Number of player slots for the game: 20
People who have been told about, consulted, or hinted information about your set-up: Kristoffer, Blargonaut
Theme: Super Mario
Game type: 10, with some constraint.
To be fair, I wasn't very serious about anything until Season 3, and some of these guys have put more work into their games than I have. I'm fairly lazy and know my game won't take long to iron out once I know for sure if I'm running one.
This isn't supposed to be about the moderators though. They're just supposed to be facilitators and a framework for the players to use. It's good that we have a lot of volunteers, but we should be choosing based on the merits of the games, not the desires of the moderators. I worry that we're injecting too much ego.
Wait you... you can make a login?! Also you didn't ignore me, is this a new policy? Guess I better get on dat.
10? And Blargy-boy was consultant? Omg!
sign me up
Ohhhh good points. I think your voting system is better in that case.
Also, I'm all for starting recruitment sooner rather than later, but i don't mind if the games themselves start late.
Crab and AC mafia wouldn't count, only the current season (3/3.5). So yeah, 20 - (4+1) =
crab mafia - I didn't die
AC mafia - died on day 6, game ended on day 11
election mafia - died on day 1, game ended on day 5
DR mafia - died on day 9, game ended on day 10
so 40 - (5+4+1) = 30
GAF Mafia | Insane Despair in the Danger Zone
So for this season, I think recruitment lasted...3 weeks? I think that is a decent amount of time, but I think current mods should help by PMing those that played this season and have kinda disappeared from the community to see if they are still interested.
Definitely should have a post outlining the basic, HIGH LEVEL rules. Almost like a synopsis of the game.
After that, I think a post showing the previous games. Detailed rules are in each of those, and players can read through the games to get a feel of the flow. Of course we are all on hand to give info as well.
GAF Mafia | Insane Despair in the Danger Zone
I didn't realise S3 recruitment was a 3 weeks' span. I guess it's a decent amount of time, if a lil stretchy imo
The current recruitment thread's format is okay, isnt it? Or is it too much text and is the layout too info-heavy on the top?
10? And Blargy-boy was consultant? Omg!
sign me up
forgiveness pls! >_>'
I'm not mad Blarg, just, disappointed.
I'm not playing next season
On recruiting: Going a little from above, we should probably scale back on recruiting by themes. I think it's nice to be able to have people be excited about them, but we should really make sure players are interested first and foremost in playing mafia. I think we might had a little bit of a problem with this when people were really interested in the DR game, and when they ended up in another one their enthusiasm plummeted.
Totally. Vylash was very clearly interested in DR, then he got put in Cthulhu and posted twice.
And didn't use his action on Night Two.
I only have a-rank supports right now Blargonaut-senpai*sheepish grin*
Seems I missed all the support convos
Now you all have S-rank rapports
No room for the traditionally overpowered early-game unit in your rosters anymore, eh
am sad
I nominate Darryl for iguana mafia.
I nominate palmer for mafia mafia and blarg for ??? mafia
I have no idea what this means!
I have no idea what this means!
this aint a democracy, creampuff
and blargi hasn't put a game in cuz he got too busy with looking really, really good looking in rl or something
Well I decline your nomination. Hosting seems too stressful. Give me games to play pls
Here is what I don't want to play: a game with roles based on characters. All these flavor based antics are played out now
Yeah, while I enjoyed the character ones, I'm up for something different.I don't want a game copy and pasted from mafiascum either. I liked a lot of the mechanics in these past games, the neighbors in AC and missions in Archer.
I can believe that. Blarg seems like the kinda guy who makes you solve a puzzle before he deems you worthy of dating him.
i've been having intermittent connection problems as i am abroad
my keyboard is also not working properly
someone else may have to start the review thread where we can talk about structure for GAFia's future - e.g., how seasons and non-season games work, whether we allow people to choose between open/normal/bastard etc - ouro/launch/kark?
in general im unsure how easy posting will be until nov 5th for me, sorry about this. did not think i'd be quite so busy/remote
i have a template for the season thread + signups to pass on once the review is over, but i cant contribute much myself atm
I'm still in favor of simplification and as little bookkeeping as needed.
i just checked crab's last post to us and seems like he has templates ready for the season and sign up thread. so i think we should defer to the crabmeister for those. hope he can at least post the recruitment thread earlier than nov 5 though :3 cuz that's like forever away :x
I second that. New players should have priority when it comes to joining games. (doubt we'll have a long waiting list anyway)
Just randomly assign players to the games. Don't allow anyone to join a specific theme. You have problem with that? Don't play! The theme should not be the only reason you play.
