Looks definitely are a huge part of it. And its a positive feedback loop anyway. You are good looking chick so all guys in the room will practically run each other over trying to talk to you. Everyone's attention will be at you. A group will gather around you and everyone will listen to you etc. This gives immense confidence and soon you have both looks and confidence- an absolutely killer combo.
This works for guys too but to a much lesser extent. I was a 6.5-7 till 2014 but then joined gym and focused on styling and soon the attention was through the roof. Its a high that is tough to describe. Its amazing. But my general nature since my childhood was introvert only so I never reached the level of extrovertness and confidence my wife has. Nevertheless the boost in my confidence was day and night. Thats how I actually was able to get my current wife as my girlfriend, otherwise before she was completely out of my league

On the other hand what we guys have on our side is age. Girls loose their looks rapidly as they approach 40. And as long as we guys maintain a good head of hair and focus on fitness and styling, we age like fine wine and only get better. Add the maturity and wisdom of age and young girls, if thats what one desires, fall head over heels for middle-aged guys.