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Texas will require aborted fetuses to be cremated or buried

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After months of fierce opposition from abortion rights advocates and the medical community, Texas will require fetal remains to be cremated or buried instead of disposed in sanitary landfills.

On Monday, health officials finalized the new rules prohibiting hospitals, abortion clinics and other health care facilities from disposing of fetal remains — regardless of the period of gestation. The rules will take effect Dec. 19, according to state health officials, the Texas Tribune reported.

Following criticism from medical providers, the state’s Health and Human Services Commission clarified that the requirement does not apply to miscarriages or abortions that take place at home. It also does not require birth or death certificates to be filed, to maintain confidentiality.

The health commission has said the rules will result in “enhanced protection of the health and safety of the public.” Meanwhile, reproductive rights activists say the rules are unnecessary and make it more difficult for a woman to get a safe, legal abortion in the state.

“The rules target physicians that provide abortions and the hospitals that care for patients,” said Blake Rocap, legislative counsel for advocacy group NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, the Dallas Morning News reported. “It’s so transparent that what they’re really trying to do is denying access to abortion.” The group rallied outside the Department of State Health Services in late October and delivered more than 5,500 signatures from individuals in opposition to the proposal.

Others in the medical and funeral industries criticized the costs that would be associated with cremating or burying fetal remains — a process that can cost hospitals and abortion providers several thousands dollars in each case. But department spokeswoman Carrie Williams said the cost shouldn’t be a concern.

Meanwhile, several Republican lawmakers in the state have expressed support for the proposed rule.

“For far too long, Texas has allowed the most innocent among us to be thrown out with the daily waste,” state Sen. Don Huffines (R-Dallas) said in a packed public hearing on the proposed rule in August, the Austin American-Statesman reported. “Life begins at conception.”

Women who attended the hearing in August provided testimonials with mixed responses and personal details. One woman said she felt a great deal of closure burying a fetus after she had a miscarriage. Another said she had an abortion after she was raped, and that if she had been forced to bury the fetus it would have “essentially been the state of Texas rubbing my face in my own rape.”


This is just the state of Texas putting a pay wall between a woman and the right to choose as guaranteed by the law.

Fucking disgusting.


Following criticism from medical providers, the state’s Health and Human Services Commission clarified that the requirement does not apply to miscarriages or abortions that take place at home.

At least Republicans care about all life by pushing women to possibly abort their own children in secret at home, risking the health of the mother, too.

It also does not require birth or death certificates to be filed, to maintain confidentiality.

The hypocrisy is insane. "Life begins a conception, but if they're aborted it's not like they were birthed and died anyways."

What is even the point.


I know there will be many great people in Texas, heck I think GAFs owner (EviLore) is from there, but it can be understandable when Americans sometimes joke about wanting to "abort Texas".

The issue here is a "requirement". Appalling decision. It should lie solely with how the woman wants to respond to the situation. Not have the state intervene and force a decision.
Sure, hit people with more costs to push them into your desired direction assholes. As if abortion is such an easy choice people just do all the time.


Smh, they'll do whatever they can to minimize abortion rights one way or another. Pence must be filled with joy. Next, they'll pass a bill saying the name of the mother on the grave.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Don't like this that they make it a requirement.

Does the new law entail that women have to pay for those burial fees or is it waived and assumed by the state?


Don't like this that they make it a requirement.

Does the new law entail that women have to pay for those burial fees or is it waived and assumed by the state?

Im curious about this too, but I assume that it will target the mothers and family. Because if we can't make it illegal, let's make it as difficult as possible!!!!!!
This is just going to get added onto the procedure and it will be served by some contractor. Next up they are going to require you to hold an actual ceremony, small government indeed.


Smh, they'll do whatever they can to minimize abortion rights one way or another. Pence must be filled with joy. Next, they'll pass a bill saying the name of the mother on the grave.

Please don't give my state government any ideas.


Don't like this that they make it a requirement.

Does the new law entail that women have to pay for those burial fees or is it waived and assumed by the state?



This is so fucking pointless and stupid I honestly can't believe we have 60+ year old men fighting for shit like this.

Fucking Texas
This is so fucking pointless and stupid I honestly can't believe we have 60 year old men fighting for shit like this.

Fucking Texas

It is stupid because it isn't going to change anything, they will be 'buried' by a contractor. It isn't like there is going to be a ceremony at a cemetery or something.


I know there will be many great people in Texas, heck I think GAFs owner (EviLore) is from there, but it can be understandable when Americans sometimes joke about wanting to "abort Texas".

The issue here is a "requirement". Appalling decision. It should lie solely with how the woman wants to respond to the situation. Not have the state intervene and force a decision.

The most annoying thing about the joke is that we're not even the most conservative state in the Union. There are way worse states to live in.

Edit: also I think some people are serious because they don't realize how many Democrats live here. It's not like we're 90% Republican or anything.
Discourage women from abortions by raising the costs, then demonise them as a burden on taxpayers when they need public assistance to raise their kids.


Wow, I always figured they were cremated. To just dump these potential humans in a landfill does not seem right weather you agree or disagree with abortion.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
George Carlin was so right about these psychos. They will do anything for a foetus but once you pop out of the womb you become a worthless piece of shit.

Wow, I always figured they were cremated. To just dump these potential humans in a landfill does not seem right weather you agree or disagree with abortion.

