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Texas Wildfires. My Home. Gone. My Parent's Home. Gone. My Uncle's Home. Gone.

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Jesus man, sorry for your complete loss.

Hope you manage to recover through your insurance, even if you think they won't/can't cover some of the possessions you had.
Ducks are my favorite animal.....and im a huge pet person. Im glad they made it and hope they continue to be safe.

Hope everything works itself out for you and your family.


Sorry for your losses, but happy for your ducks. That's terrible shit to happen to anyone, but it's great that everyone made it out alive.


Awful, awful stuff Pristine. I'm really glad to hear that you and yours made it out. Don't be shy if there's anything we can do.


My condolences and best regards. Glad you and your family are safe.

Pristine_Condition said:
I'm not trying to sound like a hero. I don't think it was courage. I think it was just me thinking, "I'd have a lot better chance of ditching the car and running from the fire if this road is blocked than my mom," combined with the desire not to see my mother who I actually do love more than my life burn up in a fire, combined with the practical fact that I had to go there anyway...it was the only way out.

It was just one of those things that had to be done.
I'd still say it was courageous of you in how you lead yourself and your parents during such a surreal fire experience. I'd probably panic at least from taking the initiative under those circumstances with the way you described that drive.

Eteric Rice

Katrina survivor here. Lost our home to a different element, though.

It gets better. Eventually you kind of see it as a chance for a new life. Just be thankful that your family is okay.

Hope you get back on your feet, man.


Everybody's on edge at work... there was a lot of smoke around our building for a bit yesterday, probably from a small fire on Howard Ln, and some people were starting to freak out a little.

Wads said:
He could be back in Texas trying to do his job as Governor? Arranging service for the people affected by the fires... you know, his current job.

He came back to the state on Monday. He was at Bastrop then and Steiner Ranch on Tuesday (probably other sites as well). And those services were already being arranged on Sunday.


Question ...

Can you not just get a chain saw and cut down every tree within 20 meters of your house and drag them away?

Is it possible to make like a buffer zone? Or something?
My mom's family lost everything in a fire and they never got over it. They still talk about it even though it happened 40 years ago. I hope that doesn't happen to you


Casp0r said:
Question ...

Can you not just get a chain saw and cut down every tree within 20 meters of your house and drag them away?

Is it possible to make like a buffer zone? Or something?

I've heard you can dig a trench... but that does nothing when combined with 30-40mph gusts of wind.


So sorry to hear about you and your family Pristine. I drive to Bastrop a few times a year for work, can't believe so much of it is practically gone now.

We had a much, much more minor wildfire scare over the weekend about 5 miles from my neighborhood in SA. That one only burned about 130 acres, and any property damage was minimal. Seeing what happened to you really puts it all in perspective.


Was your portfolio on film? Digital may be recoverable if the hard drives can be accessed, will probably cost some bucks.
Sorry about the loss.
This is hindsight but I have scanned all my old film photos and upload them and my digital photos to a storage service. I store the digital in RAW format. I use Skydrive right now for viewing photos since it is free. For RAW, I use http://www.fotki.com/us/en/ is $30 a year unlimited and accepts 10 different file types. You can download via FTP which is nice.
I live in town but a house fire or theft could cause the loss of quite a few years hobby results.


not licensed in your state
My condolences for an unfortunate situation. Despite all this you still have your family and their support. You're one of my favorite posters, so I'd be happy to help with anything at all.


I've always feared what it must be like for my house to burn and lose everything, so sympathy goes out to you.

In the picture of your ducks, is the thing on the left really a duck? It doesn't look like any duck I've ever seen.


Oh man, sorry to hear about this. I live about an hour north of all this devastation. My wife has family that's in the middle of this shit. It's scary. Hope you are able to rebuild and move on. :(


That's shit. Thanks for making a good story out of it though, I nearly cheered when the ducks appeared. I hope you and your family get some good luck to balance things out.


So sorry for your loss. I have a colleague that just lost his home as well. Luckily, my area has been spared *knocks on wood*. Everyone here is on edge. The drought is unreal. I wanted to call the cops on this lady for tossing a cigarette butt out her window right near a big area of dead grass. It was by a Rudy's too. Shoulda called her license plate in...


Sorry to hear about your losses, truely tremendous losses. I'm in San Antonio and we actually have a ongoing fire now at Camp Bullis. Hope everything gets taken care of soon.
I'm so sorry, Pristine. My heart and prayers go out to all of you.
It's been awful hearing about all of the fire damage, but it's things like this that really make it so evident just how terrible it really is.

