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Tekken |OT| of Tag Assaulting the Devil, Ogres, Wild Animals & MILFs (Bitcap Warning)


As much as I love the series as it is now, Tekken maybe more than any another fighting game NEEDS a reboot. The more I think on it the more I agree with what Aris has been talking about for a while, the only people that really play Tekken now are the ones who have been playing for a long time. Very few people are willing to make the investment of time and money it takes to get good at it. Now I've been playing this since the first game but folks who want to start at T6 or even tag 2 are simply gonna be waaaaaay out of thier element.

As much as it pains me to say, Namco needs to do with T7 what they did with SCV.

Ill take that. Change the flow of the game. Add a new generation of characters and then wait for that glorious Tekken Tag 3 with 70+ character roster :p


Just saw these two matches. The last one was so much hype.
Edit: This is even better.

Edit 2: We can change character displays?

I get a free Dark Upper on a perfectly blocked Phoenix Smasher ;)

BUT I can't in online play because of lag :( screws up my crouch dash input. I have to settle for a Shoulder.

Interesting.......I'm gonna head to practice when I get the chance and see if any Nina moves can punish it. Haven't discovered any so far.

Just watched Tekken: Blood Vengeance. Always liked Alisa, but now I just love her.

brb, gonna go hug a fridge.

Alisa is a love-hate character for me but I loved the movie regardless.


Edit 2: We can change character displays?

Yup, people who bought Blood Vengeance in Japan get brand new CGI images in their cards for the Arcade Machine. It's a nice touch.

Interesting.......I'm gonna head to practice when I get the chance and see if any Nina moves can punish it. Haven't discovered any so far.

I think if Paul does it at the wall, and the pushback is limited, she can get a free d/f+2. Unfortunately b+1+4 is 1 frame slower than needed to get there (plus don't know if it would have reached). Other than that, I guess her best bet is f+3 assuming you can get a minor dash within 2 frames :p. Maybe it's even possible for her to get an iWS+1,1+2? I dunno, but it's impossible to check with Tekken 6's practice mode unfortunately :(

And lastly, More figure model images from Harada's twitter (Even though they're kinda old, but slightly higher res:

Harada said:

And some more trolling maybe?


Katsuhiro Harada @Harada_TEKKEN said:
Like my daughter. Also she is not popular but She is afflicted by a small number of Spammer. RT@Emouryu what are your thoughts on Kunimitsu?
Would it hurt to do a revamped study on character usage? I mean Jun now is getting lots of plays and I'm sure people would go and play Kunimitsu with the better improved Yoshimitsu.

Well anyways


Another T6 stream folks, this one for the bookmarks. Anakin will be streaming daily.


Yup, people who bought Blood Vengeance in Japan get brand new CGI images in their cards for the Arcade Machine. It's a nice touch.


I think if Paul does it at the wall, and the pushback is limited, she can get a free d/f+2. Unfortunately b+1+4 is 1 frame slower than needed to get there (plus don't know if it would have reached). Other than that, I guess her best bet is f+3 assuming you can get a minor dash within 2 frames :p. Maybe it's even possible for her to get an iWS+1,1+2? I dunno, but it's impossible to check with Tekken 6's practice mode unfortunately :(

Unfortunately, mostly all the time the pushback is not limited. And actually, T6 practice is quite elaborate. Pick Paul as the CPU in practice. You have to go to mode select from the practice menu and do defensive training. That should allow you to go through the CPU's command list and select whichever move you want the CPU to perform. Then, you have to turn on the "hit analysis" as well which will put a dark shade on you and your opponent whenever you are doing a move or getting attacked. So after Paul does the phoenix smasher, his character model will be shaded while he's doing it. If you are able to put in an attack while the character model is still shaded before it reverts back to the normal shade, then that means you can punish it. Otherwise, you can't. It's harder to explain but try it out in practice.

So after playing around with Nina's moves, I've learned that as you said, the reverse ivory cutter comes very close to punishing the phoenix smasher but misses by like a frame. Her iWS+1,1+2 also misses. :/
I also tried out Armor King and is the dark upper his f, d/f + 2 attack? If it's that, then I believe that one also misses. However, Armor King's f+2, 1 move is very capable of punishing the phoenix smasher.

Or maybe I'm wrong all about this and the hit analysis thing isn't supposed to be used for this purpose.

Edit: nevermind, ignore all of this. I don't think hit analysis is used for this purpose, lol.
Yeah you can put up defensive mode and hit analysis but it still make's it somewhat hard to make out that it's punishable since in defensive training you can't set the CPU to 'guard all.'

