This record meets none of the criteria to be called the greatest album of a decade.. let alone the fucking 80s.
Reminds me of Paul Dano
What are the criteria?
Lewis is a great find, and anyone that collects vinyl knows that there is this whole other world of amazing music just waiting to be found from the 80's and beyond.
I found an album called Spectral Display from 1982. Great stuff.
Best song is "It Takes A Muscle To Fall In Love": (just let the synths hit)
And "You Don't Know", which I uploaded myself since it didn't seem to exist anywhere else:
Now we're getting somewhere, what else have you got?
YouTube uploads
It seems you've got the material to start one, sounds like a good idea.Sorry to derail thread, we might just need an obscure vinyl thread up in here!
Woahhhh wait, if this is legit where did you get this?
It seems you've got the material to start one, sounds like a good idea.
Its the internet, so this is probably just marketing bullshit.
Its probably just some regular album recorded fairly recently that they pushed as "by a mysterious dude from the 80s no one can find" to add hype to it on Pitchfork and such.
Gonna have to disagree with you on best 80s album there OP:
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
I see where your coming from, but you're wrong on this one. I saw this album in record store bins as far back as the 90's. It's legit.
Gonna have to disagree with you on best 80s album there OP:
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
Wow I really hate Pitchfork. They took some obscure album and created some bull shit mythology behind it, and now it is a thing.
Ok. Well now that the cat is out of the bag, I will shed a little light to wet the tastebuds... A Canadian digger turned a copy of this up 2 months ago and sold it to Light in the Attic. In a great irony, it was the same guy who we asked to go to the studio in Vancouver to ask about the recordings done there in the mid '00s. In an even greater irony, he found the record in his storage unit just thumbing through the refuse of some old buys. Such is life. The copy currently on eBay landed at THE SAME record store that Aaron bought his copies from years ago. It has been confirmed as having been recorded in Calgary, despite the address on the back for R.A.W. Corp which is actually a PO Box at a mailboxes etcetera type place in Beverly Hills.
The label had me come in and I found the disc under the coffee table, while Matt was on the phone. I initially thought it was a total hoax, but they handed me a CD-R and listening to it on the ride home I was pretty blown away. It's a great follow-up to an incredible record, and is decidedly even more personal and strange. The unintentional nods to Badalamenti on the first disc take a plunge into deep red room turf on "Romantic Times" and in some ways he feels like a necromancer waiting to make an appearance on that vaunted show. 5 years before it aired. I'll save the rest for the liner notes. Suffice to say, it's a doozy, and for me a future big one in the real people / twilight zone camp.
I see where your coming from, but you're wrong on this one. I saw this album in record store bins as far back as the 90's. It's legit.
You saw it in record store bins, yet nobody know what it was until like three months ago? Still guessing its some kind of marketing ploy.
Lewis is a great find, and anyone that collects vinyl knows that there is this whole other world of amazing music just waiting to be found from the 80's and beyond.
I found an album called Spectral Display from 1982. Great stuff.
Best song is "It Takes A Muscle To Fall In Love": (just let the synths hit)
And "You Don't Know", which I uploaded myself since it didn't seem to exist anywhere else: