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Terrorists making dry runs in planes

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Gold Member
Sounds like same type of fear-arousing crap that was used to justify Bush's crusades.

I think the commentary somebody linked makes a valid point. If you have a certain frame of reference, your mind tends to connect the dots between (even actually unrelated) actions so that the picture they form fit the frame of reference.

Watching people hassle in the plane is not unlike laying on your back on the ground on a summer day, watching the clouds form elephants, cats and horses.


Unconfirmed Member
"...it was the policy (before 9/11) and I believe remains the policy today to fine airlines if they have more than two young Arab males in secondary questioning because that's discriminatory."
Maybe it's just me, but isn't it equally discriminatory to single out a group of people and say you CAN'T detain x number of them? You're still creating a different set of rules for one group of people.


An article involving more fear mongering in which the media does the job of the Administration in eliciting fear among the population. I've lost count of the 'bigger than 9/11 attack planned' crap that is spewed forth from the media on an almost daily basis. The source of such claims is, at least 90% of the time, akin to some intercepted email or phone conversation of some Arabic dudes saying how they hate America and want to blow it to smithereens or something. Very, very rarely are these so called 'plans' actually tangible, something which is actually more than just talk. Fuck, I could probably write a letter to a media outlet, saying I'm going to bomb this or attack that at so-and-so time, add a few Koran passages, sign off as Al-Qaeda or something and add a few blood drops for effect and watch the media catch it like wildfire.
Well, this about wraps it up.


Undercover federal air marshals on board a June 29 Northwest airlines flight from Detroit to LAX identified themselves after a passenger, “overreacted,” to a group of middle-eastern men on board, federal officials and sources have told KFI NEWS.

The passenger, later identified as Annie Jacobsen, was in danger of panicking other passengers and creating a larger problem on the plane, according to a source close to the secretive federal protective service.
“The lady was overreacting,” said the source. “A flight attendant was told to tell the passenger to calm down; that there were air marshals on the plane.”

The middle eastern men were identified by federal agents as a group of touring musicians travelling to a concert date at a casino, said Air Marshals spokesman Dave Adams.
Jacobsen’s husband Kevin told KFI NEWS he approached a man he thought was an air marshal after the flight had landed.

“You made me nervous,” Kevin said the air marshal told him.

“I was freaking out,” Kevin replied.

“We don’t freak out in situations like this,” the air marshal responded.

Good thing we have people like her watching out for the darkies. :rolleyes:
The source said the air marshals on the flight were partially concerned Jacobsen’s actions could have been an effort by terrorists or attackers to create a disturbance on the plane to force the agents to identify themselves.

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