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Texas Wildfires. My Home. Gone. My Parent's Home. Gone. My Uncle's Home. Gone.

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Sorry for your loss Pristine, and I'm glad you and your family made it out safe. I was in Texas (Buna) a few months ago visiting family and was surprised at just how nice everyone was, including total strangers. That's not to say people here in Michigan are mean, but nearly everyone I ran across in Texan restaurants, stores, etc were extremely nice and it felt like some huge community. It sounds like neighbors and strangers alike have helped your family through this, and I'm not surprised. Seems like a great state.


hide your water-based mammals
PhoenixDark said:
Sorry for your loss Pristine, and I'm glad you and your family made it out safe. I was in Texas (Buna) a few months ago visiting family and was surprised at just how nice everyone was, including total strangers. That's not to say people here in Michigan are mean, but nearly everyone I ran across in Texan restaurants, stores, etc were extremely nice and it felt like some huge community. It sounds like neighbors and strangers alike have helped your family through this, and I'm not surprised. Seems like a great state.
Having just moved from MI I can echo this on states like KY, TN, GA, and FL. I drove through all those states and all the service folks were humble. Southern comfort comes to mind. MI was very hard working and blue collar. They are what America is all about and I feel bad for the economy down there being down but it's nothing that can change on a whim. I hope MI and Detroit in specific bounce back.

I know I went off on a tangent but out of curiosity, what part of MI do you reside? I was in mid Michigan west of FLINT.


i went to michigan and was pleasantly surprised to find out that they were human beings and not lizard people


This was quite a story. While losing the house and other irreplaceable possessions is tough, losing the means to support yourself is the roughest I'd say. I hope that there's something you had backed up somewhere that you can scrape from - old contacts, a website - something.

Otherwise, you might have to just start from scratch. I'm sure if you can explain what happened to potential clients that they'll understand. If this job is your passion and you really want to get back into it, don't let anything hold you back. Start over, rebuild your portfolio, and make it even bigger and better this time.

Oh, and back it up digitally on a dropbox or something ;)


Pristine, I'm glad to hear that you and your folks are okay and I'm very sorry for everything you've lost. Good luck rebuilding and hang in there.



Wow, I'm really sorry for your loss; I don't think it's something most people ever foresee for themselves, nevermind knowing how to deal with.

Best of luck on our rebuilding efforts.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
SolKane said:
What's with the random snipe at kryptonian in the OP?

It's not that bad, it was just referencing an old thread he made that asked for Texas to be cleansed by fire. Tongue in cheek (I am sure)
Sunflower said:
It's not that bad, it was just referencing an old thread he made that asked for Texas to be cleansed by fire. Tongue in cheek (I am sure)
More that when Pristine was searching to see if there was a topic about this, it's the first thing that came up.


Sunflower said:
It's not that bad, it was just referencing an old thread he made that asked for Texas to be cleansed by fire. Tongue in cheek (I am sure)

I just don't see the point in referencing a five year old thread with a hyperbolic title when you're trying to garner people's sympathies. I get that he's in an emotional state, but the personalized "fuck you" seems completely unnecessary.


First tragedy, then farce.
Pristine, I said this in the college football thread. Let me know if you need anything, even if it's just a drink. I'm in central Austin.

Send me a pm I'll get you my cell.


SolKane said:
I just don't see the point in referencing a five year old thread with a hyperbolic title when you're trying to garner people's sympathies. I get that he's in an emotional state, but the personalized "fuck you" seems completely unnecessary.

Wow who cares? The guy lost his home. Let it be. Very sorry for you loss, Pristine. Absolutely awful :(
LiquidMetal14 said:
Having just moved from MI I can echo this on states like KY, TN, GA, and FL. I drove through all those states and all the service folks were humble. Southern comfort comes to mind. MI was very hard working and blue collar. They are what America is all about and I feel bad for the economy down there being down but it's nothing that can change on a whim. I hope MI and Detroit in specific bounce back.

I know I went off on a tangent but out of curiosity, what part of MI do you reside? I was in mid Michigan west of FLINT.

I'm in Ypsilanti, a few miles away from Ann Arbor
Had a huge scare with the fires near me. Fires were spotted just a few miles north of me and 30minutes east of me just up the road. We could see the smoke and smell it. It's died down but did a lot of damage and still flaring up.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
So sorry for your loss, Pristine. Please consider setting up a Paypal and taking our money :)

On another note, you wrote up your experience so well and posted such amazing photos--you might actually want to try to sell that as an article sometime in the next few months. You have already started rebuilding your portfolio. I know it's not the same but your OP shows how good you are at what you do.

