The 100 Best PlayStation Games of All Time rated by IGN: #1 Metal Gear Solid, #2 God of War (2018), #3 Bloodborne


It's a weird list to do. You're covering basically the best non-Nintendo games of the last 30 years. Would've been better to see them rank the best PlayStation exclusives ever.

Also Nier Automata at #36, I'll take it.
I'm sure someone here's looked through the list.

Tell me: is Planet Laika up there? If not the list is immediately invalidated, and it's IGN. What about Aquanaut's Holiday 2?

And I just scanned the list...why is Parappa 1 there instead of the magnitudes superior UmJammer Lammy? Where's Moon RPG Remix? LSD Dream Simulator? Tomba 1 or 2? Shadow of the Colossus? Ico? COD didn't even deserve to be up there, it's annual recycled slop. Might as well put a Madden game up there too.

I really didn't want to give IGN the click, now I regret it.
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Hate it or love it, This was the videogame that redefined what a videogame could be i.e. a true interactive cinematic experience (with a shit ton of gameplay innovations and Easter eggs for good measure)

And having a baddass iconic Hero didn't hurt of course
God Of War 2 is a far better game than 2018. Hell, the original God Of War was something fucking special. I was legitimately blown away when I first got it.

God Of War 2018 is a good game, but to put it as the 2nd best PS game is pure stupidity.


Here is the full list if you don't wanna give ign the click.(y)

100. Ape Escape
99. Crash Team Racing
98. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
97. Tearaway
96. Deathloop
95. Jak 2
94. LocoRoco
93. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
92. Lumines
91. Syphon Filter
90. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
89. Pro Evolution Soccer 6
88. Patapon 3
87. Horizon Zero Dawn
86. Doom Eternal
85. SSX Tricky
84. Tetris Effect
83. Kingdom Hearts 2
82. Monster Hunter World
81. Medal of Honor: Frontline
80. Hotline Miami
79. Killzone 2
78. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
77. Ridge Racer Type 4
76. Returnal
75. Driver
74. LittleBigPlanet
73. Yakuza 0
72. Need for Speed: Underground 2
71. Helldivers 2
70. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
69. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
68. Bully
67. Katamari Damacy
66. Devil May Cry
65. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
64. Rocket League
63. Destiny
62. PaRappa the Rapper
61. Hitman: World of Assassination
60. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
59. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
58. Journey
57. Crash Bandicoot
56. Ghost of Tsushima
55. Final Fantasy 9
54. Batman: Arkham City
53. Vagrant Story
52. Marvel's Spider-Man 2
51. The Walking Dead
50. Grand Theft Auto 3
49. Final Fantasy Tactics
48. Demon's Souls
47. God of War 2
46. Chrono Cross
45. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
44. Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
43. WipEout XL
42. TimeSplitters 2
41. Titanfall 2
40. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
39. Astro Bot
38. Tomb Raider
37. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
36. Nier: Automata
35. Burnout 3: Takedown
34. Dishonored 2
33. Okami
32. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
31. Final Fantasy 10
30. Suikoden 2
29. Resident Evil
28. Mass Effect 2
27. Tekken 3
26. God of War Ragnarok
25. Persona 5 Royal
24. Resident Evil 4 (2023)
23. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
22. Portal 2
21. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
20. Silent Hill 2
19. Dark Souls
18. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec
17. Persona 4 Golden
16. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
15. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
14. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
13. Elden Ring
12. The Last of Us Part 2
11. Resident Evil 2 (2018)
10. Baldur's Gate 3
9. Grand Theft Auto 5/Online
8. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
7. Red Dead Redemption 2
6. Final Fantasy 7
5. The Last of Us
4. Shadow of the Colossus
3. Bloodborne
2. God of War (2018)
1. Metal Gear Solid


Not a single Nintendo game. I don't think I even saw Halo or Gears of War and I was never an xbox user. This is purely a Sony list.
edit: oh im a dumb bass


well Bloodborne at top 3 is correct.
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Gold Member
Replace GOW 2018 with GOW 3 and the list would be pretty accurate
God of war 2018 over gow3

IGN and their readers are fucking idiot dumb mother fuckers . Period
God Of War 2 is a far better game than 2018. Hell, the original God Of War was something fucking special. I was legitimately blown away when I first got it.

God Of War 2018 is a good game, but to put it as the 2nd best PS game is pure stupidity.

Glad to see time has yielded some perspective on God of War 2018.


One of the green rats
MGS is a perfect game. I would have picked that.

Though I would have gran tourismo 3 on there somewhere as well.
GTA games
Final Fantasy games
Resident Evil games
Ratchet and Clank games
Metal Gear Solid games
Xenosaga trilogy
Star Ocean 3 Till the End of Time
Silent Hill games
Twisted Metal games
Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2
Stellar Blade
The rest.
Reddit's Gate 3 is my favourite PlayStation game.