What's the gaf steam group name?
as long as the games themselves aren't WILDLY diveregent that should be fine.
I second that. New players should have priority when it comes to joining games. (doubt we'll have a long waiting list anyway)
Just randomly assign players to the games. Don't allow anyone to join a specific theme. You have problem with that? Don't play! The theme should not be the only reason you play.
You'll guide us through the darkness!
GAF Mafia (maybe we should add the steam and psn groups to the recruitment thread op?, could cut down some of the clutter of people asking for account names, people replying etc)
Isn't that kinda the case if palmer and salva host? Palmer his game is pretty basic, but apparently salva his game is pure insanity.
Well, I do agree that people shouldn't sign up to ' themes ' but to mafia games. But I think having preferences for normal vs crazy games is ok.
Of course not. You're so in deep with insanity, it doesn't even register to you.
Get in the line, pal.
- There were talks about players potentially being able to swap places or select games to participate in. What do you guys think? Would the logistics be too troublesome? What are the pros and cons?
- Season 4 will run into the holiday season. We have never run GAFia through the xmas / ny period. Are there potential issues here? How to address it best?
- Newbie honeymoon period. There were discussions about how to handle newer players in-game. Once the sign-up thread is up, I will try to put together some analysis on retention and return rate of players, but how the community treats newer players would have some effects on the communitys population stability. Any thoughts on this?
- Inactive players. Did Season 3 approach towards inactive players work better than Season 2? There were some modkills in Season 3, which were firsts in GAFia history, I think.
- High Activity / Low Activity play style. I see a number of the high-activity posters have already started to rein in their post counts, which is appreciated and noted :> But if there are further discussions on this point, please chime in!
- Any other feedback / gripes / constructive criticism you wanna raise, PLEASE SPEAK UP! Anything that you particularly enjoy or were frustrated with, any issues, any memories, any ideas WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR THEM ALL. Okies? ^____^
Well that seems conclusive. Higher post count = few replacements, Gafia being an anomaly. Keep up the good work Sorian.TheG! <3 heeeeeeeeeeey you, pal of me heart, youuuuuuuuuuuuu~
aaaa thanks for chiming in! as i thought, some threads that were a little too high in their post counts can be harder to digest and participate in :x for reference, despite having reduced player base (16 instead of 23), nx has more page counts than archer or cthulhu
some people seem to have limited amount of time to play ... so having to go through more posts might be presenting a higher barrier of entry, but i think all of the highest activity players have taken the cues and I've definitely seen improvements on this front :>
for reference, here are the statistics to S3 games (sorted chronologically):
- Archer - 23 players - 87 pages (4 replacements took place, and 1 modkill)
- Cthulhu - 23 players - 87 pages (5 replacements)
- Danganronpa - 23 players - 104 pages (4 replacements, 1 modkill)
- NX - 16 players - 96 pages (2 replacements)
- Election - 16 players - 65 pages (3 replacements)
- Gafia - 16 players - 37 pages (no replacements)
the two vigi games ended very fast (salty spitoon at 7 pages and fight club at 11 pages) but i'm guessing thats cuz of their nature of multikills :>
what i'm noticing is that players' stamina do flag a little bit by the end of S3. so having this breather space is a good thing ^_______^
Well that seems conclusive. Higher post count = few replacements, Gafia being an anomaly. Keep up the good work Sorian.
Totally. Vylash was very clearly interested in DR, then he got put in Cthulhu and posted twice.
And didn't use his action on Night Two.
My drop in NX was because I had too much going on. I was trying to run ONUW, play Cthulhu, do schoolwork, and spend time with my wife.
I thought I could juggle all of that, and quickly found out that I couldn't.
Also, Hi, I'm back. More later when I've woken up more, but for now I'm still planning to host Night Vale, and I also did a bunch of thinking on a Disneyland Mafia (I posted the idea a few months ago,) which I may submit as an alternate to Nightvale or as a future mid-season game.
Please do Nightvale. I listened to the whole podcast up to date and I'm excited to play/spectate it.![]()