Good luck to you and the family.
I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your home. Natural disasters really freak me out sometimes. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown during the entirety of Hurricane Irene so I can't even imagine what that whole ordeal was like for you.

I'm glad you and your family were able to make it out of there ok and that your ducks survived.


So I gotta ask. What's Texan's normal response to these fires? They had a guy on NPR from the governor's office and they were asking him why they cut firefighter funding when they knew they were in a drought and why they had allotted so much water for fracking when they needed it for keeping things watered. And the dude was like "Derp derp whatcha gonna do?" And then tried to go on a rant about how people are dumb from trying to bring politics into it.

Do most texans have the same attitude? Or are they pissed?
Fucking crazy man. Thanks for the story and the pictures, I can't imagine what having to go through that must be like.

When can we expect an update on the ducks?


ronito said:
So I gotta ask. What's Texan's normal response to these fires? They had a guy on NPR from the governor's office and they were asking him why they cut firefighter funding when they knew they were in a drought and why they had allotted so much water for fracking when they needed it for keeping things watered. And the dude was like "Derp derp whatcha gonna do?" And then tried to go on a rant about how people are dumb from trying to bring politics into it.

Do most texans have the same attitude? Or are they pissed?

That was Rick Perry. He's trying to get people to focus on recovery rather than any politics.


I'm really sorry. Please take care. Your story and pictures are amazing, especially the ducks.

We'll try to be extra entertaining in CFB-gaf.


ronito said:
So I gotta ask. What's Texan's normal response to these fires? They had a guy on NPR from the governor's office and they were asking him why they cut firefighter funding when they knew they were in a drought and why they had allotted so much water for fracking when they needed it for keeping things watered. And the dude was like "Derp derp whatcha gonna do?" And then tried to go on a rant about how people are dumb from trying to bring politics into it.

Do most texans have the same attitude? Or are they pissed?

Personally, I don't think that a reduction in funding is much of a contributing factor here. The problem is not only the scale of the fires (in central/east TX, let alone the ones at PK that are going on again) but that the existing resources have been at their limit for months.

I guess it could be, though it's hard for me to imagine how fire services would have escaped the massive budget spending-reduction that happened in the last legislative session.
Thats a tragic loss man and very touchingly put... i am glad you are pulling through this strong...you are alive, there can be nothing more important than that, but the cost...I feel for you bro


Really sorry about your loss man. On the bright side though, you and and your parents are safe and sound; you can always start over if you're alive. Man, my heart goes out to you OP, for the little that it's worth, I probably would have stayed in the house with my possessions. =/


jacket320 said:
Personally, I don't think that a reduction in funding is much of a contributing factor here. The problem is not only the scale of the fires (in central/east TX, let alone the ones at PK that are going on again) but that the existing resources have been at their limit for months.

I guess it could be, though it's hard for me to imagine how fire services would have escaped the massive budget spending-reduction that happened in the last legislative session.
As a Texan I think there is a direct correlation between the funding being cut and the inability for the firefighters to get these fires under control. From everything I have heard there are just not enough firefighters or resources to handle the fires we have going on. I really fear for our state knowing that this drought will probably continue for another year. I absolutely loathe what Perry has done to our fucking awesome state, greatest state in the Union as far as I am concerned, during his tenure as gov.
SolKane said:
I just don't see the point in referencing a five year old thread with a hyperbolic title when you're trying to garner people's sympathies. I get that he's in an emotional state, but the personalized "fuck you" seems completely unnecessary.

It's not a big deal. He's understandably emotional and I don't take an offense.

I'd rather things started working out for his family (and ducks). The last thing he needs is people jumping on him for slamming me.


San Antonio GAF here.

That is unbelievable. I hope you have better luck in the future. Always sad to see a fellow TexasGAFfer suffer.
And to think I'm in a bad mood because the asshats delivering my new washer/dryer are being incompetent. Thread seriously gives me a reality check.


Tagged as I see fit
My condolences Pristine. I can't say I know what you're going through, but I hope that things turn around for you from this. You did an amazing job saving your parents and yourself - I'm glad you're physically okay. Not sure how I can help, but I'd like to if I can.


alphaNoid said:
Fire Story

I live in Torrance and work at Cypress. During that fire I remember the whole fucking sky was orange, it was humid, and the air smelled like ash.

My condolences to the OP and Noid.


So sorry to hear this. I can't even imagine how it would feel to lose everything in the blink of an eye.

