#19 not bad.
#1 for food though, for sure.
#1 for food though, for sure.
I hear that from my friends in CO all the time. Turns out they just don't know what high rents are for an in demand city. New studio apartments in DC start at around $2,500 for a little under 500 square feet.
If you can live in a city without a roommate and spend less than 50% of your gross on rent/mortgage you're still living the dream compared to high COL areas.
Man, I have to say I'm surprised New York didn't make it into the top 20, and that it barely made the top 100.
I'm from Winston-Salem, and have lived for a while in Charlotte and Boone. It's a great state.
Good on Raleigh and Charlotte but I find it kind of strange that Raleigh is so high up. Maybe I've just been to the bad parts (in Durham especially) but it never really came across to me as being that great, despite a place so typically upper crust as Duke University being right there.
San Diego being that high is bullshit. Place is racist as fuck if you go to the outer edges of it.
Fayetteville? Dafuq is that place doing at 3?
Insane here in North Dallas at the moment. I envy the people in my neighborhood who are bailing out and getting PAID. Not as easy to do that when you have a couple kids in school. I've been in my house for two years and could easily sell for 20% more than what I paid.
no better in austin. Girlfriend just bought an 800 sqft condo for almsot $200k.
Seattle breh
Durham rocks. It's amazing to see the growth. The beer scene is kicking, ponysaurus, fullsteam, and bull city beer put out some amazing beer. There's durty Durham brewery that just opened up that specializes in sours, there's bull city cider works, and even a hard liquor distillery. .
15℅ of the score is dependent on people actually wanting to live there. That right there makes places like Fayetteville jump several levels because who the fuck says "maaaaaan, I really wanna live in Fayetteville."
That's the point I was making. 15℅ is 'pie in the sky, I've dreamed about living there my whole life.' I assume no one ever says that about anywhere in Arkansas, so they made it to third place off the other categories alone. If not for the 15℅ given to people just saying they want to live somewhere, I assume Fayetteville would have been #1 easily.Fayetteville actually scored fairly low when it came to desirability, the other categories made up for it though.
It's cool. We'll just continue living in the best city in the world, and let the flyover states fight over these nonsensical lists.
Durham rocks. It's amazing to see the growth. The beer scene is kicking, ponysaurus, fullsteam, and bull city beer put out some amazing beer. There's durty Durham brewery that just opened up that specializes in sours, there's bull city cider works, and even a hard liquor distillery. Hell even the Durham bulls stadium make their own beer. In the past 6 years downtown Durham went from a place I wouldn't want to be after work to a thriving little city.
Might be biased as I just bought a house in Durham last year.
4) Raleigh-Durham, NC
15) Charlotte, NC
19) Charleston, SC
Born in #25 (Harrisburg, PA) - moved out when I was 11. I liked it there a lot, but still surprises me when I see it on these lists. I know it was on Forbes' list of 10 best places to raise a family a couple years ago.
Anyone else familiar with Harrisburg? I don't really know what it's like as an adult.
1) Denver, CO