And besides, simply sidestep the phoenix smasher. :p


Yeah you can put up defensive mode and hit analysis but it still make's it somewhat hard to make out that it's punishable since in defensive training you can't set the CPU to 'guard all.'

And besides, simply sidestep the phoenix smasher. :p

They should implement the guard all option in Tag 2, I hope. Although, I guess hit analysis is still somewhat good for learning how to punish although not fully accurate. I love ducking high shots and punishing with a launcher. Such a great feeling.

On another note, I'm actually able to pull off multiple flapping butterflies more frequently now. I must have performed it at least 5-8 times within a one hour of practicing. Much better than not being able to pull it off at all. Anyone can get the first flapping butterfly in. Thankfully, I now find putting in the second flapping butterfly to be easy as well. It's the third and the fourth that I can't do.




Two Tekken 3DS reviews are in:
Nintendolife - 7/10
ONM - 81/100

Lack of customization is a real bummer. Everything else that's lacking (arcade mode/time attack) doesn't really matter. Who actually plays time attack, survival, or arcade in Tekken 6?
Still, seems like the game was rushed. Better have Eighting handle the next handheld Tekken. They have more experience working with the franchise.
Why? I hate them.

New systems? Triple bound? Air recovery? Fireballs?

Stop liking what I don't like. Sayah it's those POW! SPLAT! hit effects that you can select to replace the default character ones that were in Tekken 6. Click that link I posted, they have images of it up.

I hope they won't go stupid with system wide changes. Combo breakers were shitted on during it's suggestion, and I don't want this to exactly be some sort of Soul Casualin' 5 case. /elitism :p


Stop liking what I don't like. Sayah it's those POW! SPLAT! hit effects that you can select to replace the default character ones that were in Tekken 6. Click that link I posted, they have images of it up.

I hope they won't go stupid with system wide changes. Combo breakers were shitted on during it's suggestion, and I don't want this to exactly be some sort of Soul Casualin' 5 case. /elitism :p

Oh, those. I think I've only seen like two people actually use them in Tekken 6. I do recall seeing a video earlier for Tag 2 where the damage color changed from red to yellow. Wish I still had the link.


Damn you butterfly loop. Never had to work so hard for any combo ever. It must be easier to do on a stick because there's really no way people can pull it off consistently with a d-pad without messing up. Unless it's my reflexes that are weak. Or it could be my old, beatup controller.


Damn you butterfly loop. Never had to work so hard for any combo ever. It must be easier to do on a stick because there's really no way people can pull it off consistently with a d-pad without messing up. Unless it's my reflexes that are weak. Or it could be my old, beatup controller.

Work for it!!! It's one of the most rewarding things :) Here's a refresher:


Looking at it's all about rhythm. Something that only comes through practice.


Work for it!!! It's one of the most rewarding things :) Here's a refresher:


Looking at it's all about rhythm. Something that only comes through practice.

I end up doing her d,d/f,f+1 attack half the time. :/
But I'll keep practicing. I'm actually able to do it sometimes now so there's been some improvement.

Tempted to make a new thread. Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2?!?!? 7 vs 7?




Testing the hadouken!?? Sounds like a troll post LOL

But I don't expect them to show any footage until TTT2 console gets released... so I bet the first footage will be in 2013.


Testing the hadouken!?? Sounds like a troll post LOL

But I don't expect them to show any footage until TTT2 console gets released... so I bet the first footage will be in 2013.

Harada said he wants to show it in 2012. I think we get sneak peak before X-mass.
Someone play Tekken 6 with me.

.... Online? .... I'll pass.

Also how'd I miss this.


so ... just spoke with tekkenreplays ... he got to play ttt2 ultimate at AOU ... so there is definitely balance changes ...

as everyone already noticed, lee has his combo ability off ws23 now ...

ogre's ws2 is now homing, like kazuya's

hwoarang unblockable no longer works [should really be no surprise here]. the TA doesn't allow hwoarang to change back to the partner until the unblockable is finished ... so the partner can't float the enemy.


If you see me online one day hit me up :)

Will do.

Jane is a mother to Jack... or something. I'd hit it at least.

In a way, yes since she created the later iterations of Jack. But then again, I don't think she see's Jack as her son. Especially since Jack-2 ends up protecting her and dying in the process.......until he is reborn as Jack-4 and goes through the same cycle of dying again. lol

Had to check Jane's bio for this.


T6 Hwoarang isn't really that good... just overly depends on gimmicks rather than something solid he can rely on. He gets away with online shennanigans because the lag prevents people from stepping him too easily. But offline, it's pretty easily to just step or punish him. Thing that pissed me off the most, is that JFSR is still unsafe for a portion of the cast! Thankfully they fixed all that for TTT2.

