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Test Your Anti-Virus Software

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Your AV program is only good as the latest Virus definitions. It doesn't matter if you have Norton 2002, 2003, or 2004, they all get the same definitions when you do the live update.

Also, the discrepencies in numbers of virus detected could be how each company defines a virus too. I'd think the the "virii" in the zipped file are reletively old and already known stuff. And I noticed that McAffee likes to count some adware as virus while Norton does not and vice versa.

So basically, I'm thinking this test is teh stupid.


Discharger said:
I used to think that too (although I'm sure that when I was way younger and dumber I was the direct result of a lot of viruses on my parents PC) but in the last year and a half or so viruses have come out you don't directly have to do anything to get. All you need to do is be connected to the internet without all the latest windows updates and up to date virus software and you can just get them without doing or installing anything.

Virses like w32.Blaster, w32.Welchia, w32.Nachi, w32.Sasser and others are able to get on the system without you doing a thing. It really sucks as a first time experience for a new user on the internet, that's for sure.

Didn't get any of those... I have a hardware firewall. The only viruses I could have see myself getting are those imbedded in... shady programs that I get from time to time.

I should probably start scanning those when I download them. Other than that, never been infected, ever.

I'm not bragging, I don't think it is that impressive. If you just pay attention to what you download and run, and keep security decent, you are fine.
Huzza said:
Time to use new Anti-virus software. (I’m using Kaspersky at the moment.)


Thanks for the test file.

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