This list is god awful and MGS2 should be #1. The graphical shift alone was something zoomers will NEVER experience.


Dishonored, Wipeout, a bunch of forgettable ps2 shooters and Crono cross above FFT, FF9...

Dark souls, aka the most influential game from the last 15 years barely at top20.

At least there were some decency in putting MGS at the top and the original FFVII above the kingdom heartiang Remakes.

Fucking genZ, time to hit the gym to vent some Steam.


Reddit's Gate 3 is my favourite PlayStation game.

This list is god awful and MGS2 should be #1. The graphical shift alone was something zoomers will NEVER experience.
MGS2 only existed because of MGS. Yes MGS2 improved in a number of ways, but MGS layed down the groundwork and proved that an interactive cinematic game could not only succeed but thrive in this industry.

What other game could read your memory card? Incorporate rumble both in the gameplay and irl while breaking the 4th wall? MGS ran so MGS2 could fly. It is the more important/influential/innovative game.
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What a terrible list. God Of War 2018 at number 2? No Silent Hill on PSX? Symphony of the Night not closer to number 1? Resident Evil so low? No Uncharted 1 or 3 but 4 is in there? The got the correct Wipeout in there (2097 for us Aussies) but that low??? And where is Wipeout 3? Plenty of recency bias as well. Awful list.
MGS2 only existed because of MGS. Yes MGS2 improved in a number of ways, but MGS layed down the groundwork and proved that an interactive cinematic game could not only succeed but thrive in this industry.

What other game could read your memory card? Incorporate rumble both in the gameplay and irl while breaking the 4th wall? MGS ran so MGS2 could fly. It is the more important/influential/innovative game.
I ain't never seen anyone piss on you in MGS.


Neo Member
I find it amusing how some of you get so mad at these lists. No list will ever be right for everyone because of you know...opinions. GOW 2018 beats out square square triangle GOW though for sure.

List itself isn't to bad, I've bought very game in the top 20 except for Persona 4. I wouldn't order them the same though.


I assume they are considering impact at the time of release.

Within this context, i understand mgs being number 1...but then fucking FF7 needs to be in the top 2.

Gow 2018 is a pretty good game but way too high on this list.


I'd love to approve of this list given the MGS1 placement but man, so much of it sucks.

The best MP game ever made by Sony, Socom II, not there.

Rift Apart as the lone Ratchet entry even though it's the worst of the mainline games.

Ragnarok 20 places ahead of MGS2? Fuck off.


Not a bad top 10 at least. BG3 being there's a bit odd.

Without FF7, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil and Gran Turismo, Sony probably aren't the console powerhouse that they are today. Those 4 games basically turned millions of people over from Nintendo and Sega back in the mid/late 90s.
Tekken 2 is missing from your list, it had the same impact as SF2 did for the SNES and to this day probably the reason fighting games have the largest audiences on PlayStation. It was as close to arcade perfect as you could hope for back then, and like an old arcade unit still looks great, today.


IGN lists are fucking awful, literally the worst of the worst, I'd take that recent PC Gamer Top 100 over this any day of the week.
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I can’t remember what I played on ps1 and ps2 but I do remember spending a lot of time with one or two Wipeout ganes. They were smazing.
Uncharted 2 was my fav ps3 gsme by far
And 2018’s God of War as my ps4 favorite and one of the best games that year.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
At least they got the #1 spot right…

Best games on PlayStation ever?

No order but:
Uncharted 2
Last of Us
Metal Gear Solid 1
Metal Gear Solid 2
Elden Ring
Resident Evil 4
Final Fantasy 7
Witcher 3

Not my personal list by any means but a list of massive successful games from their history.

Kudos to:
God of war
Killzone 2
Shadow of the C
GTA San Andres
Final Fantasy X
Silent Hill 2
Red Dead Redemption
Crash Bandicoot


The list's true purpose has shown itself in this thread. It hasn't done IGN any favours as they probably got a pittance of clicks from GAF members (probably more from guests).

But here it sparked all manner of lists that aren't bound by the minefield of praising a company while maintaining a balance of new and old. If you do you too much old, you piss off Sony by making it seem like they can't beat the good old days. If you do too much new, you older readers by ignoring the legacy in favour of recency bias.

Every list is subjective at best, but at least here we aren't trying to keep Sony happy.


My personal top 10 Sony list would look something like this.

1. Bloodborne
2. Demon's Souls
3. God of War 3
4. Puppeteer
5. Alundra
6. Legend of Dragoon
7. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
8. Tearaway
9. Shadow of the Colossus
10. Infamous 2
Puppeteer is the game everybody should be crying for a remaster instead of Bloodborne.
Bloodborne is playable today, while Puppeteer is gone forever. 😢

Mr Hyde

Puppeteer is the game everybody should be crying for a remaster instead of Bloodborne.
Bloodborne is playable today, while Puppeteer is gone forever. 😢

Yeah it's a shame Sony hasn't brought it over to current gen. Phenomenal game. Very fun and creative. But they've never cared about it. They shunned it even when it released on PS3. Barely no marketing or even a mention. It was all Uncharted and The Last of Us.


