things should I try to try and fix this problem? I've tried rebooting the router (hard and soft reboot) but nothing is fixed yet. Anyone got any ideas of some things I should run through?

I've also just noticed that when we disconnect, the "uptime' counter in my router goes back to 0, and the Internet light goes off, but the DSL one stays on. =( There are no recorded incidences or outages with my ISP either, I called them just to be sure too.


Unconfirmed Member
Hi guys, anyone here experienced here with creating MSI packages and knowing a good resource page to show how to make them silent unattended installs across the network, via Active Directory or other network deployment methods? I'm scratching my head with this at the moment and only did it through one method and would like a much better understanding on it :)
Can anyone familiar with MD5 help me help a friend with a problem? He's trying to run it but keeps getting this message, "MD5Deep is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." I can't figure out what he's doing wrong. I've only used it very little myself and never had issues.


My PC (Win 7 x64) runs just fine for 30-60 minutes then slows down, locks up and BSoDs. Doesn't matter what I'm doing - surfing, watching a video or listening to music. Just before it fully crashes I get some weird errors like not being able to open files as Windows can't detect any installed programs to use them as well as messages from programs saying there's no space left on my hard drive despite there being 30GB or so (using an SSD if that makes a difference).

BSoD said:
A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

A process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or terminated.

If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any Windows updates you might need.

If the problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup options, and then select Safe Mode.

Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x0000000000000003, 0xFFFFFA800B17E330, 0xFFFFFA800B17E610, 0xFFFFF800033D1660)

Collecting data for crash dump ...
Initializing disk for crash dump ...

In the most recent crashes my SSD is not detected when my PC restarts itself after the crash, leading to "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key." However, when I hard reset, it's always there agai nand loads Windows up just fine.

Despite setting everything up to collect crash dumps, they just aren't being generated, so I can't analyse them.

I have:
- Used disk tools to check my SSD - they say it has no errors and 18 years of life left in it.
- Run MemTest, no problems there.
- Run chkdsk, nothing.
- Reinstalled Windows 7 x64, still get the exact same problem.

Any suggestions / ideas? This is driving me nuts!
For whatever reason, my D-Link router (DIR-615) will randomly drop all connections, then 1-3 seconds later will go back to normal like nothing even happened. It's becoming a huge pain in the ass for me since I'll never know when I'm going to be disconnected from a game while using my PS3 or Steam or anything. Is there anything at all I can do?


Unconfirmed Member
My PC (Win 7 x64) runs just fine for 30-60 minutes then slows down, locks up and BSoDs. Doesn't matter what I'm doing - surfing, watching a video or listening to music. Just before it fully crashes I get some weird errors like not being able to open files as Windows can't detect any installed programs to use them as well as messages from programs saying there's no space left on my hard drive despite there being 30GB or so (using an SSD if that makes a difference).

In the most recent crashes my SSD is not detected when my PC restarts itself after the crash, leading to "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key." However, when I hard reset, it's always there agai nand loads Windows up just fine.

Despite setting everything up to collect crash dumps, they just aren't being generated, so I can't analyse them.

I have:
- Used disk tools to check my SSD - they say it has no errors and 18 years of life left in it.
- Run MemTest, no problems there.
- Run chkdsk, nothing.
- Reinstalled Windows 7 x64, still get the exact same problem.

Any suggestions / ideas? This is driving me nuts!

Sounds like the Crucial M4 5200 hour bug. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version to fix.
For whatever reason, my D-Link router (DIR-615) will randomly drop all connections, then 1-3 seconds later will go back to normal like nothing even happened. It's becoming a huge pain in the ass for me since I'll never know when I'm going to be disconnected from a game while using my PS3 or Steam or anything. Is there anything at all I can do?

Yes, check the firmware and make sure it's up to date. If it is and it's acting like that...

......install DD-WRT.


it's often more stable software, and it's much more robust and featured.


I had this problem a few months ago with a different router, though both are D-link. Anyway every other device in my household can connect wirelessly to the router just fine, but my computer will connect for about 5 seconds and then no longer work. Wired it works fine though.

This is a new router I bought today a DIR-825. I have no idea what the problem is and I`m hoping someone here can lead me to a solution.
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