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TEKKEN 7 |OT| How I killed your mother

In case anyone was wondering, when you reach a certain rank that automatically advances your entire roster a rank, those characters can still be demoted.



I am really perplex how players still press buttons after the round start immediately in the yellow ranks. I hardly see anyone backdash or block at the start that much no matter what level.


If someone declines a rematch now it takes at least twice as long to show you the message. Sometimes over 20 seconds. Awesome change.
I think I figured out wht they did that.

So let's say you just blasted some poor slob with a near triple perfect. You hit rematch to see if you can get the full triple perfect next time. He declines and the game puts him immediately in the waiting stage for a new matchup.

However, the rematch nerf forces you to wait longer so he has a better chance to escape your uberness as the game searches for his next opponent.



Woooo, this Ansel, though. I'm gonna be taking some nice shots. Did Namco just simply add support for Ansel?
Online on PS4 sucks now. I literally haven't managed to get a single rematch in 6 matches that I played last night.

And that's if the game finds me someone to play with in the first place.

Why can't Japanese fighting games just fucking work properly online?


Any tips on how to block Leo's d/f+4,1?

I don't think I've managed to block it EVER.

*Gained another rank at least.

I guess you mean d/b+4,1

You can't react to it. You either anticipate it (Leo players like to use this move near a wall for example) or you space it properly so the first hit whiffs. The second is still launch punishable on block.


I think I figured out wht they did that.

So let's say you just blasted some poor slob with a near triple perfect. You hit rematch to see if you can get the full triple perfect next time. He declines and the game puts him immediately in the waiting stage for a new matchup.

However, the rematch nerf forces you to wait longer so he has a better chance to escape your uberness as the game searches for his next opponent.

Never had the same guy twice in a row so that's probably not it. It's probably issue with new matchmaking, it behaves differently. Earlier the warm up place paused right before opponent was found. Now it pop ups without any warning, I already accidentally hit circle couple times because I was in the middle of combo when prompt poped up.

The incredibly annoying long wait is probably a side issue, matchmaking communication bug that will be patched unless they want to kiill this game.


Never had the same guy twice in a row so that's probably not it. It's probably issue with new matchmaking, it behaves differently. Earlier the warm up place paused right before opponent was found. Now it pop ups without any warning, I already accidentally hit circle couple times because I was in the middle of combo when prompt poped up.

The incredibly annoying long wait is probably a side issue, matchmaking communication bug that will be patched unless they want to kiill this game.

I've had a dude three times in a row, each time he lost once, he quit. I'm not even convinced anymore that there is some matchmaking bug, I'm just assuming the game is dead in my area.


Never had the same guy twice in a row so that's probably not it. It's probably issue with new matchmaking, it behaves differently. Earlier the warm up place paused right before opponent was found. Now it pop ups without any warning, I already accidentally hit circle couple times because I was in the middle of combo when prompt poped up.

The incredibly annoying long wait is probably a side issue, matchmaking communication bug that will be patched unless they want to kiill this game.

What's worse is that the "Connection to opponent was lost" is even more frequent now, at least for me. That, coupled with the infinite wait for another player kills my enjoyment of this game atm.


Online is so dumb right now, why the hell did they need to change seeing the players name. It make absolutely no sense, it shouldn't be that a big deal that people dodge fights.
I guess you mean d/b+4,1

You can't react to it. You either anticipate it (Leo players like to use this move near a wall for example) or you space it properly so the first hit whiffs. The second is still launch punishable on block.

Yes. My bad.

This Leo just side-stepped my Raven continuously just doing that move. The only time Leo players do this at a wall is when I'm trying to quick recover and they could end the round if it connects. Otherwise, they just do it from standing.


Im not putting as much into pearning this game as i did 6! I love it but putting in the work felt easier with 6...im getting old!


GGs Sasuke and Numb. Was fun.

I've had a dude three times in a row, each time he lost once, he quit. I'm not even convinced anymore that there is some matchmaking bug, I'm just assuming the game is dead in my area.

3 times is unusual, unless you hit small pool of players.

What's worse is that the "Connection to opponent was lost" is even more frequent now, at least for me. That, coupled with the infinite wait for another player kills my enjoyment of this game atm.

Yeah it can be pretty bad. I had to change the MTU to old ass 1492 to make it little better.

Online is so dumb right now, why the hell did they need to change seeing the players name. It make absolutely no sense, it shouldn't be that a big deal that people dodge fights.