Here is the full list if you don't wanna give ign the click.(y)

100. Ape Escape
99. Crash Team Racing
98. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
97. Tearaway
96. Deathloop
95. Jak 2
94. LocoRoco
93. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
92. Lumines
91. Syphon Filter
90. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
89. Pro Evolution Soccer 6
88. Patapon 3
87. Horizon Zero Dawn
86. Doom Eternal
85. SSX Tricky
84. Tetris Effect
83. Kingdom Hearts 2
82. Monster Hunter World
81. Medal of Honor: Frontline
80. Hotline Miami
79. Killzone 2
78. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
77. Ridge Racer Type 4
76. Returnal
75. Driver
74. LittleBigPlanet
73. Yakuza 0
72. Need for Speed: Underground 2
71. Helldivers 2
70. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
69. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
68. Bully
67. Katamari Damacy
66. Devil May Cry
65. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
64. Rocket League
63. Destiny
62. PaRappa the Rapper
61. Hitman: World of Assassination
60. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
59. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
58. Journey
57. Crash Bandicoot
56. Ghost of Tsushima
55. Final Fantasy 9
54. Batman: Arkham City
53. Vagrant Story
52. Marvel's Spider-Man 2
51. The Walking Dead
50. Grand Theft Auto 3
49. Final Fantasy Tactics
48. Demon's Souls
47. God of War 2
46. Chrono Cross
45. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
44. Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
43. WipEout XL
42. TimeSplitters 2
41. Titanfall 2
40. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
39. Astro Bot
38. Tomb Raider
37. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
36. Nier: Automata
35. Burnout 3: Takedown
34. Dishonored 2
33. Okami
32. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
31. Final Fantasy 10
30. Suikoden 2
29. Resident Evil
28. Mass Effect 2
27. Tekken 3
26. God of War Ragnarok
25. Persona 5 Royal
24. Resident Evil 4 (2023)
23. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
22. Portal 2
21. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
20. Silent Hill 2
19. Dark Souls
18. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec
17. Persona 4 Golden
16. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
15. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
14. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
13. Elden Ring
12. The Last of Us Part 2
11. Resident Evil 2 (2018)
10. Baldur's Gate 3
9. Grand Theft Auto 5/Online
8. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
7. Red Dead Redemption 2
6. Final Fantasy 7
5. The Last of Us
4. Shadow of the Colossus
3. Bloodborne
2. God of War (2018)
1. Metal Gear Solid
Fricken hell what a travesty:
H:ZD at 87th,
Returnal at 86,
Batman Arkham City at 56th but no Batman AK.
GoW:R on 26th but no GoW3 at all on the list which is best in the series,
The Walking Dead at 51(that episodic one that got around 80-85 metascore for most episodes),
Dishonored2 at 34th.
MGS:peace Walker at 45th, MGS5 at 65th but no much better MGS4 ?
No Xenogears nor ff8 or ff12.
Instead they squeezed in Deathloop on 96th, likely for having black protag and antag coz game was avg at best.
Spiderman2 on 52nd, and no first Spiderman that is much better in everything but graphics(and isnt woke :)
Super strong bias to put current and previous gen 7s and 8s and not put lifetime classics of 9+ at all...
Good list. MGs1 is a seminal game that kickstarted the whole cinematic genre we associate with PS first party. It's also a legendary game as a stealth game, an action game, with some of the most advanced mechanics of its time.

GOW 2018 is a bit too high, but thats ok. It's top 10 anyway. Id put Sotc and replace MGS1 with MGS3.

1. MGS3
2. MGS4
4. MGS1
5. TLOU1
6. RDR2
7. Uncharted 2
8. GOW3
9. GOW 2018
10. GOW2
MGS4 at number 2? Bold

MGS1, RE2 and FFVII are definitely the games that influenced Sony's first party


Sony Santa Monica just needs to redesign the gameplay of God of War again so that all the haters can switch to how much they miss the 2018 style of gameplay
Nah, i was and am more than happy with old style GOW. I hated 2018 the moment i saw the gameplay, and hated it even more after i played it. I just hate it with a passion. Every thing about that game makes me wanna scream. Man, such a horrible game. Awful awful reboot.
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Nah, i was and am more than happy with old style GOW. I hated 2018 the moment i saw the gameplay, and hated it even more after i played it. I just hate it with a passion. Every thing about that game makes me wanna scream. Man, such a horrible game. Awful awful reboot.
Idc all people did is hate on the old style while it was around, now people hate on the new style. Majority of people like both
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