You know...I've got some of the same feelings. I would really hate to think that the non-elimination leg was not decided ahead of time, but by seemed so convenient. It seemed like "Oh wow, we've got to keep this team in there, we can't have them give up a million dollars like this...let's switch it" and I'd HATE to see that be the case.
I don't share a hatred of Brandon and Nicole...because the second the race ends (Which was like back in March) they still have to live their everyday lives. If they didn't win the race, what would either of them go back to? I hate to defend their throwing away of one million dollars, as far as they knew, but there is definitely something to be said for continuing to earn a living.'s a million bucks, suck it up.
However...I've decided to stop forecasting ANYTHING to do with the Amazing Race. You assume elimination, and then BAM...non-Elimination, first back-to-back yet I think. I had decided it would alternate...nope. Double Non, Double Elimina...better not get ahead of myself at this point, by gawd. I assume that the Yield was shown the once to show us that someone would use it later...and then they show it again when NOBODY USES IT again! And then, Charla and Mirna are eliminated when we thought it was non-elimination, and then the exact opposite here! It's terrible! I'm giving up; my prediction for next week? Colin becomes Ghandi.
In other news...Chip and Kim show the second major chunk out of their armor in their misreading of the clue (Pulling a bit of a Heather and Eve from Season Three) and of course the money problems...and Colin shows off how much of an out of control asshole he is, but he and Christie still manage to come in first. Why? Because throughout all the bickering, somehow they're running a great race. Lucky bastard.
Based on the day/night split, I say we're looking at a 4-6 am vs. 8 am departure...but once again, all I'm saying for sure is that Colin=Ghandi.
This time shift threw me off...searched for a thread and saw nothing...that long part at the end threw me, damnit!
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Notice how they mentioned the yield this episode for the first time since the first episode, even though noone used it? I'm guessing that is setup for someone using it in the next episode.
You'd think so...but WHO THE FUCK KNOWS?!?!?!! *Pulls out hair, sadly not gaining a chance at winning a million dollars for doing so*
Oh...and the line of the night?
"(Mosques are) like Starbucks here" - Nicole.'ve got to get out more. You're so big on religion, and you compare Mosques to American coffe shops...oh boy.