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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Well that is that. The planet can piss the fuck off down the pisser along with everything else this groin-haired stain will inflict along with his floppy cronies.

He looks so happy too bless him.



Wow global warming is causing havoc on the trees.


Trucker Sexologist
It's as traditional as everything else is since the US was founded. Even if you don't believe in it, it is simply tradition, like singing the national anthem before baseball games. Thinking there's some sort of menacing entanglement of politics and religion is nuts. So no, they don't.
Tradition isn't a good reason to do anything.


Dude cmon he just wants to enjoy his special day. Why you trying to ruin it with the reality of who Drumpf is?

I know right. I'm such an uppity minority trying to get Trump supporters to face the reality of the party they voted for. If only I'd just be quiet and let them steamroll over me.
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