A Human Becoming
More than a Member
That's cleared up then.I believe Foxdie was originally referencing Austero as the person (Lucille 2), not the name specifically. I think the wordplay only refers to SitWell/StandPoor.
That's cleared up then.I believe Foxdie was originally referencing Austero as the person (Lucille 2), not the name specifically. I think the wordplay only refers to SitWell/StandPoor.
Tobias, you blowhard!
I'm blown away as I was thinking how odd of a name Maebe is until I realized that when paired with the last name Bluth, it could be interpreted as "Maybe Bluth?" as in "Maybe she's a Bluth?" because the show is very vague whether she is really of the Bluth bloodline when George Michael wonders if its okay if he could have relations with her.
I can't believe that it took me THIS long to figure that out. Mind blown! Its like the whole Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog thing.
I'm blown away as I was thinking how odd of a name Maebe is until I realized that when paired with the last name Bluth, it could be interpreted as "Maybe Bluth?" as in "Maybe she's a Bluth?" because the show is very vague whether she is really of the Bluth bloodline when George Michael wonders if its okay if he could have relations with her.
I can't believe that it took me THIS long to figure that out. Mind blown! Its like the whole Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog thing.
Heh, today's episodes synopsis pics immediately reminded me of something. A little OT, but I literally just started watching Veep last night and blue through the entire first season (Only eight episodes). Maggie and Buster are leads on the show...and essentially have the same personalities as their AD counterparts lol. Great show so far. A worthy smart poli-comedy for AD fans, IMO.
That scene in particular is one of my favorite scenes in the series. The way Buster says "Get. Him. Out of here." is gold.
Just rewatched part of the first season today.
"They can't arrest a husband and wife for the same crime" *wink*
Fixed.Amazing episode. I love the meta jokes (Barry jumping a shark and the AD Lawsuit) and the not-so-subtle Burger King sponsorship.
Steve Holt is a bastard.
Just not Poe!
Should've referenced J. M. Barrie.
I don't know that reference.
He's just making an allusion.
I love how all of Lucille's insults about Lindsay being fat as a child were just a way of continuously hiding her real age and parentage.
I don't know that reference.
My favorite moments of the episode are GOB requesting some tea "Yeah, I need a tea to give my dingle less tingle. Me quick want slow. Wait, that's Indian.", when he cuts himself with the Sword of Destiny and when Tobias yells at Ted:
Tobias: I'm sorry. Ted?
Ted: Yes?
Tobias: Is it Ted? Did Ted make an appointment?
Ted: No, I just work down the hallway ...
Tobias: No? Well, then, Ted can get the hell out of this office! You get the hell out! (to Michael) And that's how you keep out unwanted visitors.
Zach in his last AMA on Reddit said he would have liked to come back to the show but was never asked.
I loved the drunken party that was supposed to be Lucille's intervention. It's hilarious with Buster playing piano, Michael wearing Franklins wig and Tobias dancing.
Michael: Go ahead and tell Gob that I'll be telling the cops that it was him in the truck so he'll be joining me here. I've got a nice hard cot with his name on it.
Lucille: You'd do that to your own brother?
Michael: I said "cot".
I died the first time I heard that