Best of luck, for you and your parents!
Fuck, Dude. If I was closer and not about to move, I'd offer my place to you and your folks to crash at. Is there anything we can do to help?


Hadoken said:
I live in Torrance and work at Cypress. During that fire I remember the whole fucking sky was orange, it was humid, and the air smelled like ash.

My condolences to the OP and Noid.
What year was this fire?

Pristine, sorry to hear about your loss. I can't imagine driving through the fire like that, it must have been surreal. Your tale of the events was gripping.


I was reading this thread this morning and was feeling terrible for Pristine's loss and thankful that he made it out alive with his family. Then I hit the part about the ducks and it really destroyed me. Pretty amazing that this huge fire blazed through and they survived by huddling around a water bucket.


That sucks. Wish I could have sent you and Texas, South Florida's rain. It's been raining like everyday. Was really bad today almost hit a bus because of the hydroplaning covering the windshield.
I am so sorry that you have experience a massive loss like this. However, I am glad that everyone made it out unscathed. I wouldn't know what to grab first. This really makes me think I need to document everything I have as well as upload all my pictures to the internet.

It has smelled like smoke here in Houston for the past few days. I can't believe how bad this has already become. Fucking government should've evacuated people.


speedpop said:
Bushfires/wildfires really suck, especially when you live in a country which specifically evolves around the cycle of constant bushfires for rejuvunation of the ecology (i.e. Australia).
This is why it is important that states implement controlled burns. It is/has become a regular procedure in many states, but no where on the level of historic natural burns. If you lower the fuel, you have smaller fires and cooler fires.

OP I'm sorry for your loss. This is probably my worst fear. I would be on your county emergency services like white on rice. Just because the situation is enormous state wide and more hectic for government services, this should be when they increase awareness efforts and stay on constant alert.


ronito said:
So I gotta ask. What's Texan's normal response to these fires? They had a guy on NPR from the governor's office and they were asking him why they cut firefighter funding when they knew they were in a drought and why they had allotted so much water for fracking when they needed it for keeping things watered. And the dude was like "Derp derp whatcha gonna do?" And then tried to go on a rant about how people are dumb from trying to bring politics into it.

Do most texans have the same attitude? Or are they pissed?

Most Texans have no idea what goes on at the state level. Parts of the details of the budget agreement are just now getting around to some people, if that.

The majority of this state, at least the part that votes, pretty much goes derp, derp, derp.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
I'm so sorry to hear OP. I'm in Austin. I have family over there but I think they dodged the fire. They were told to leave, though. That fire is pretty crazy. I hope things work out for you somehow.

Gonna update you guys and show some more pics from Tues. Sorry, no new pics...I'll explain.

We are not alone. Over 1,400 homes have been destroyed in this fire, and the count continues to climb.

Drove out from Austin this morning, but the area around my home was completely locked down. We tried the back way from which we accessed the power line easement to hike down the last time, but the state troopers wouldn't let us get even close to that neighborhood again.

The mood has changed with law enforcement now that the state and feds are on the scene. The authorities aren't local, so while they may be sympathetic, they don't really show it, and they damn sure aren't going to bend any rules.

Oh, there was almost no smoke anywhere. Blue skies. The only smoke I could smell was coming from my stupid clogs from the last time I walked through the ash. I'm going to get a pair of work boots today...

So bottom line is, no duck update. Sorry. We had even gone down to Tractor Supply Co. and bought them a new sack of their favorite feed and a self-feeder to tide them over.

Maybe tomorrow... As long as some hungry raccoon or other predator doesn't get them, I think they'll be fine, and they'll certainly stick around, since we left them with access to their larger pond that, thank God, may Dad and I had just finished enough to fill with water about a week before.

Here's a photo I took of them right before I left the fire zone:


Anyway, after our failure, my Dad and I went down to the Convention Center, which is where we got registered as victims, or whatever.

We happened to be there during the noonish press conference, which featured some good news for some, as they are letting some folks back into their neighborhoods, but no good news for me. People in the crowd were really expressing lots of frustration, and shouting down the officials at times with questions.



I'm overwhelmed by all the responses. Thanks so much to all of you that care.

verbum said:
Was your portfolio on film? Digital may be recoverable if the hard drives can be accessed, will probably cost some bucks.
Sorry about the loss.
This is hindsight but I have scanned all my old film photos and upload them and my digital photos to a storage service. I store the digital in RAW format. I use Skydrive right now for viewing photos since it is free. For RAW, I use http://www.fotki.com/us/en/ is $30 a year unlimited and accepts 10 different file types. You can download via FTP which is nice.
I live in town but a house fire or theft could cause the loss of quite a few years hobby results.