I'm happy with Hwoarang at B+, he's not as difficult as Mishima's to play so I don't mind if those characters are higher in the tier list over him. Lars on the other hand.... desecrate him Namco!


Hwoa is my secondary! LOL

He definitely has great juggles, but who doesn't except Feng? And maximizing his wall combo's is pretty hard at times trying to get that 1,1 d/f+3,f+4 to all connect.

As for the pressure game... I really disagree. He definitely has some good mixups that translates between his stances... but they're so damned easy to sidestep or low parry. And the safe options aside from the LFSd/f3 or RFSd/f4 are all high.


Hwoa is my secondary! LOL

He definitely has great juggles, but who doesn't except Feng? And maximizing his wall combo's is pretty hard at times trying to get that 1,1 d/f+3,f+4 to all connect.

As for the pressure game... I really disagree. He definitely has some good mixups that translates between his stances... but they're so damned easy to sidestep or low parry. And the safe options aside from the LFSd/f3 or RFSd/f4 are all high.

Hmm..........I've only played a little bit of Hwoarang in T6 so I'm not completely sure on this. I think he's pretty good with mixups. For wall damage, if I remember correctly, his d+3,4, b/d +3 works well when the opponent is against the wall. Although, the damage dealt is definitely low compared to what characters like Nina, Bruce, Paul, or Bryan can output.

Overall, I think hwoarang needs another move that can bound in his normal stance. The 4,4,3 bound creates too much distance and I don't like to have to switch to his second stance to use that elbow move (b+2) or f,f+3 to bound.
What do you mean by "I guess"? :/

Something something tubes something something no aging something something Steve Fox. *shrug*

He's pressure game is also top notch.

Ehh, wouldn't exactly say T6 Hwaorang's pressure is top notch but I hear his TTT2 is lookin mighty fierce. RFS d+4,4, 14f homing df+4,3, plus several new stance transitions, yup he has stuff going for him. Now If they only focused on the characters that need the help.
Raven ;_;

EDIT: Some newsie.....

Qudan's back?

And update.... (Wish there were more impressions :p)

khanammar: Any news about the reception of Tekken Unlimited or what specific character related differences they added? It's been a while since it's been announced at AOU2012 and we have like no impressions from it!

TekkenReplays: Well, I played Tekken Unlimited for about 6-7 hours on Saturday. XD

There were actually a lot of other decent players there as well compared to last year when ttt2 was still in alpha, most likely because they were gunning for the 3 win bonus prize. (I got one too =D)

About the game:No new characters were added, which was a little disappointing... Playing as a 1v2 char you do a lot of damage, especially when raged. A raged solo Ogre b+1+2 was doing over 1/4 a bar on hit. Some moves got property changes. Like lee's ws+2,3 providing a juggle and jack's f,f+1+2 being taggable. Other moves with changes I noticed were Ogre's ws+2 now has a tracking trail like Kaz, and Hwoarang's UB in a TA now freezes you up until it finishes like everyone else.

Pair play mode is kind of fun. I guess they will be releasing dedicated pair play cabinets or mod kits when unlimited is released, because both players on a team play on the same side w/ two control sets, side by side. I guess that's a good idea since you will need to communicate with your partner for juggles and tag ins. Interestingly enough, either player can use the tag button to switch the onscreen character. I guess this could lead to some funny tag bickering moments. XD

source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgQGX4xg1EY


Hmm..........I've only played a little bit of Hwoarang in T6 so I'm not completely sure on this. I think he's pretty good with mixups. For wall damage, if I remember correctly, his d+3,4, b/d +3 works well when the opponent is against the wall. Although, the damage dealt is definitely low compared to what characters like Nina, Bruce, Paul, or Bryan can output.

Overall, I think hwoarang needs another move that can bound in his normal stance. The 4,4,3 bound creates too much distance and I don't like to have to switch to his second stance to use that elbow move (b+2) or f,f+3 to bound.

The thing about his mixups... is that they're pretty risky. That's where he falls short.

About the bound moves, but even though it is difficult, he does have a bound move from LFF: f,f,f+3. It's the only way to get a combo from RFF,(4),4 CH. You have to instantly get the f,f,f+3 right after for a pretty flashy combo.

Qudan's back?

No way... the guy got carpel tunnel syndrome from playing Tekken... I don't think it's too healthy for him! Hope he's ok.

And update.... (Wish there were more impressions :p)

Plus fun fact.... AAK doesn't just stand for Awesome Armor King; it's my initials...

First name: Ammar
Last name: Khan

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