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TGS: Grandia Online in development!


24.09.04 - GameArts hat auf der Tokyo Game Show die Entwicklung des Rollenspiels Grandia Online bekanntgegeben. Noch ist unklar, auf welcher Plattform (PC oder Konsole) es erscheinen soll. Genaue Details zum Spiel liegen ebenfalls noch nicht vor. Release: TBA.
Platform unknown, no further details...




They announced a PC online game, but it's just called "GO." Not Grandia Online. They said you're actually supposed to pronounce that "Joe," in fact.

Squenix has nothing to do with it, it's gonna be published and maintained by Gung Ho, the Ragnarok guys.

Ah, thanks for the information. I'm not really a fan of Ragnarok, but it'll be interesting to see what they come up with I suppose.


Uncle Dukey said:
Ah, thanks for the information. I'm not really a fan of Ragnarok, but it'll be interesting to see what they come up with I suppose.

Well, Gung Ho doesn't really make Ragnarok either, they just maintain the Japanese servers. It's gonna be a Game Arts game.

The first bits of art (you can see 'em on Game Watch) look very Grandia-ey.



Game Arts sinks further and further into obscurity. Used to be such a big fan for reasons that now seem to click a heck of a lot less, sad. Oh well, there's always Lunar: TSS, Grandia and Grandia X.

Either way, they seem to be trying awfully hard to avoid the Square-Enix jaws of doom. I figured they got sucked it (which may have been for the best if they're reduced to making odd Japanese-only online PC RPG's) after Enix got a stake in them, then the merger.


I remember the senseless, blatantly old-school FF8 vs Grandia fights that broke out on GA for seemingly no reason. To this day: Screw you Brandon F/Folken. :p


Whatever happened to that old, likely forgotten launch era rumor of a Grandia remake for the GC? Shit, that'd be one remake I'd vastly aprove of. Espically after some of the oddness that went on with the PSX version.
Alex said:
Game Arts sinks further and further into obscurity. Used to be such a big fan for reasons that now seem to click a heck of a lot less, sad. Oh well, there's always Lunar: TSS, Grandia and Grandia X.

Either way, they seem to be trying awfully hard to avoid the Square-Enix jaws of doom. I figured they got sucked it (which may have been for the best if they're reduced to making odd Japanese-only online PC RPG's) after Enix got a stake in them, then the merger.
Maybe it's the fact that there are about 500 mmorpgs in development and none of them are really innovating. The best MMORPG is still Ultima Online from 1996. Pretty sad.


Drinky Crow said:
Man, this is what I get for laughing at the Shenmue crowd when their favorite turd went online.

Drinky Cr0wn3d :(

Damnit Drinky! I could have had Grandia III if it wasn't for you!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Alex said:
I remember the senseless, blatantly old-school FF8 vs Grandia fights that broke out on GA for seemingly no reason. To this day: Screw you Brandon F/Folken. :p

Haha! Legend of Dragoon>>>>>Grandia!!!


The Legend of Dragoon demo stands out in my mind as the best demo ever. I remember so many stupid things about it. Like when they tried to push down an old tree, then proceeded to try and catch it.

Honestly. Lufia and Tales of Destiny had some dipshit heroes, but Tales of Dragoon takes the cake. Too bad everything else about the game was miserably bad. :p

Dragona: He's just messing around, although I do believe I remember he's temporary bout with insanity about it. I think it was me and Frag who were making fun of him in that dirt old topic god knows how many forum revisions ago.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
For YOU maybe!! ;D

Seriously though, Shouta's posts on Grandia recently convinced me to have a little renaissance for myself. After 15 hours of play, I was convinced my old nitpickings may have well been due to temporary insanity. I was a madman, Grandia 1 is brilliant even today.

Been wanting to give G Xtreme a real run through for awhile now as well.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I caught the smilie on the end, I knew what was up.

Still, the scars from Frag and Alex have never healed...


I know, I'm just saying. ...Right

I'm sure glad no one remembers my old 5ish+ year old posts though. Oh man, I think I was almost if not just as bad as SSx when I first hit the forum barring a few games.

GX rocks. No one at all bought it though hardly, I was like the only person praising it. Just a few people, and shit it was weird, because everyone HATED it at first too, then pulled a 360 after a few hours more.
For all my Grandia fangirlism I haven't really sunk alot of time into GX, simply because of the shitty camera from hell. You know, how it doesn't support the RIGHT STICK and the game was WRITTEN for the PS2. I mean fuck, GRANDIA 1, the PORT FROM SATURN had right stick camera support. That shit is just lame.

Also, while Grandia II is ass compared to Grandia, I liked how it was
the prequel. Millenia and Elena are the first Icarian twins, and after beating Valmar the Moth Boy, Ryudo and company bring about the golden age of the Icarians. Fuck, Liete rven mentions Ryudo (not by name) in Grandia.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Interesting stuff DragonA, I never played GII in english and missed out on that bit of info.


