I reckon a double firing could happen tonight. Lord Sugar's seems to be holding back for a cull.
close, but not today
I reckon a double firing could happen tonight. Lord Sugar's seems to be holding back for a cull.
close, but not today
Is You're Fired live or do they just pre screen the episode for the studio audience first?
If they're refusing to do You're Fired, they must have been fired in pretty spectacular fashion. I look forward to it.
Did she just offer a lower price for less copies?
It'l be popular after tonight... Especially when that team wins."We don't have anything popular; we have Snottydink."
Surely "Selling your baby for £2? What a heartless mother I am! " is one of the best quotes this series.
Brett rather than Selena? WTF?!
Natalie is fucking awful!
Looks like a week 1 type task next week.