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That fuel lightsaber duel guy burnt to a crisp

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You guys are lame for making fun of this. Stupid idea or not, this guy's life and his girlfriend's life are ruined. I burned a few inches of my left with chemical products when i was a kid, and it was, and still it the most painful thing I ever felt. I still have the mark on my arm. Feeling the same pain all over my body and realising that my stupid stunt also did the same to my girlfriend would drive me fucking insane.



Drunky McMurder
Naked Shuriken said:
You guys are lame for making fun of this. Stupid idea or not, this guy's life and his girlfriend's life are ruined. I burned a few inches of my left with chemical products when i was a kid, and it was, and still it the most painful thing I ever felt. I still have the mark on my arm. Feeling the same pain all over my body and realising that my stupid stunt also did the same to my girlfriend would drive me fucking insane.


You were a kid. You couldn't be expected to know how to properly handle chemical products.

These people are absolute idiots and deserve everything they get.


Hmmph. The older you get, the more you realize how foolish you are. I can sympathize with those who are suffering, even if was due to their foolish acts.


What's weird is that in this thread and in the previous one on the same topic, nobody really objected to them being called idiots, retards, morons or saying they "deserved it" or whatever. Chuckling over it is taking things too far!

Cruelty = Okay

Cruelty + Humor = EVIL
You can see their site here apparently:
Looks like they have shut it down for the time being. And they've set up a donation link.



Desperado said:
darwin awards are fake...

They're "real" in the sense that the awards are merely symbolic, but the deaths described on the site did in fact happen.

Anyway, I'm of two minds about this whole thing:
Do I feel bad that anyone will have to go through the rest of their life disfigured, and is currently in large amounts of pain due to large burns? Yes, absolutely. A line is drawn between their injuries and how they went about getting them. It's like the old one-liner about a guy who breaks his leg in a chess game. You're not laughing at his broken leg, that's cruel; what you are laughing at is how it happened.

I refuse to feel sorry for them, though. The injuries weren't inflicted by another person out of malice, greed, or whatever drives people to murder someone else. This was blind stupidity. Anyone who inserts something as obviously flammable as gasoline (Lighter fluid? Like it matters) into a flourescent light tube and ignites the combination with electricity is likely to be both very surprised by the result, and probably die just a few short moments after they realize what happened.

The two involved here should consider themselves lucky beyond all measure that they're still alive.
Mom and Dad: Don't play with fire, you'll get hurt/maimed/killed/all-of-the-above.


Son: They were riiiiight. Tell my parents... they were riiight.

edit: in all seriousness, the jokes being made are funnier than what happened, and only if your sense of humor is twisted in that way. It's good to see they're putting out the right message.... I hope they can fix them up.


IAmtheFMan said:
Actually, all you need to do is take yourself out of the gene pool one way or another, in terms of reproducing. Dying's the easiest way, but there are others. I read one where a guy was on top of a cliff, and there was a metal fence to guard the edge. Anyways, he decided that he needs to pee, so he starts peeing on the fence... oh and it was storming too. Basically, lightning hit the fence, went up the path of least resistance (his pee stream) and exploded his penis. He survived, but he can't reproduce, so he's eligible for a Darwin Award.

:lol :lol :lol

border said:

:lol :lol :lol

Got no sympathy here...too many other real victims in this world that deserve it ahead of these dumb fucks. I hope they both recover, but that won't keep me from laughing. As xsarien said, they're lucky they're still alive at all.


They're "real" in the sense that the awards are merely symbolic, but the deaths described on the site did in fact happen.

Yup and this guy isn't even close to qualifying... The actual Darwin winners are much worse.


ManaByte said:
Yup and this guy isn't even close to qualifying... The actual Darwin winners are much worse.

