People may not realize this but the AMP was to run down the middle of the road with stations in the middle of the road and thus passengers would have to cross the road to board or exit.
lol, what?
People may not realize this but the AMP was to run down the middle of the road with stations in the middle of the road and thus passengers would have to cross the road to board or exit.
There is definitely more at work here than "LOL Republicans." Especially with Democrats voting for it.People may not realize this but the AMP was to run down the middle of the road with stations in the middle of the road and thus passengers would have to cross the road to board or exit.
Metrorail is a proposed alternative for another area of Nashville and it oddly has strong support.
And AMP was also to run from East Nashville (poorest area) through downtown to West Nashville (richest area). The homes alongside the eastern endpoint area are less than a hundred thousand. The homes alongside the western endpoint area are million dollar or more mansions.
lol, what?
I was thinking this is code word for 'no Black's or Brown's'.Poor people use buses and you don't want those cats getting in the way of prosperity.
Wait, so because people didn't like one proposal for a bus schemes (which may be fair enough, not all proposals are good) they have banned all new bus schemes, across the state?
Have I got that right?
peaker Beth Harwell said after the Senate vote that she opposes The Amp's current route but does not want to "tie the hands" of the Dean administration.
Sigh. So much of America just makes me so depressed.
Self-parody doesn't even begin to describe this kind of stuff. It's like the Koch bros are just fucking with the right now.
People may not realize this but the AMP was to run down the middle of the road with stations in the middle of the road and thus passengers would have to cross the road to board or exit.
lol, what?
Any conservatives in the house that can explain the rationality behind this?
What a Koch.
States to never live in:
South Carolina
North Carolina
2 new states in 2 days!
Fixed for accuracy.[/QUOTE
shits easy bruh i just go with every flyover state
Fucking Rosa Parks had to ruin it for everyone.South has been anti bus for decades
Not a conservative, but I think the shorthand is this required government funding and the government spending money is bad.Any conservatives in the house that can explain the rationality behind this?
The free market and charities will get Koch employees to work. No need for pesky government interference.This doesn't even make any goddamn sense. Public transit is how most people who work for Koch companies probably get to work
No. They are preventing this project on this route.
This amendment prohibits metropolitan governments and any transit authorities created by a metropolitan government from constructing, maintaining or operating any bus rapid transit system using a separate lane, or other separate right-of-way, dedicated solely to the use of such bus rapid transit system on any state highway or state highway right-of-way unless the project to do so is approved by the legislative body of the metropolitan government and by the commissioner of transportation. This amendment also prohibits such entities from loading or discharging passengers at any point within the boundary lines of a state highway or state highway right-of-way not adjacent to the right-hand, lateral curb line, or in the absence of curb lines, the right-hand, lateral boundary line or edge of the roadway.
Yep. Here's a concept video. Platforms in the middle with crosswalks.
Sounds cool for a suburb area maybe, but the road where this is proposed is incredibly crowded as it is, I drive it almost daily. There are already buses serving the route shown, and they don't get much ridership. So while the idea may be good, it may just not be right for that exact location/route.
Sigh. So much of America just makes me so depressed.
I read this as, Tennessee passes statewide ban on bus rapist transist and I was very confuse. Carry on.
So I read the thread title as, "Tennessee passes statewide ban on bus rapist transit."
Yep. Here's a concept video. Platforms in the middle with crosswalks.
Sounds cool for a suburb area maybe, but the road where this is proposed is incredibly crowded as it is, I drive it almost daily. There are already buses serving the route shown, and they don't get much ridership. So while the idea may be good, it may just not be right for that exact location/route.
Er what? Looks like there's still an actual rail platform in the middle of the road unless I missed something. We have those kind of platforms in downtown Minneapolis and its fine
Yeah, the actual wording of the bill makes this ban sound a lot narrower than the OP:
I'm sure this is what stopped them. Lots of people in Tennessee won't give up their land even for something good like bus transist.
Oh, don't even mention light rail to these people. That's a Pandora's Box of communism, socialism and Marxism all wrapped up into one.
I live in one of the libbiest areas that ever libbed, and we have light rail. Hell, we were among the first in America to have light rail. But you've never heard epic whining - even here - until you've heard responses to proposals to expand light rail service to outer suburbs. "We don't need light rail, we need MOAR ROADS!" I can't imagine how a rail proposal would go over in a red state.
Yep. Here's a concept video. Platforms in the middle with crosswalks.
Sounds cool for a suburb area maybe, but the road where this is proposed is incredibly crowded as it is, I drive it almost daily. There are already buses serving the route shown, and they don't get much ridership. So while the idea may be good, it may just not be right for that exact location/route.
Yeah, the actual wording of the bill makes this ban sound a lot narrower than the OP:
don't know about them specifically but iirc the auto company was pretty instrumental in uprooting trolley systems in towns. So yea i assume they got money to make somewhere.What exactly does the Koch machine hate about buses? Are they just determined to prevent any government anywhere in the USA from ever providing any service? Except of course regressive kick backs.
Pesky Bill of Rights! You're right, we should totally abolish the 10th Amendment.
Is this Toronto? Rob Ford just popped a boner hearing this news.
It is pretty amazing how much red states are trying to fuck themselves in the ass. It's like they want a disadvantage vs the blue states. Next they are going to ban public roads.
It went over well enough in Dallas. The Dart is a decent way to get downtown.Oh, don't even mention light rail to these people. That's a Pandora's Box of communism, socialism and Marxism all wrapped up into one.
I live in one of the libbiest areas that ever libbed, and we have light rail. Hell, we were among the first in America to have light rail. But you've never heard epic whining - even here - until you've heard responses to proposals to expand light rail service to outer suburbs. "We don't need light rail, we need MOAR ROADS!" I can't imagine how a rail proposal would go over in a red state.
Read the House Amendment.Oh wow. This is WAY different than the clickbait thread title. OP fail. We've all been discussing essentially nothing.