Man... that first part? Awesome. Calgary? Awesome. But once they got to Dallas it was all over. Considering how both Brandon & Nicole (now known as Team Jesus) and Colin & Christie (I think I'll also refer to them as Team Psycho from now on, though Team Wifebeater was mooted at work) had some anger towards Chip & Kim (er, Team Parent Trap?), some sort of direct head-to-head-to-head event like the Ascender in the Philippines would have been MUCH better than the maze and traffic finale we got.
There was so much good in this episode though. The Philippines was awesome (barring the way NOBODY knew what the Philippine flag looked like -- surely they'd have seen it a fair few times in the airport, hotel, etc?), and though it was sad that the Bowling Moms went out it had to happen to set up a great finale, keyed on by two great bits: Team Jesus FREAKING OUT because Chip had the audacity to lie to their faces (hello, it's a race, get with it) and Chip's IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG, which caused me to run to the other side of the office and say, "Wait, did he just say it was on like DONKEY KONG?!".
Calgary was awesome. I loved the mountain bit, with Brandon and Colin urging their women forward:
<Brandon> Baby, just imagine that Jesus is on top of the mountain with this arms reaching out for you.
<Brandon> Go to Jesus, baby. Go to Jesus.
Nicole having a complete mental breakdown and then bitching out Brandon (who, in fairness, did Kerry a bit too much by never putting his foot down and making a decision) for what was HER mistake was also a highlight. And just when you thought Chip and Kim were out of it... you have a twist worthy of 24.
Sadly, once the dust settled from that remarkable slice of luck (and Colin not thinking things totally through -- yeah, you can ditch your bags by checking them in and not picking them up, BUT YOU HAVE TO TRAVEL WITH THEM -- that's just basic common sense), it was all over. Clever editing made it look close, but it really was all over.
I was really pulling for Team Psycho because I really did think they were the best team in the race (as Chip happily admitted: "You know I can't beat you in a straight fight" or somesuch). But at the end of the day it's the team that finishes first in the final leg that counts, and Chip & Kim were great winners. You can't fault them for lying or using the Yield, because it's a damned race and at the end of the day it's about winning. They had to do what they had to do. And that incredible bit of luck at the end? You need a bit of luck, and they got it. Good for them.
I'm just happy Team Jesus didn't win. Really, it's not an anti-religion thing, but they just BUGGED THE HELL OUT OF ME. They were whiny, annoying, kept bickering about stupid things, etc. Remember when they got conned in Africa and Nicole almost got into a fight?That blow-up in Calgary had been coming for a long, long time. And I'm sorry, but any team that refuses a Fast Forward that merely requires SHAVING YOUR HEAD does not deserve to win. I know you're models, but you're models in the last legs of The Amazing Race -- you'll get enough exposure from this to survive until your damn hair grows back, wusses.
(Though I have to say, Nicole was looking quite the hottie there. Not quite Christy, but still.)