They probably did it to remove the dudes who set up ranked fights with friend and boosted. You just had to decline matches until your friends name poped up.


Unconfirmed Member
I just had a crazy idea on how to cut down on Online wait times:

At the end of a match, hit the touch pad so it shows the players' names.
When the options menu shows up wait like 3 seconds and if the opponent's avatar disappears, it means they left. Hopefully that cuts down on the amount of times everyone has to wait 20 secs for the wait room to boot up!

Sadly, you can't hit the touch pad while in the waiting room. You can only check your opponent's status AFTER you accept a match.

Still super happy I found this out, though!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Man I'm bummed about Tekken Bowl.

First, no online: huuuuuge missed opportunity. But whatever.

Second, you can't pick your custom outfits? Oh hellllll no! T_T

Other than that the mode is pretty rad.
So all the folks playing women are wearing swimsuits.

I was concerned with Katarina, but that was one character. Now IDK if This game is appropriate for my kids to watch.
So all the folks playing women are wearing swimsuits.

I was concerned with Katarina, but that was one character. Now IDK if This game is appropriate for my kids to watch.

lol so it was okay when people were just kicking the crap out of each other but now the women are wearing bikinis it's inappropriate? please
There's a difference between this, and this (NSFW).

Both are women fighting. One of them is clearly exploiting Women in a very negative, misogynistic way.

I take your meaning but I don't think simply putting the Tekken girls, as-is, in a bikini is an act of misogyny. They are still those characters. Is it low-hanging, pandering t&a/fanservice? absolutely. But I don't see the great harm. I certainly think it being the thing that makes you go "oh my kids can't see this anymore" is weird af and has more to do with sex-negativity than any kind of feminist values. What is it saying to kids if they can see people kicking the crap out of each other but NOT in bikinis, other than "scantily-clad women are bad"?


Ran into a guy disconnecting in fucking blue rank. Ran into him again with a 0% disconnect rate. I think i'm done with the game until they do something about this.


So all the folks playing women are wearing swimsuits.

I was concerned with Katarina, but that was one character. Now IDK if This game is appropriate for my kids to watch.

Bruh. How about taking a pow wow time with your kid to explain that video game characters aren't made to look real most of the time. Or do your kids think all men should look buff AF 12 pack hung low handsome ?

Just because Katarina is stacked and has a thong on doesn't make her a sex exploited character. Most of the female cast in this game is showing skin and has unrealistic proportions.

If it's ok for your kids to watch unrealistic men and women kick the shit out of each other, then it needs to be ok for them to be wearing stupid outfits on those unrealistic frames.


GGs Sasuke and Numb. Was fun.

GGs. Sorry I got DC'd at some point and couldn't reconnect. I sent you that message on PSN using my phone because my PS4 wouldn't let me o.o

I just had a crazy idea on how to cut down on Online wait times:

At the end of a match, hit the touch pad so it shows the players' names.
When the options menu shows up wait like 3 seconds and if the opponent's avatar disappears, it means they left. Hopefully that cuts down on the amount of times everyone has to wait 20 secs for the wait room to boot up!

Sadly, you can't hit the touch pad while in the waiting room. You can only check your opponent's status AFTER you accept a match.

Still super happy I found this out, though!

Yeah this is the best method. Only works on consoles though I think. Is there a button that shows the players like that on PC?


If it's ok for your kids to watch unrealistic men and women kick the shit out of each other, then it needs to be ok for them to be wearing stupid outfits on those unrealistic frames.
Eh, this argument comes up from time to time when discussing the lines that media crosses with certain content. It seems that 99% of the time it is brought up as a way to suggest that people should have a more relaxed attitude towards sexuality.

However, there isn't (and shouldn't be) a one-size-rule that applies to everything across the board. Sexual content is its own topic, violent content is its own topic, profanity is its on topic, etc. They each stand on their own pros/cons, and less clarity is the consequence of trying to conflate one with the others as opposed to gaining more clarity.
the thing is that sexualization is much more than a costume. It's all about how a character is presented: their poses, how the camera frames them, their animations, and their outfit is only a part of that, arguably the smallest part. You can shoot naked people in a non-sexualized way, and you can shoot fully-clothed and covered people in an incredibly sexualized way by focusing on certain body parts and having them pose provocatively. The women in Tekken may all fit a certain idealized body type, but most of them aren't over-sexualized in other ways imo. So if this suddenly becomes uncomfortable when they're wearing bikinis I think it's a good opportunity to examine why that actually is.
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