I had lots of stuff scanned, and on my laptop and the one hard drive I had in my bag. It's not a total loss of images. I'm probably only missing about 25% of the stuff I had digital at some point.

But there were a lot of things I didn't have scanned. Fine art stuff, especially, that was done all in the darkroom by me. (I did a lot of fine art style stuff back in the day, with all the old archival techniques and everything. I used to do the Santa Fe workshops)

And then there's the actual physical portfolios themselves. All custom books that cost probably around $300 each. All different kinds from different stages of my career, ect. I'm really pissed that I lost my transparency portfolio the most. It was just a beautiful box and filled with just gorgeous 8x10 transparencies, shot from large format. Old school lightbox presentation as all hell, but it really made an impact to show it to people.

I will do an online storage service in the future. I'll look into that service. Thanks!

seanoff said:
Best of luck pristine.

I too have been thru losing everything, it sucks and you will recover but it will take time and you may find that smoke (even from a bbq) might take you back to the feelings from that day. Just roll with it, don't think you are being stupid or whatever, it is normal.

I plan on testing that out really soon. I'm craving BBQ. You can't keep a Texan away from his smoke... :)

seanoff said:
I like living in aus, all the fire departments are state based. So if there is a fire, everyone can respond, rather than be constrained by an arbritrary line. Also there are state and federally funded bush fire brigades which exist in nearly all small communities, staffed by volunteers who know the local conditions and are often protecting their own and their friends property, so they are really involved.

The cooperation here is actually amazing. Today we saw firemen and equipment from everywhere.

And when I say everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE. On our way to lunch we saw the Midnight Sun Hotshots--smokejumpers from ALASKA, in their armored trucks, and other crews from New Mexico, Colorado, Utah. Fire crews and sherriff's deputies from all over Texas were brought in...there were people helping from all over the continent.

I think it was just a situation where the fire was moving so fast with the winds that there was just no way they could've gotten enough people in in time to get ahead of it.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Pristine, if you need any help finding forms for aid or doing insurance claims just let me know. I'm not Texas admitted, but I am pretty good at finding forms and/or info.

I know the rest of LawGAF is ready to help in any way they can too.

Thanks a ton. I hope it goes smoothly. I have a lawyer buddy here in Dallas, and an insurance adjuster who is an old frat brother of mine, and they are ready to go to way, but all indications from the insurance company so far is they are just going to sign off on a maxed-out check for the amount of our coverage.

But I do appreciate the offer to muster the GAF dogs of legal war...

Houston3000 said:
When I glanced at your thread title I read it as "My Parent's. Gone." and read the OP with much angst. Glad everyone's safe and alive, even the ducks - sorry about your house :(.

Yeah. That's what I'm trying to focus on now, and whenever the regrets of things i failed to do and failed to grab slip into my mind.

I was driving back from Austin to Houston on Monday - this is on 71, just before Bastrop - the road was closed a few hundred yards ahead. It was surreal to see the dark clouds of smoke and the flames that had to be a few stories high licking over the hills ahead as we drove closer (the weather in Austin had been perfect). At the same time, it made me proud to see Texans responding. Fire brigades were pouring in from all over the state as we continued to drive home and we spotted a few Chinook helicopters and planes attempting to fight the flames from on high. I'm so sorry for everything that's happened to you and your family Pristine.
I coudn't imagine going through something like this. It's not just the house and TV's. It's the pictures, the year books, the saved letters, kids things etc etc that can never be created again. Just horrible.

I'm sorry you're having to go through something like this.


Good update, glad to see you're holding-up well. You aren't kidding about BBQ!

(..best wishes from Austin/NOLA - and your duck in that update photo looks like the Aflac breakdancing duck :jnc )


Wow, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts go out to you and yours.

Although there is nothing I could really offer besides my thoughts and sympathies here is a poem. I don't really know who wrote it. Hell I even think it's a bad poem at that, so sorry for the corny way it's written. But the words can be an inspiration so please accept them as a gift. Although I know you by name here, I don't really know you but it was the least I could do for my fellow human.

You are stronger than you think,
remember to stand tall.

Every challenge in your life
helps you to grow.

Every problem you encounter
strengthens your mind and your soul.

Every trouble you overcome
increases your understanding of life.

When all your troubles weigh
heavily on your shoulders,
remember that beneath the burden
you can stand tall,
because you are never given
more than you can handle...
and you are stronger than you think.

and maybe a picture of a cute kitten to cheer you up

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