ZZMitch said:High speed boat chase?
Cant wait to see this in theaters in a few years.
I was actually gonna say that. It is so obvious that this will get turn into a movie.
ZZMitch said:High speed boat chase?
Cant wait to see this in theaters in a few years.
water_wendi said:How could he fail to ditch a gun in the ocean while on a speedboat?
bridegur said:He's been living the last 2 years like I play Just Cause 2. Good for him. I'm sure he'll make a good amount of money on book and movie deals.
Apoc29 said:He's 6' 5", he'll be the one owning bitches in prison. That is if he doesn't fly a plane out of it first.
catfish said:he'd be a lot cooler if he could actually land the planes he takes.
PantherLotus said:You know it's possible to think this is a cool story while not actually idolizing him, right?
Petty thieves, burglars, bank robbers, and outlaws have always represented something special to the underclass; they do what we all wish we could experience for even just a moment. Whether Spartacus or Robin Hood, Jesse James or Al Capone, Bonnie & Clyde or CatchMeIfYouCan guy, or even something as innoccuous as Johnny Cash or Snoop Dogg--all have been celebrated for being outlaws not for what they did (breaking the law), but for what they represented. It's the idea of fuckin' the MAN. Gettin' back at the SYSTEM.
That's why games like GTA, movies like Ocean's 11, and music like gangsta rap became so successful. Just because it sounds like fun doesn't mean you're advocating crime or shooting at cops, much less getting raped in a caribbean prison.
There's little reality in those celebrations of outlaws, but I'm not sure reality is needed. It's a cool story not because we know how dire and unlikely the outcomes usually are, but how exhiliarating those few moments of "I escaped!" must've been.
Crazyorloco said:I admire his balls.
Slayer-33 said:I love how people (media) give so much credit to someone that could fly a plane. :lol It's common sense, rev up the engine and don't pull up at a moronic steep angle so that you don't stall the damn thing, it's not rocket science. After the take off it's a free ride minus the landing which can be a lot more difficult than anything else.