Good on you for being so quick to react and take care of your parents. It sucks that you lost so many vital things in the fire, but maybe that extra time spent escaping and not getting it made the difference on your survival? I can't even begin to imagine what it is like coming upon a scene like that, though.

Glad that there was a small glimmer of hope there with the ducks. As odd as that sounds.


Spring, TX born-and-raised.

I'm very sorry. I couldn't imagine being in that situation; the feeling of uncertainty, fear, and panic driving down that highway must have been awful. Under those circumstances, i'd say you performed quite admirably.

In the handful of 'panic' moments I have been involved in, it's incredible how difficult it is to think straight.

If a fire hit my apt building, I would be totally unprepared. Hopefully this thread can serve as a wake-up call to GAF members to prepare themselves for this kind of tragedy.


Best of luck pristine.

I too have been thru losing everything, it sucks and you will recover but it will take time and you may find that smoke (even from a bbq) might take you back to the feelings from that day. Just roll with it, don't think you are being stupid or whatever, it is normal.

Look on the bright side, you get all new stuff :). Hope your insurance aren't arseholes about it.

Good luck


Dr. Pangloss said:
Not to make light of your situation Pristine, and I hope you recover, but it's not really the Austin fire chief's job to take care of homes out in the boonies. Usually the city has a contract worked out with county fire departments to coordinate activities. Also, if you are far out enough you might not have a city water connection and are reliant on well water. City fire trucks might not have the necessary equipment if they need a hydrant to connect to, and you all are running on your own wells. Sounds like you live in a pretty remote spot that was missed by emergency services. Should be more mad at your county fire department. My own county has about 10 of them and has only 250,000 residents and with 200,000 of those in the city itself with its separate fire district. Hope things work out for you.

I like living in aus, all the fire departments are state based. So if there is a fire, everyone can respond, rather than be constrained by an arbritrary line. Also there are state and federally funded bush fire brigades which exist in nearly all small communities, staffed by volunteers who know the local conditions and are often protecting their own and their friends property, so they are really involved.
Im so sorry to hear that. I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Hopefully those ducks represent a new beginning for you and your family.
Wow, terribly sorry to hear about you and yours losses, Pristine. I'm in San Antonio and like someone said, while we're experiencing our own fires, they are nothing on the scale to what's happening up a little north. I'll be in Austin this evening and tomorrow morning/afternoon for business but if you wanna have a drink/meal to get away from everything, let me know. It's on me. PM me and we'll work something out.


Sorry to hear it Pristine. I'm guessing it was the fire(s) near Bastrop? I got up close and personal with that wall of fire & smoke on Monday. Biggest wildfire I've personally seen.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and the many others affected by the recent wildfires.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Jintor said:
Did the State Gov seriously not issue alerts and stuff though?

Everyday we have warnings, alerts, etc. but this has been going on long is that we still have to go on with life. We evacuate when there is a fire nearby, but day-to-day we still have to go to work and live. I wake up everyday smelling smoke. I drive to work with a smoke haze all around. Looks foggy every morning, but it is really smoke. I have a suitcase ready to go at home just in case. We aren't going to get any rain in Texas anytime soon, so I am sure more and more homes will be burned.

Sorry for your loss Pristine. Glad everyone made it out safely though. You can rebuild, buy new material things. Safety is most important. That is easy to say, but it is the truth.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It's better you left when you did than stuck around and grabbed things that "couldn't be replaced," in my opinion. Sticking around with smoke around = probably not a good time to grab things like that. You're probably lucky to be alive right now from the way you described it.
Pristine, if you need any help finding forms for aid or doing insurance claims just let me know. I'm not Texas admitted, but I am pretty good at finding forms and/or info.

I know the rest of LawGAF is ready to help in any way they can too.


There have been warnings and advisories all summer long. You can't do anything about people who are careless though. I still see people flicking out their cigarette butts despite all the warnings. Monday night there was still someone grilling at my apartment complex despite living only 5 miles or so from the Steiner Ranch fire. (I don't think Travis county instituted the hard ban like Williamson did)

And now they're saying the Leander fire (started Monday, after the other big fires) was possibly arson...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I am sorry for your loss. :(

It can't be easy. I am truly sorry. :(
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