"Codename: 'Go'"


If this maintains the series light-hearted goodness and battle system, it could be mega-amazing.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Oh, come on... online Grandia??? I was just thinking back about how much I loved the original Grandia today, even though the first half of the game is all fetch-quest :p I


Dragona Akehi said:
For all my Grandia fangirlism I haven't really sunk alot of time into GX, simply because of the shitty camera from hell. You know, how it doesn't support the RIGHT STICK and the game was WRITTEN for the PS2. I mean fuck, GRANDIA 1, the PORT FROM SATURN had right stick camera support. That shit is just lame.

Also, while Grandia II is ass compared to Grandia, I liked how it was
the prequel. Millenia and Elena are the first Icarian twins, and after beating Valmar the Moth Boy, Ryudo and company bring about the golden age of the Icarians. Fuck, Liete rven mentions Ryudo (not by name) in Grandia.

o_O G2 actually connected to G1?? I never did notice that....Really thought it was just stand alone.
Dragona Akehi said:
For all my Grandia fangirlism I haven't really sunk alot of time into GX, simply because of the shitty camera from hell. You know, how it doesn't support the RIGHT STICK and the game was WRITTEN for the PS2. I mean fuck, GRANDIA 1, the PORT FROM SATURN had right stick camera support. That shit is just lame.

Also, while Grandia II is ass compared to Grandia, I liked how it was
the prequel. Millenia and Elena are the first Icarian twins, and after beating Valmar the Moth Boy, Ryudo and company bring about the golden age of the Icarians. Fuck, Liete rven mentions Ryudo (not by name) in Grandia.

i spent way too long between Grandias. I barely remmeber anyhting about the Icarians. I plowed right through Grandia, but Grandia II I just finished up a few months ago. I still liked it, but it just wasn't the same.

Why, Gamearts, must you taunt us so. I don't really care about a Lunar 3, but a true Grandia 3 would be quite a joyful announcement.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
I hope the online battles fuse dynamic and strategic combat as well as the traditional Grandia series does. And I hope each town is as distinctive in personality as it has been, with varying architectural styles and themes. And get Two-Five back for the music.


Alex said:
GX rocks. No one at all bought it though hardly, I was like the only person praising it. Just a few people, and shit it was weird, because everyone HATED it at first too, then pulled a 360 after a few hours more.


Grandia - My favorite game of all time. No question about that.
Grandia II - Quite a bit of a disappointment... but still enjoyable, and still better than 99% of other RPGs out there
Grandia Xtreme - Mediocre to begin with. Once I hit about 13 hours I hit a point where I hated it and didn't care if I ever finished. (Trust me, this is probably the only game I quit on)

If I ever pick up a jPS2, I'll think about replaying my Xtreme game. But as it is, I feel it's one of the worst I've ever played. Sure the battle system is still fun, but the way the game was designed is just plain awful. I'd love to hear why you like it though.

And... GameArts is dead. Thanks for playing.


I'm a total leek if it comes to Grandia but.. Grandia Xtreme that only came out in America and Japan.. Is it some sort of Grandia 2.5 or what? Because somebody tolled me it was some kind of sequel (= Grandia 3) but after hearing somebody saying: "no grandia 3??"
I guess that guy didn't know that much about Grandia, please make it clear. :)


Grandia Xtreme that only came out in America and Japan.. Is it some sort of Grandia 2.5 or what?

It's not Grandia 3, nor is it really Grandia 2.5 either. It is essentially "take the best part about the Grandia series (ie the battles) and remove everything else". Grandia Xtreme has the battles down right, and they're still fun, and they're harder too. But they took out everything else that made Grandia, Grandia.

Whereas Grandia and Grandia II were jRPGs, GX is a dungeon hack game. You visit and revisit dungeons to fight and find items. Repeat and repeat until sheer boredom sets in. It loses its charm real quick.
AniHawk said:
No, Grandia III, damnit!

What next, Skies of Arcadia Online!?

Becareful of what u wish you... SA is actually a more appropiate MMORPG tile than Grandia. Imagine all these little floating islands that you can claim ownership and build castles and stores on them... ha ha, not that I want to seet that to happen.


djtiesto said:
Wasn't there a Grandia game on GBC? What ever happened with that?

Grandia Parallel Trippers

I have it... played it for like 10 mins and wasn't particularly impressed. Maybe one day I'll go back to it and write up impressions. But it seems to be Grandia in name only. It doesn't really play like any of the other Grandia games aside from the whole walk around an overworld thing. Heck, in this game you can -jump-.


Tsubaki said:
I have it... played it for like 10 mins and wasn't particularly impressed. Maybe one day I'll go back to it and write up impressions. But it seems to be Grandia in name only. It doesn't really play like any of the other Grandia games aside from the whole walk around an overworld thing. Heck, in this game you can -jump-.
Well, GameArts realy didn't have anything to do with it (Hudson developed it internally at their Tokyo Studio iirc).

Hopefully that DS RPG GameArts announced is a G1 remake to go alongside this online game. Wonder if the rumors of them working on Xbox are at all likely now that they've escaped Square Enix? Grandia Online looks like it might be just what Microsoft needs after killing TFLO, and GameArts has a history of supporting underdogs...
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