Just bring back the blue-stripped jacket for the rest of your scenes, Clarke. That was her best look.
Just bring back the blue-stripped jacket for the rest of your scenes, Clarke. That was her best look.
You're right
True, so very very true.
so next season will it start this year or next year?
thats a long wait
It is nothing new. Season 2 ended on March 11, 2015 while season 3 started on January 21, 2016.
We need some The 100 Funko Pops. Commander Lexa with dat face paint? Day 1.
We need some The 100 Funko Pops. Commander Lexa with dat face paint? Day 1.
- Variety: The 100 Season 4 Preview: The Earth Strikes Back as Nuclear Apocalypse Looms.Season 3 was originally supposed toIt was a horrible way to leave what was a really dark season.end with Jasper emerging from the City of Light and blowing his brains out, Rothenberg revealed. It was too dark, even for me. I dont think anyone will ever see that scene.
Clarke owns her power this season, Rothenberg said. Kane and Abby recognize that. Theyre dealing with someone special. Its her time.
* Though Lexa wont be returning in Season 4, Rothenberg assured fans that the Flame will remain an important political artifact.
Rothenberg also revealed the original ending for the Season 3 finale, in which Jasper comes out of the City of Light and goes and blows his brains out, but the showrunner admitted, it was too dark, even for me It was a horrible way to leave what was a really dark season. Plus I felt like there was more in the tank for Jasper. It was something that I, in my gut, didnt feel right about, so I cut it and we found the better ending.
So.....just not in season 4? There's a chance for season 5 right? RIGHT?
"Its not, by the way designed to be a series finale. We feel very good about a season 5, I am not breaking any news today about that but, you know, everything looks very positive for the continuation of the story after season 4. There is a crazy idea for season 5 that was given to me by someone who is very important in the decision making, which I wont, whose name I wont mention but...which I love so. All systems go."
I'm still delusional enough to believe!
JerkRoth on season 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtJan9RYBY8
Return of Lexa themed season!... Why do I do this to myself.
Nah, the whole Jasper heel turn felt completely unearned. Like only worse if he massacred 301 grounders instead. Like, here's another offscreen character assassination for ya! It's all for the plot you guys!Shoulda stuck with it imo.
Haha, compare crowd reaction to Luna returning at 9:40 Comic Con 2016
To Lexa returning from last years panel at 24:53 Comic con 2015
The Guest Star^TM wins again
Executive producer Jason Rothenberg said that while there are plot elements which could mean a return for Lexa, she will not appear in the upcoming Season 4, which begins production soon.
Any indication when we can expect S3 to hit Netflix? Just finishing up S2 for the first time now.
They're back at work.
So glad Zach McGowan is a series regular now.
In retrospect, the whole Pike vs Kane plotline seems like a weirdly prescient commentary on the election.
In retrospect, the whole Pike vs Kane plotline seems like a weirdly prescient commentary on the election.
Y'all ain't ready for my perpetual bitterness during season 4
Y'all ain't ready for my perpetual bitterness during season 4
You have my support.