If you really want to have a funeral for an aborted fetus then feel free, but you shouldn't be required to do so. They should be disposed of like any other medical waste unless the mother desires otherwise.


Wow, I always figured they were cremated. To just dump these potential humans in a landfill does not seem right weather you agree or disagree with abortion.
I dunno man. I've flushed millions of potential humans down the toilet in my lifetime.
Republicans have all three branches and many many states with republican control are going to try stuff like this just to see if anyone will stop them

But what we need is to stay active, be loud and pressure artists, activists musicians, even sports leagues or what ever to withdraw either their investments, involvements and whatever plans they have in the state in the near future. People ultimately care about their wallets above all else and if people start to see their state losing out because of backwards ridiculous measures it can be fought. This happened in Indiana and North Carolina over similar measures and it's something we are going to need to do a lot of over the next few years or so.
Wow, I always figured they were cremated. To just dump these potential humans in a landfill does not seem right weather you agree or disagree with abortion.

I agree, perhaps we should require used condoms to be cremated or buried as well.


Regulation is bad, unless it's Republican regulation. SCOTUS here we come. Texas taxpayers, you're going to be paying for the legal costs of both sides in the end. Stop electing fucking morons.
Discourage women from abortions by raising the costs, then demonise them as a burden on taxpayers when they need public assistance to raise their kids.

To say nothing of railing against sex education and free condoms, both of which help prevent unwanted pregnancies and do more to reduce abortion than making it essentially illegal.


Wow, I always figured they were cremated. To just dump these potential humans in a landfill does not seem right weather you agree or disagree with abortion.

Cremation is not free. Are these people proposing these dumb laws going to pay for it?


For fuck's sake people. These sideline tactics to try to get people to feel guilt about their abortions is just nuts. All these conservatives want all these unwanted babies in the world but their wallets slam shut as soon as someone needs assistance raising the unwanted babies.


Just curious but how much is a fetus cremation? I had my dog cremated last year and it was around $120 and they threw in a free velour bag lol.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
To make it worse on an emotional level, all burial records in regulated for-profit perpetual care cemeteries in Texas require a first and last name of the deceased. Meaning that the mother will have to name the unwanted fetus.

I think cremation will have similar issues since there's paperwork other than the death certificate required that will have to be filled out.

Also even a direct cremation will cost about $500 in Texas assuming that cremations are sold at a cheaper rate for infants. I usually saw prices between $700-1000 across the state for adults. Burials are even more expensive due to the casket and opening and closing of the grave (although some mom and pop cemeteries give out free "baby garden" spaces...but that's the cheapest aspect).


Seems like a case of "undue burden" if the onus for the requirement is on the woman getting the abortion. The cost will probably be incurred by the hospital/clinic and passed on to the patient, which is just another disincentive to receiving an abortion.


Don't like this that they make it a requirement.

Does the new law entail that women have to pay for those burial fees or is it waived and assumed by the state?

The department appears to be claiming that the overall costs shouldn't change, and that the burial/cremation costs should be equivalent to what is currently paid to contractors to handle disposal. I have no idea how the numbers are in reality, but that's the claim.

This leads into a million disgusting things aside from the cost issue, anyway. I assume part and parcel of this will be requiring women to specify exactly how they want everything handled, and they're now being required to treat it like a death instead of a medical procedure. I am incredibly nervous about how this will work its way through the court system.


For fuck's sake people. These sideline tactics to try to get people to feel guilt about their abortions is just nuts. All these conservatives want all these unwanted babies in the world but their wallets slam shut as soon as someone needs assistance raising the unwanted babies.
It'a even worse when your realize it keeps the impoverished in poverty.
Worth noting from the article is a reminder that Mike Pence tried this same thing in Indiana and was blocked by the courts.

WaPo said:
A law in Indiana, among other things, also called for abortion providers to bury or cremate fetal tissue. Additionally, it would have prohibited abortions sought solely because a fetus had been potentially diagnosed with a disability such as Down syndrome. But in June, a federal judge suspended the law from going into effect, finding that it violated U.S. Supreme Court precedents protecting a woman’s right to choose an abortion and the right to privacy in making that decision,


Don't like this that they make it a requirement.

Does the new law entail that women have to pay for those burial fees or is it waived and assumed by the state?

I had thought I read that the costs were required to be paid by the provider (the clinic), which is even more insidious. It leaves the clinic either to recoup the cost from the woman, which drives away abortion requests, or pay the costs themselves, which hurts the clinic financially if they continue to offer it as a service.


Don't like this that they make it a requirement.

Does the new law entail that women have to pay for those burial fees or is it waived and assumed by the state?

The woman will have to pay for it, of course. They mean for the law to be punitive, as a way to supposedly discourage a woman from exercising her right to choose. In reality, it's never about the fetus to Republicans, it's about slut shaming and control.


I couldn't figure out in the article (maybe missed it) who is supposed to pay for the cremation or burial. The article mentions the cost of the cremation/burial would be about the same as having the fetuses transferred to the place they are dumped in. So if the state feels like doing it themselves then fine. It's an issue if it falls into the hands of the person who aborted the fetus. Just like the last quote in OP's cut out. The reason behind the abortion could be for any reason and the idea of forcing the person to personally take care of the burial could be traumatic.
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