This guy might get an honerable mention. But there are some TRULY spectacular Darwin winners out there. My favorite near-winner is from a guy who went ice fishing. To make the hole he lit a stick of dynamite (he was an domolitions guy for a rock quarry) and tossed it out in the lake. Too bad his faithful dog ran out, grabbed it and brough it back. He saw it coming far enough away to run away, but it blew right next to his truck. Lost his dog and truck, but lived. Sounds like a country song in the making.


GhaleonEB said:
This guy might get an honerable mention. But there are some TRULY spectacular Darwin winners out there. My favorite near-winner is from a guy who went ice fishing. To make the hole he lit a stick of dynamite (he was an domolitions guy for a rock quarry) and tossed it out in the lake. Too bad his faithful dog ran out, grabbed it and brough it back. He saw it coming far enough away to run away, but it blew right next to his truck. Lost his dog and truck, but lived. Sounds like a country song in the making.

Some of the best (all confirmed real):
Aircraft: PIPER PA-34-200T, Registration: N47506

Injuries: 2 Fatal.

The private pilot and a pilot rated passenger [two pilots] were going to practice simulated instrument flight. Witnesses observed the airplane's right wing fail in a dive and crash. Examination of the wreckage and bodies revealed that both occupants were partially clothed and the front right seat was in the full aft reclining position. [The pilots had converted the co-pilot seat to a bed.] Neither body showed evidence of seatbelts or shoulder harnesses being worn. [They were lying on the bed.] Examination of the individuals' clothing revealed no evidence of ripping or distress to the zippers and belts. [Their lack of clothing seemed to be voluntary.]

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:

The pilot in command's improper in-flight decision to divert her attention to other activities not related to the conduct of the flight. [The pilot and co-pilot were having sex, and nobody was flying the plane.] Contributing to the accident was the exceeding of the design limits of the airplane leading to a wing failure. [The lack of a pilot caused the plane to fly erratically, over-stressing the wing and leading to a crash.]

At work, Manoel Messias Batista Coelho was responsible for cleaning out the storage tanks of gasoline tanker trucks. He had been employed in that capacity for two months when he ran afoul of fuel.

The 35-year-old began to fill a tanker with water, a standard safety procedure that forces flammable vapor out of the container. He returned an hour later to check whether the water level was high enough to proceed. But he had trouble deciding, because it was so DARK inside the tanker.

A resourceful employee, Manoel forgot the very reason why he was filling the tank with water when he lit a cigarette lighter to shed some light on the situation. His little test successfully determined that the water level was NOT yet high enough for safety. The vapor explosion launched him through the air, and he landed in the company parking lot 100 meters away.

Manoel suffered severe burns, blunt force trauma, and an injury to the head that exposed his brain. Our witless car washer had learned his terminal lesson in safety by the time the firemen arrived.

Ismael, 25, was driving a Toyota truck when he lost control of the vehicle, which careened into a mailbox, collided with a utility pole, and flipped onto its side, knocking down high-voltage power lines in the process. At that point, Ishmael climbed from the truck and into the path of evolution.

He surveyed the situation with a pair of pruning shears in his hand. Police speculate that he reached up to clip the snaking, arcing cable lying across his truck, and was electrocuted when the shears touched the 7500-volt cable. A medical examination found that the current travelled across his heart and out his left foot. He was found lying motionless, face-down on the power line, with a pair of pruning shears in his hands.

A Houston man earned a succinct lesson in gun safety when he played Russian roulette with a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol. Rashaad, nineteen, was visiting friends when he announced his intention to play the deadly game. He apparently did not realize that a semiautomatic pistol, unlike a revolver, automatically inserts a cartridge into the firing chamber when the gun is cocked. His chance of winning a round of Russian roulette was zero, as he quickly discovered.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Phoenix said:
I believe you have to die to get a Darwin award.
they have honorable mentions for those who easily could've/should've died.
Desperado said:
darwin awards are fake...
well yes, most of them are. though i imagine there'd be some real ones in there to, much like this one.


This one incident - maybe you could forgive them one moment of stupidity. But their site does this all the time. They were just an accident waiting to happen. No sympathy from my side.
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