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The 4400 - any good?

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
There's rather few good television material during the summer, and I've noticed that The 4400's second season begins soon. Anyone watch the first one and have an opinion? If it's any good I'll rent it from Netflix to catch up before the new stuff arrives.


I thought it was really enjoyable. Like any new show, give it a bit of time to explain everything because you can't expect to 'get' it right away. But it gets really good in the second half of the show

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I quite liked it actually. Like to know where it goes after the first 5 episodes. one thing I did like about it was that, spoilers I guess, for the pedantic
they resolved what had happened to the people in the last episdode
made a decent change from the Lost formula. Would like to see what they can do with it.
I really liked the show last year, and can't wait for the new season to begin. My guess is it's going to be kind of like an X-Files kind of thing with the FBI agents being called into investigate all the weird things going on around the 4400.


I liked 4400 as well and I am looking forward to the next season starting next week. I was planning on reviving the old thread from last time.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sweet, those are good enough accounts for me. I'll add the first season to my Netflix queue for next week before the season two premiere.

Thanks for the thoughts.


Dan said:
Sweet, those are good enough accounts for me. I'll add the first season to my Netflix queue for next week before the season two premiere.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Or you could wait till next Sunday and watch the entire season 1 starting at 12 PM.


Chili Con Carnage!
Theres a second season? w00t.

I was trying to pimp this show here but no one really paid attention. i saw it got good ratings though so i thought it would be back.

This should tied us over well for some of the time lost is away.


catfish said:
I quite liked it actually. Like to know where it goes after the first 5 episodes.

Were there only five episodes in the first season? Was it a miniseries? I always meant to watch it, somehow I missed it though.
What the hell is this show (about) anyway? It was one of the last shoots I was in, and I had no idea who was even a main character.


I watched everything up until the last episode. I really liked it too. Anyone want to key me in on what happend in teh final episode?

Nothing I hate more than a mystery series that is popular because people are genuinely interested in what happens, but the writers drag it out (because it is popular) to milk money, until people lose interest (by which stage, they end it in a tupid way, or at the very least, having noone actually care anymore).

That's why I like mini series...long enough to develop the story a lot, but it definitely ends. I liked Taken.


From what I gather, 4400 people, who were supposedly abducted by UFOs or something, and all returned at once, unaged from the time they were abducted, which for some has been several years, and the mystery is what happened, and why are they suddenly back.


Chili Con Carnage!
The end of the mini-series (lots of stuff happens but this is the main bit):

Its revealed that they were all taken by people from the future attempting to save the world from the usual (nuclear war), there was something special about their genes that meant they could be altered. They've all been put back with a specific purpose, subconsciously programmed to carry out their mission.

It was never explained why the future people didnt just come back and change things themselves.

Oh, and it was only the main detective knows (via his son who was in a coma), dont think they mentioned whether or not he decided to share the information.


USA is repeating the entire six-hour miniseries between 1pm and 7pm today with the second season starting right after that.


It was great, until the final episode. The last ep was terrible, but you forgive them because you figure they were rushed.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Well, I caught up on it all over the week so that I won't have to sit in front of the TV all day on Sunday. I quite enjoyed it. I was hooked pretty fast. Another good show with a sci-fi basis that's completely anchored by the characters. The last episode was a bit rushed, each character went through a major change/decision that seemed a bit quick, but oh well.

If there's any major complaint I could give it'd be the inclusion of modern pop rock songs, usually with the Shawn arc. Those bits made me feel like I was watching something lame like The OC. Some of the stuff with Shawn and his brother was a bit too soap opera-ish for my tastes, but it certainly wasn't a deal breaker.

I'll definitely be watching season two.
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