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The Anarchist - Toronto's 'anti-capitalist' pay-when-you-can Cafe - goes broke.


Gold Member
Gabriel Sims-Fewer left Vancouver due to its "unwelcoming sense of classism" and became an entrepreneur, starting a coffee shop in Toronto by the name of The Anarchist. Branded as an "anti-capitalist, anti-colonial cafe, shop, and radical community space on stolen land," the café is the quintessential modern hipster hub, selling politically commercialized art, stickers, and other merchandise, as well as books on radical leftism. The shop carries high-end specialty coffee beans and a range of vegan and gluten-free pastry options — it is the paradise of a pseudo-Marxist.



Karl Marx suggested in the "Communist Manifesto" that the proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains." Little did he know that one day an anti-capitalist would lose his overpriced coffee house.
The Anarchist is a leftist establishment in Toronto that touts itself as an "anti-capitalist, anti-colonial cafe, shop and radical community space on stolen land."

It was run into the ground by a self-described anti-capitalist from Vancouver who liberally utilized the hashtag #AbolishWork and #BeGayDoCrime.

"Unfortunately, the lack of generational wealth/seed capital from ethically bankrupt sources left me unable to weather the quiet winter season, or to grow in the ways needed to be sustainable longer-term," the owner, Gabriel Sims-Fewer wrote last week.

"It’s been an amazing experience, connecting with so many great community members, sparking desperately needed debate, raising the blood pressure of Conservatives (that includes you, “anarcho-capitalists” and “Libertarians”), fulfilling the dream of most service workers by not having to tolerate the presence of professional class-traitors (pigs and military), and experimenting with living and working in ways that don’t enthusiastically embrace the pure misanthropy of Capitalism," he continued


Gold Member
Didnt know it existed, but I googled it and it's downtown at Jarvis/Dundas which is prime real estate. The shop is probably a 5 or 10 min walk away from Eaton Centre.

Would had done better if he sold his overpriced junk with a fun pro-capitalist angle to it since people with money live downtown in overpriced condos and old ass townhouses worth millions.



The whole thing seems like a bad grift. I had to dig through a few articles to realize that only drip coffee was pay when you can. The Anarchist was a normal cafe by all other metrics.


Gold Member
The whole thing seems like a bad grift. I had to dig through a few articles to realize that only drip coffee was pay when you can. The Anarchist was a normal cafe by all other metrics.
And if that's the case, that drip coffee is going to be some Walmart bargain bin coffee. A cup probably has the cost of 25 cents.

I remember my buddy who ran vending machines around town wuld say his highest margin drink was coffee. I thought it would be a can of pop. Back then a can of pop was probably 25 cents cost and he'd charge $1.

I asked him what a cup of coffee costs you to do. He said about a dimes worth.


And if that's the case, that drip coffee is going to be some Walmart bargain bin coffee. A cup probably has the cost of 25 cents.

I remember my buddy who ran vending machines around town wuld say his highest margin drink was coffee. I thought it would be a can of pop. Back then a can of pop was probably 25 cents cost and he'd charge $1.

I asked him what a cup of coffee costs you to do. He said about a dimes worth.

The diner where I grew up offers free drip coffee without any pretense. Nobody will say a thing if you walk up to the counter and ask them to pour some in your own cup. The business has survived decades. I suppose it's longevity can be attributed to serving good brunch instead of donuts and radical politics.


Gold Member
The diner where I grew up offers free drip coffee without any pretense. Nobody will say a thing if you walk up to the counter and ask them to pour some in your own cup. The business has survived decades. I suppose it's longevity can be attributed to serving good brunch instead of donuts and radical politics.
And places that even charge a customer 99 cents with free refills aren't making a killing on it. But the key is the customers buy other shit to go with it, and come back for more food & drink.

By the looks of it, nobody gave a shit about buying his overpriced stuff whether it were political books, tshirts or premium priced beans.

There's only so much political knick knacks you can sell. And even thought Toronto is the biggest city with the most money doesn't mean it's a slam dunk. The city IMO is pretty pragmatic and just want a well run city and people are responsible for their own life and career. The shop owner is from Vancouver. Like west coast Americans, you get more political people over there whether it's eco-friendly stuff, pro drugs or BC locals pissed Chinese investors hoarded up properties the past 30 years jacking up prices.

He put up a shop with a political view in the wrong city. He should had put it up in BC in an area where there's pissed off locals in that middle income kind of neighbourhood who want patio drinking customers of high end coffee who are destined to be life time renters in a run down condo. Thats the target market. Not Toronto people.


The shop carries high-end specialty coffee beans and a range of vegan and gluten-free pastry options — it is the paradise of a pseudo-Marxist.
Guys, it’s really not that difficult to pick a book and read about Marx. Also, fuck Marx. Fuck Che as well. No, you are not edgy with your t-shirt, Che would have put you to the firing squad for being a capitalist imperialist pig.
Fuck communism.


Gold Member
Guys, it’s really not that difficult to pick a book and read about Marx. Also, fuck Marx. Fuck Che as well. No, you are not edgy with your t-shirt, Che would have put you to the firing squad for being a capitalist imperialist pig.
Fuck communism.
He would have never let Toronto be so multicultural either and would denounce Nu Communism.

But keep rocking those shirts of a well documented racist, ya little re re's.
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Gold Member
Check out Google reviews and sort by lowest score. The owner's responses are hilarious. That's what you get from crazy left leaning owners.

Even more hilarious is that there's a million coffee cafes (small and big) that survive fine. Guy cant even last one year.


Check out Google reviews and sort by lowest score. The owner's responses are hilarious. That's what you get from crazy left leaning owners.

Even more hilarious is that there's a million coffee cafes (small and big) that survive fine. Guy cant even last one year.

You beat me to posting. I loved the response about the cafe being a side hustle to entice merchandise purchases. I'm happy that the market ignored his grift.


Gold Member
until energy becomes essentially free (e.g star trek) we need a system of reward for human effort

did I miss anything


Gold Member
Reality as become more funnier than comedy movies.

Dude looks like arekkzgaming twin.
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Check out Google reviews and sort by lowest score. The owner's responses are hilarious. That's what you get from crazy left leaning owners.

Even more hilarious is that there's a million coffee cafes (small and big) that survive fine. Guy cant even last one year.
The official Instagram is even worse, you do wonder how these people even interact in a society.



"It’s been an amazing experience, connecting with so many great community members, sparking desperately needed debate, raising the blood pressure of Conservatives (that includes you, “anarcho-capitalists” and “Libertarians”), fulfilling the dream of most service workers by not having to tolerate the presence of professional class-traitors (pigs and military), and experimenting with living and working in ways that don’t enthusiastically embrace the pure misanthropy of Capitalism," he continued
Is it even legal to refuse service to someone because of their profession?


Gold Member
It's funny seeing all the comments saying "It's so sad, what can I do to help?" with the response, "Well, I could use money", that then gets the reply "Well, I don't have any money but carry on comrade!". If these dipsticks had any money to put where their mouth is this guy would be sitting pretty. Good riddance.
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