
Reina, a short character summary.
Conceived in T7 story development 10 years ago. But this time, she is here to play a big role in the T8 main plotline. Despite her fancy and stunning looks, evil runs through her veins and has duality in both her personality and fighting style.
-Taido-ryu Karate, which Reina mainly relies on has dirty moves such as eye rakes, knife-hand strikes and scratching.
-She can access to Sentai style/stance to close the gap and rush down opponents.
-She also has Unsoku style/stance, which deliver heavy blows with agile footwork -- speed and aggression is the cornerstone for this style.
-Of course, she has Mishima-ryu -- the iconic WGF and Hellsweep is hers to abuse. She also inherits Heihachi's Heaven's Wrath (damage on hit reversal)
Article said her damage at the wall is the best compared to all characters.
-Reina was created with the help of a 4-time Taido World Champion, Tetsuji Nakano.
-Reina design was done by Mari Shimazaki, who previously had done characters like Kazumi and Josie in T7. She's had a hand in character designing in other games such as Bayonetta, Gunslinger Stratos, Okami, Soulcalibur V and more.

Tekken 8 game director reveals details on new characters Reina and Victor
Learn about the duality of Reina and her Mishima-style karate.

Honestly she looks really cool. Probably best new character design Tekken ever had. And she'll be my new main character !!
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