shanshan310 said:Hey, anyone know anything about Sakura house?
I see their ads everywhere... Thinking about staying with them but I don't know how good they are etc. Photos of the rooms range from pretty okay to pretty damn disgusting but its always hard to tell with these things. Was hoping to bring my partner along but although they have 2-person prices the rooms don't look like they would fit two beds, and none of them are doubles. Still, it seems like a great place to stay if you're looking to go to Japan for a couple of months but still have freedom and privacy you wouldn't get with a host family/ hostel.
EDIT: Sorry I know this is more Japan travel than Japan language.
I've stayed in Sakura house for about 4 months now. It's pretty good... just go check out the room before you sign anything. There should be plenty of rooms available, and don't forget you can barter with them.