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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Gold Member

That kid just want to return home to keep playing COD.


This literally happens every Inauguration Day for every president ever. The country was founded on religion and it still has religious values baked into how it operates. Did you really expect this to change on a year when a Republican gets into office based on the votes of mostly religious people?

Dollars have "In god we trust"
Inaugurations are sworn on a bible and have sermons, etc.
School children must say "under god" every day

This. Must be some first time inauguration watchers here...
No-one ever watch an inauguration before? Swearing/praying has been the norm since the beginning, no?

As a Brit I will say any time I watch something US political that's ceremony-like I'm astonished by how religious it is. I always seem to forget, then I watch something and am surprised anew. Religion just isn't really a thing in politics here. (though it is a big part of events around the monarchy).
People here who are "grossed" out by Christianity (religion) during these ceremonies.

Just wondering, have any of you watched past US presidential inaugurations? Or even understand US tradition and history?
I'm guessing Trump will have a solid speech. It'll be similar to his victory election speech. It'll be gracious, but it won't sound sincere, since he'll just be reading someone else's words.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
"A politics frequently consumed by rancour"

Introducing our new POTUS, Donald J Trump!


this type of Jesus/God shit is creepy as hell.. the most powerful nation should not be guided by nonsense.

reminds me of how Bush 2 attacked Iraq because Jesus whispered to him to do it.. to stop the biblical characters Gog and Magog (or sth) from arising in Iraq. fucking madness.

i really hope Trump is a closet atheist and doesn't actually imagine doing God's work.

It's less about faith and more about having something that a majority of people have respect for, regardless of veracity. Think of it as a kind of "IF this god thing is real, you better hope you do the right thing and he likes you, k?".

See also: all US money


Come on. I know a lot of us just want to shit all over Trump and this event but let's not just throw stuff like this out there.

There was a big discussion about this when Trump won and the way he was acting. I'm just saying this because there is no need for people to shit on the kid if he does in fact have some sort of illness like this.

Thanks, Doctor Cmagus.

You're welcome
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